Hey there everyone I have been lurking on this thread (a very nice one, thanks to all). As a medical user, I am looking to put together a hydro/LED room myself out of Home Depot type stuff. One of the things I spend alot of time thinking about is practicality. If (when) you have a bad connection due to stress or a bad (solder) joint, it sure would be nice if the offending connection would let us know. You know, the way Xmas lights strung in parallel have just the bad light out? I realize all the extra wiring is a bitch, but wouldn't it be worth it?
PS if you see any of my posts in the future, put a mental stick on it saying "Am I missing something?" kuz I usually am.
Sidebar: we know what wavelengths a plant absorbs because we can pulverize the plant and use hexane and then alcohol to remove the pigments. We can then use paper or thin layer chromatography to isolate which photosynthetic pigments we are talking about. Next, we can take a different sample from the same plant and use other methods to determine what proportions these pigments exist in within the plant. We already know what wavelengths each pigment likes (any organic chemistry text will tell you this). The main issue is that any species, nay any strain will be much different. Therefore, it almost makes sense to have a bank where every LED is switchable, then you have to dial in the very expensive power supply so it knows what it is pushing, that is AFTER you run some tests on your clones to see what the hell they want.
Seems like an awful lot of work. Am I missing something?