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My First DWC

Hi All,

Well I'm hip deep in it now. After finishing my grow cab with a lot of great help and input, I've got my first DWC going. I'm keeping three different varieties of mothers to clone from, and the cab can accomodate up to 4 rubbermaid tubblers. The mothers are Agent Orange, a Sativa from a bagseed I sprouted (which luckily turned out to be female) and another known high yielder - all now known females. My first round of cloning was a 75% failure - I was using vermiculite in a tupperware tray covered with plastic wrap, and only 4-5 of 18 clones rooted. I have another round going, this time to the strict instructions I've read on this site. I'm not misting the clones directly, soaked the rockwool cubes in mild General Hydroponic 3 part solution (mixed for seedlings and cuttings), and have a heat mat under them to raise the temp to about 80 degrees. I check them every few hours and I'm keeping the humidity up.

Mothers and Clones

The surviving clones from the first round are now in the tubblers, and seem to be doing well. At first I used straight tap water, which was a huge mistake.:yoinks: For the first two weeks there was virtually no growth and the plants were yellowing and dying rapidly, so I bit the bullet and picked up 25 gals. of RO water, drained, and started over. The pH was also bouncing up a full point every day, so I know the hard water was buffering the pH. When I mixed the nutes (GH full strength for veg growth) the pH was down to 5.2, but in the first week has climbed right into the 5.8 range, and is holding well (I checked tonight). :jump:The plants have responded, and are already showing roots through the buckets. Two of the clones I gambled on and and despite that they had no roots, I plopped them in anyway, and they rooted right in the DWC. They still all look pretty yellow, but the rooted ones are growing, and the ones that weren't rooted are catching up. When I first put them in the uS = 2650 and the PPM = 1540, measured with a Hanna combo meter. If the clones in the tray pop, I'll get some more RO water and start two more tubblers. I'll try to post regularly, but forgive me if I miss a week. It's winter, so the temps in the cab are holding between 70 and 80 degrees, but the 600W light with electronic ballast is heating the farm up! There is zero chance of a grow in any season but winter for me, so I'm trying to maximize the one season grow that I can. :woohoo:

Anyways, I'm pretty happy so far - more to come soon, and thanks to everyone who pitched ideas for the grow cab. As always, any thoughts or help are deeply appreciated.

When I first put them in the uS = 2650 and the PPM = 1540, measured with a Hanna combo meter.

Are you saying the PPM for your newly rooted clones is at 1540? If that is what mean then you will burn young plants with that strong a nutrient solution. I would start out at 300-500 then work my way up about 100 a week or so.... If I'm misunderstanding disregard me!


Active member
Hey looking good, just to re-emphasize your learning points:
Dont use any nutes on unrooted clones. RO + hormone will get you roots. Sometimes cuttings will yellow a bit right before and during initial root growth. This is usually when I check at day 5 or so. Cutting may also yellow from excess CO2 or too much light (believe it or not).

When you take a cut, that plant piece essentially has to divert whatever energy it can to rooting while maintaining metabolic activity in a severely depreciated state.
Hi All,

Smokes: No - you did not misunderstand - I have to admit - yes - the clones went right into full strength nutes. Right now the plants are very light in color, and still growing (what I think) is a bit slowly, though root development looks good. I'm thinking that I'll drain about 1/3rd of the solution, and top off with just RO water to dilute, and see what happens.

Bbing: I hear you loud and clear! I think the tray and rockwool might generate better results, and yep - I did use rooting hormone. Funny thing too - not one single Agent Orange clone rooted, which really disappointed me, as you can imagine! Just to be perfectly specific, this was my starting nute batch:

Three part GH solution mixed to veg growth ratio.
10 teaspoons Calmag per tubbler (directions were 1 tsp/gal - tubblers held 13 gals to start, so I was a bit light.)
3 tsps epsom salts per tubbler

Thanks all - more to come soon.


Active member
Knock off epsom for now. Way too much shit to throw at starts. Use 4ml micro 8ml bloom after you have a gaggle of new roots. I use just a bit of grow (cuz i still have it @) like 2ml/gl to newly formed rooted clones for first feed then use lucas and dilutions of it from there on out.

I dont know what else to tell you. I throw the smallest cuts ever (AO) in perlite and tap water and have 100% results (w/ or w/out hormone). I would consider it the easiest mostly sativa to clone in my limmited experience.

You gota a meter. Post some fricking readings! I still think your throwing too much at them too soon.

BTW, I let the last batch go extra and turn purple. Then I let her cure extra long in the jar. MMMMMMMmmmmmmm tangeriiiiine......

Trust me,
you want to get her right :wink:


Kool nice set up! Those moms look great. Lots of clones to play with. Cloning can be a challanging thing to learn. Theres as many wats to clone as there are ways to grow. Finds one that works good for you and you rates will be %95-%100 before to long. I finly setteled on a areoponic cloner that I made myself using a 5gl bucket, 350gph pump (like $15- $20) and 10-360deg mister. I went ahead and ordered the replacement mister that the E-Z cloneners use less than a $1 each. I got a pipe insulator, the gray 6' sections that are slit down the middle and slip over the pipe. Cut it like a hotdog ( in rings) wrap them around the clone and stick in 1" holes that are drilled in the lid of the 5gal bucket lid. No rooting hormones or rooting solution. I have about %75 rooted in the first week and the rest within 10 days. I wraped t he bucket in the refelective blankets thats used for hotwater tanks and cover the lid in that aluminum duct tape and a nice lil air pump and your set. I change the rez after every run, wash it and Im good to go for another 10 clones. No humidity domes, I only mist the clones once , when they are first put into the cloner. No yellow leaves and lots of roots.
Week 3 Update

Week 3 Update

Hi All - Here's a big update:

1. Start with good news I always say: my second round of clones rooted like mad! :jump: However the timing of the grow is now all over the place and some plants are going to mature too soon, so I might start fimming those. The clones just got dunked yesterday into two more DWCs, and the whole thing looks like it fits great. I also had to go back and get some larger pumps - the 100's I had were just not cutting it for more than one tubbler. So I now have 4 tubblers with two plants each, and some extra clones still left over. My plan is to take the mature "clone mothers", repot into bigger pots, and bloom those too on a shelf I arranged from milk crates to one side. The new clones can then get potted and become my new "clone moms." That three more plants to bloom hopefully.
2. Here's what's in each tubbler:
Tubbler 1: top left - bagseed indica of unknown species. A word on this - this species is off the chart in term of growth and vigor. This might be a total "dark horse" surprise. Already smells strong.
Tubbler 2: Bottom Left - Bagseed Indica on left, Agent Orange on right. Tubbler 3: Top Right - started yesterday - known high yielder.
Tubbler 4: Bottom Right started yesterday - Agent Orange.
3. For those who crave statistics, here's some data on the tubs:
Tubbler 1: Start pH = 6.1 End = 5.7, uS = 2784, PPM = 1393
Tubbler 2: Start pH = 6.1 End = 5.7, uS = 2439, PPM = 1220
Tubbler 3: Start pH = 6.4 End = 5.3, uS = 905, PPM = 452
Tubbler 4: Start pH = 6.2 End = 5.0, uS = 840, PPM = 419
Tub 1 has been running full strength nutes for the last two weeks in RO water. The plants have enough roots to finally take advantage and are exploding. Tub 2 had the same starting nutes as Tub 1, but I ran a dilution regimen and got the PPM back down to 1220. Tubs 3 and 4 were just started yesterday from RO water, and I especially tried to go light on the nutes. Today I obviously spiked the pH way down, but I think they'll come up soon. I'm going to try and run all the tubs until light period switch in a few more weeks, at which time I'll do a water change or nute dosage. I'm planning to slowly increase nutes in Tubs 3 and 4. Tubs 1 and 2 might just get left alone for a while.

The Full Setup

Tubbler 1: Indica?

Tubbler 2: Indica on Left, Agent Orange on Right

Tubbler 3: Known High Yielder

Tubbler 4: Agent Orange


Active member
Root Porn!
Root Porn!
Root Porn!
We want Root Porn!

Never mix Sat Dom strain with Indica dom strain in same bucket/tub. Your going to get into trouble in late flower.
Kill the "known" high yeilder she got nannerz-a-bunch and you will get bud rot (and she needs 120 days of flower).
Stick with the AO, or your spinning you wheels.


Looking nice! You will have a good verity to chose from. I like how when the rots reach the water, seems like jet fuel lol.
Keep it coming!
Agent Orange (at least for me) gave me problems cloning and rooting more than most of the strains I have worked with so far. Glad things are looking better for you now, keep it green!
Hi All,

First of all, thanks to all for the support. To say I have high hopes is an understatement - this might be my first really successfull grow. Smokes, Skunky, Planit, PRX, Bbing, thanks for stopping in.

Hey Smokes: I hear ya on AO - look at what happenned to me: First Clones = 100% Failure - Second Clones = 100% success with AO. Crazy - clearly my first cloning technique was flawed.

Since last I wrote, I went ahead and swapped out two of a known good yielder from Tub 3, and replaced them with AO. So now 3 Indica and 5 AO for a total of eight. I also fimmed the tops of the Indicas in an effort to let the new AO catch up - the Indicas are really tapping into the available nutes and just going hog wild. I can see why some would say this is easy - with a good meter, some rubbermaids, a light, a fan, and a couple of fish pumps (basically) you can run a primo DWC hydro setup - I'm already sold, and now that I can clone with good percentage results, I think I've become one of the faithfull. I'll try to get you some root porn later, and I'll try to post nute readings later this week -ciao for now.


Active member
This is the kinda of talk i like to hear; sounds like you actually know what the f&@$ your doing :woohoo:

You will thank me @ culling BR. Sorry bout that one mate.
Cannabean is running some AO w/ Blue Dream Haze (similar sat dom).
Check in in his thread in the upcoming weeks.

FIMing? Alright!

BTW, slow ph drift down indicates concentration of nutes: the plants are drinking water. Slow drift up: plants are feeding. 1300's may be a bit hot for AO. May be time to PK boost just remeber to adjust ec down when you add it. 5 AO's with given root volume should equal half-a-P under a 600 easy.
Oh Dang!

Oh Dang!

If it lasts that long friends, if it lasts that long. Today the daytime temps are projected to reach 88 degrees/overnight low 54 degrees. The farm is going to get red hot pretty soon - I'm racing the clock now.
Update - March 7

Update - March 7

Well, I have to say, I'm pretty happy with the grow - the plants are taking off like rockets, and everything looks healthy.:muahaha:

Hi Smokes - I've got another thread where the grow cab hardware is listed at http://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=102209 I'm using a 4" 175 CFM Vortek with a speed controller to try and keep things quiet - I have to compromise.:mad:

So the last run of data looked like this about 1 week ago:

Tubbler 1: Start pH = 5.7 End = 5.7, uS = 2978, PPM = 1485
Tubbler 2: Start pH = 6.0 End = 5.8, uS = 2485, PPM = 1243
Tubbler 3: Start pH = 6.4 End = 5.6, uS = 1884, PPM = 940
Tubbler 4: Start pH = 6.5 End = 5.4, uS = 2092, PPM = 1047

I can see that evaporation is concentrating the nutes in Tubs 1 and 2, so I'm topping them off with RO today. About a week ago I stepped up the nutes in Tubs 3 and 4 by adding about an additional 100 ml each of GH Grow and Micro, which I split between the two tubs, so I know they are both still way under the GH Veg Growth nute profile they recommend. Temps in the cab range between mid 50-s at night to upwards of 86 during the day. The plants are starting to smell, but the carbon filter seems to be doing a good job of controlling odor for now. Tub 2 (which happens to contain both an AO and an Indica) I noticed is getting a little slimey feeling, and I'm worried about it, though the plants look fine, and strangely the roots are fine and not slimey. :frown: I finally gave in and topped the three bagseed indicas, and as you can see, that just made em bush out completely! I figure about one more week of veg growth, then I'll flip the lights, and go for a full water change with the Lucas nute profile.

Anyways, knock yourselves out!:woohoo:

The Whole Enchilada

Tub 1 - Bagseed Indica

Tub 2 - BS Indica on top, AO on bottom

Tub 3 - AO

Tub 4 - AO
March 11 Update

March 11 Update

Here's another data log:

Tubbler 1: Start pH = 5.7 End = 5.7, uS = 1475, PPM = 745
Tubbler 2: Start pH = 5.4 End = 5.4, uS = 1970, PPM = 988
Tubbler 3: Start pH = 6.1 End = 5.5, uS = 1960, PPM = 980
Tubbler 4: Start pH = 6.5 End = 5.5, uS = 2074, PPM = 1038

As Bbing indicated (and he's usually right!), I think that clearly Tubs 1 & 2 are drinking a heck of a lot, and I've visually verified this - I'm adding easily 1/2 gal. of water per day to maintain levels. Tubs 3 & 4 are much less mature, and have less root volume, so they are not quite drinking as much. Today I:

1. Bought some new airstones and put another air pump back into service - Tubs 1 & 2 now have their own pumps and the increased air has already decreased or eliminated that slimey feeling.
2. Moved the light to the top of the cab.

I've not yet done a water changeout, but I'm going for a full change and some tub cleanup this weekend. I'm sure that I should do that now, but I need another trip to pick up some more RO - in the last week I've put 10 gals. easily into tubs 1 & 2 to try to keep levels constant. I'm also going to the Lucas nutes profile with the water change, so I need to hit the Hydro shop for some Koolbloom too. Amazingly, since I started Tubs 1 & 2 at the GH full strength profile for veg growth, I have not added any nutes since - they fed the whole time on what they started with. Additionally, the clone moms I have have started to drop their lower leaves after they yellow, so it looks like those are also finally due for a feeding too.

Mystery Bagseed Note: Again I have to comment on this, as I think I struck some luck. This strain is growing extremely rapidly and is very vigorous - If I could share it with the world I would. I am dying to see what comes of it, and I can see myself keeping this mom for a long time, provided we like what we get, of course - I just wish I know what it was! All I know for sure is that I wouldn't have kept the seed if it was garbage so it must have come from something I liked a lot.

Pull up a seat! Week 1 Flower Pics next week!