Again are doing a fantastik job with those!!...........Those 2 bud shots with Bob in the background look scrumpdidliumpsious!!! Awesome Job!!!
Tthanks everybody for the nice comments. Looks like my plants might finish at different times. The northern Lights might pass the Garberville Purple up. And when the heck does Garberville Purple actually turn Purple?
Sammet, yeah I really cant think of a whole lot of different types of pictures to take so I stick with the close ups, I like em.
cali thanks for the kind words you guys always make me feel like I know what Im doing and I really dont.
Im wondering if now is a good time to start my flushing. I am using Technafloras recipe for success. So I will be using MagiCal and alot of Sugardaddy 8 tsp per gallon of water magical is a 1/2 tsp to a gallon. I dont know if I should continue the purple maxx or stop. I have noticced the leaves are slowly starting to show some purplish spost from the stems spreading our a little. I really hope the Garberville Purple actually purples a little, I know It doesnt really mean anything to have purple weed but I think its cool. And I have never grown any purple weed. So I guess i didnt get completely screwed cause The purple maxx said it definately helped with crystalization and maxing out trich developement and I think that it really has helped for being under T5's.
I dont have any current pics at the moment and dont really know if I could upload any right now Im having a hard time finding which keys to press at the moment. I just rolled and smoked a fat spliff to the last little bit of bud and paper was gone. Im waiting for my lights to come on now. Might be able to take some pics tonight but I really dont know if I will be able to upload anything tonight and that includes the wife, damn good weed! Later guys.
bomb a$$ thread bro i been here lurkin,ur plants are coming to be out the bomb,that gravity is a beast huh.too bad they taxin for it.peace yo,ill be bock.
YwouldntI thanks for stopping by man. Appreciate the kind words.
Been due for a much needed update. I took a couple of pics last night but was medicated heavily. As I am now and every other waking moment of my life.
Plants are really giving off a smell now. Plants stink to High Heaven and are looking great. Some yellowing in fan leaves near top colas but its ok they are almost done. I figure the NL probably have another wekk to go I started flushing a little late for them. This seems to be the hardest part of the grow to me, Judging when to start flushing your plants. I know you can sample a small bud and determine if you like the high and start flushing then but I really hate sampling off my plants while they are still in the ground. I tried it and would just rather wait to harvest to taste the fruits of my Labor ...............Damn I got off topic a little. My Garberville Purple probably has another 2 weeks to go. My Garberville Purple also is starting to turn Purple, or at least parts of it are. Some of the upper fan leaves are slowly turning purple from the stem out to the leaf tips. I only have a couple pics as mentioned above because I was high and thought I had a bunch of pics taken. The lights are off now but I will try and get some more pics tonight.
P.S. Tonight Im going to be inspecting some trichomes hopefully. I have also noticed some slight purple color in some of the Northern Lights fan leaves.
Garberville Purple
The flash makes it look alot lighter than it actually is, I did'nt think to take the flash off though
Garberville Purple
Group Shot
Garberville Purple
Northern Lights
Garberville Purple
Ok peeps, Im going to try and get some better pics tonight and have them up here but I cant promise anything. I plan on having a hevy induced smoking session later on this evening as well.
Thanks Bro. Well Form what i have been told Garberville Purple is a very purple plant but there are those out there that purple very little if any at all. I think the Purple Maxx snow storm helps bring out the color in a plant and will help aid in trichome development.
The purple max sounds nice if it will make my plants look like yours. I think I remember it being like 50 dollers though, quite a cost. As someone said earlier, classic D rock!
Daaank, where did you pick up that purple garberville, and is it the garberville cut? or is that the actual name?
Someone mentioned to me that I might have purple kush(garberville cut) but I can't say for sure, you gerberville purple looks a lot heaftier than mine that's for sure! And under t5's!!! Bravo!
Excelatit thanks for dropping by and about the purple maxx I think I payed about $38.00 bucks for it at the local hydro shop.
Caligreen thanks for the applaud! I asked the person who gave me these beans if they were a kush strain and he said absolutely not that it was just Garberville Purple.
Karma Genetics thanks so much for the kind words, The smell on the northern lights is sweet if a trichome is broken, or if I just happen to walk in the room I get a musky stinch that is actually appealing to smell. I really cant explain it I just notice it gets stronger as time leghtens in my flowering period.