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My Latest and Greatest Personal Use Rosin Press


New member
Just used mine yesterday. Not a single complaint about either DabPress unit so far. Really loving rosin for edibles.

I love my press.

Any links or recommendations for using rosin in edibles?

I'm about tired of butter/oil for cooking.




Well-known member
I don't even bother making edibles [butter/oi] any more. I can never get it strong enough.

I take the rosin and decarb it in a tiny Pyrex beaker on a hotplate set to about 250F. You can also use and oven at about the same temp [I like 240 in the oven].

Heat it long enough for the large bubbles to stop. Small bubbles are OK around the edge. Once the large bubbles stop, I turn the hotplate down to about 140F and mix in some liquid sunflower lecithin [to help with bioavailability] and some myrcene [also for bioavailablity]. I like it very strong but if you like it weaker, you can add some coconut oil to thin it to your desired strength.

Then, I use a syringe to take it from the beaker and put it into capsules. I pop those in the fridge and take them as needed.

Hope this helps.


Mr. Greengenes

Re-incarnated Senior Member
ICMag Donor
Alert, this is a response to a post in another thread. My apologies for being off topic, it was a mistake!

I've been making rosin in coconut oil suspension for a little over a year now. Some thoughts about consumption;

First, it only takes a little oil to 'dissolve' (more like suspend) the rosin enough to dispense with a dropper. If you press at low temps, the rosin will not be decarboxylated, so you can dose higher without getting ripped. A fair number of folks prefer it this way. One friend reported that his drops got more potent over time. He thought it was because of body heat from carrying the bottle around in his shirt pocket. Others (I didn't try it yet) said that a few drops baked on a cookie kicked the meds up into 'recreational' territory.

In any case, you can just dose the non decarbed rosin/oil higher and you will get recreational level buzz. It is possibly a bit different feeling though. More stimulating, and 'up' is what everyone says. Maybe the THC is a bit downplayed, while the terpenes are not?

Green (chlorophyll) might not taste great when dabbing rosin, but it's very desirable if you plan to eat it. Phytol (and other phytochemicals) are known to promote good flora and fauna in the lower intestines, so don't go crazy trying to make your rosin look like shatter if you plan to take it internally. One of the first things you'll notice when swallowing rosin-oil-suspension is that it calms your tummy, immediately.

After making a few batches of way-too-strong drops, we settled on the amount of 1-2 grams (strain dependent) of rosin in a 15ml bottle of coconut oil. That seems to be the amount that the medical folks can do 2-5 drops and the rec folks can just eat a whole dropper full, and everyone is as happy as they want to be!

Oh, almost forgot about the accidental 'head dose' experiment! One day, I licked off the tool I was using to transfer globs of rosin (who hasn't done this?) and a glob stuck to the back of my upper front teeth. Tasted mighty strong for a few minutes, but after a few sips of water it calmed down and I forgot about it. About twenty minutes later I noticed that my mouth was numb. A few minutes after this my whole head felt the same way. I had just been to the dentist the day before, and the lack of pain was very noticeable. About forty minutes after eating the glob, I started to feel seriously high. Just about at the point where you start wishing you hadn't eaten that last edible, it was that strong. Then, about ten minutes later, it started to ease off. About an hour and a half after eating, the effects had all but worn off. My thoughts are that I bypassed the stomach/intestines route and received what amounted to a topical dose direct to the head. Anyone else have an experience like this? Like I said, I'm sure lots of other folks have licked rosin off a knife or transfer tool.


Dipshit Know-Nothing
ICMag Donor
No but I made a batch of rosin infused chocolate syrup and used hot milk to clean up the bowl/tools. Obviously didn't have a clue on how much syrup but fuck it, science!

I was still stoned 18hrs later.