Just got back from the Head shop and picked up a new piece, Im going to eat lunch and then snap some picks of this new addition to the family, Oh boy am I excited!
Snap. I just got back from the post office with a new custom 2 peice glass vape whip from the USA. I'll test it out tomorrow when I post a smoke report. What did you get? Enjoy buddy.
A buddy of mine has a bong just like your old one, bad thing was you could never see how dirty the water was, or .............maybe that is a good thing
I've been smoking all day out of this thing. Damn Fine Piece. Hey Dog I could never see the water to tell if it was dirty as well and could usually smell it first. It was alot heavier than the clear one. Someone told me it was cause it was a heavy soft glass... whatever that means. The bubble bags are cool but I dont know that I will have enough plant material to make good use of the 8 bag kit maybe 4 or 5 bags. I found some good videos on making bubble hash and it seems fairly easy. I have only had finger hash scraped from my sore fingers after picking my buds clean. Later guys.
that glass on glass is a nice upgrade.
yeah the bags rule too looks like yer all set.
i got some cush trim think ill use my bags tonight if i got enoughh ice.
man i love the bag hash in the volcano if not a bit too powerfull peace
Sorry guys about not updating my journal. I have been baked for the last two weeks. I have to slow down a bit. Anyway on to the grow. I chopped the Grapefruit and my mystery strain that I thought was Hiindu Kush on 6-6-08 which was Day 58 of flower. Wasnt able to get alot od pics cause some of them came out blurry.......I wonder why?
This was from the first grapefruit plant that I chopped. Guys these buds smell so sweet. when you touch the trichs and smell your fingers it smells like candy of some sort.
Grapefruit in the box right after I finished trimming the bigger buds were hung up on clothes hangers in the closet. The smaller buds were put inside a drying box that I conjured up.
These are the mystery strain drying before they go into jars.
These two pics are Grapefruit, damn I cant wait to smoke some of this.
Got some new beans the other day.
~Blue Mystic~
A freebie pack of
~Sam the Skunkman's Original T* Haze x Skunk 1~
I have 6 Northern Lights that had to wait before they went under the T5 and thats why they look so pitiful but just give them another week and they will be back to where they are suppose to be. These are the Last of My NL beans next grow might be Sadhu.
All the trim is in the freezer and has been there for a little over 24 hrs. Im going to attempt Bubble hash on my next day off. Thats all for now guys. Check you all out later.
Sammet thanks bro, I plan on enjoying it real good. thanks for stopping by.
Dr Dog thanks for the compliment. I spread a tarp out then trim all the clippings into a lined garbage can and when Im done with the trim it goes into the freezer for hash. Im really anal about being clean. Some of my friends are annoyed by it but I just like to be clean and neat.
Thanks guys for constantly stopping by and giving support, Its much appreciated and I have learned alot from watching some of you guys awesome grows, Peace guys.
looks great Drock...I look forward to a smoke report on the GF..Im gonna try her next run, I think...Did u buy femmed seeds or reg???from what company???Peace bro
sorry I have been real busy lately and havent checked the journal lately or updated with pics. Zeus the Grapefruit smells like I have cittrus in a jar. I Guess I could fill out one of those fancy smoke report things you guys do.
Just made bubble hash, last night. took pics.
Been trying to figure out what the hell is wrong with my plants, and I think I accidently introduced spider mites and I think i have caught it early enough to fix the problem I just spoted some weird looking spots on the plant and pulled out the microscope and I be damed there was a little fugger lookin right back at me.
So I am off to the hydroshop 2morrow to get some neem oil and hopefully get rid of this problem once and for all. I snapped some pics but it might take a while to get them up here. Im sampling what my friend confirmed to be Hindu Kush. So I was growing it after all. He knows about 100x's more than me when it comes to the herb. He is the friend of mine who left the bubble bags. well last night he stopped back through on buissness and left me another T5 light only this one is alot smaller than the one Im using now its the 4 bulb 24" model. He also left some Tiger bloom and some Liquid Karma for me. He is my brother from another mother. Will try to get the pics up soon guys.
Was thinking of getting a small hut for the other light and possible having a mother plant and some clones going. I dont know if the light is big enough though. We shall see.