Looking good brother. You not growing outside this year? One more GS to come down soon. First GS is still chilling in a ball jar.
Nothing outdoors this summer. The rules for MMJ change the first of July so growing outdoors would put me over my allowable plants.
do you take the BO 70+?
Exactly right, 'cept I'm going the other way and having my allotment outdoors in the greenhouses, I still have two holes left to fill with 6 different strains competing for the spots. Latest two are Flo and Black Lime Reserve, still waiting for them to sex.
This latest law has really made it hard to do any strain creation and testing and still keep a steady supply of meds on the shelf.
sorry if you mentioned it already but is that jihad the same cut SG1 works with?
Heya pak, did ok with my GS2 and GS3. Not what they can do since i had issues early on with them. 107g fron GS2 and about 160g of GS3. Got some more hazes to flower out after they've doubled in size to 25 0r 30". My temps have been bad since may and it hurt my current two in flower. Your looking good brother
A good veg and plenty of growing media combined with height helps alot. I know the plant is capable of much more than that though. I made a lot of mistakes with them. I like the bud structure on them. Not able to really smoke them yet.3