Huh, thats what 2 of these kittens are like-black with dark grey/lightblack stripes. I think they will probably fade as they get older. I hope not though, as I like it...
Well got new camera sooner than expected. So here are the long awaited pics. There is 3 kittens but only took pics of 2 as one lil girl has conjuntivitis. But vet said with antibiotics and a warm salt water eye bath every 3-4hrs will see her looking cute as ever with in 4-5 days. Also I did not take too many pics as they wriggle around like lil worms and it's to hard to snap a good pic. Once they are used to being handled more I will take some more.
Mum and kitty's after a feed;
And the other one I have not nicknamed yet. Have'nt really seen her true personality yet as she has been sick on and off from day one(runt)...But I like Tinker so far. My husband doesn't though...Lol
Kittens are now 4 weeks old. All are good n healthy and running around all over the place. The Mum doesn't stop chit chatting to them all day and night. I have never heard such a talkative mother before like her. It drives us crazy at night as the kittens come into our room to keep them away from the Dad. And all she does is talk all night to them, obviously telling them to keep frikkin still so she can sleep.
We have a picked a keeper of the 3. The black and white one which is a girl. And we are calling her "Geisha" after the strain- 'Black Geisha' by Foomar.
I really wanted to keep 2(the battler/survivor aswell) but I have to be realistic. And I chose the black and white as she reminds me sooo much of a past cat I loved very much. I really would like to keep the other just to make sure it has a good life as I have a real soft spot for him. But 3 cats is 1 too many as it is already-especially considering they are 65-70 % inside cats and only go out in a play area enclosure out the backyard.
I will be a fussy bitch when it comes to giving them away aswell...
Here are some pics of them now. You will notice that one has a sore eye due to a claw obviously from one of the other kittens going into it. I have been bathing it (AGAIN-)this is the battler/survivor who also got conjuntivitis at about 3 days of age but healed well. He is not having much luck with his eyes. I knew some problem would occur as they usually do with runts and he was born with breathing complications too. Hence my soft spot-but I don't handle heartbreak very well- who does...
they R pertty......make a old man smile......cut...even.......lookz like they R doing stellar....and happy AZ can be.......glad everybody pulled thru....
g8t happy for U Mel.......kick the old man for
stay safe U guyz..........oneLUV............
By the way yortbogey, I love your new avi and comment underneath it.
Glad I and they made you smile with this thread. Thats exactly why I shared it.
You stay safe to m8...