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My Cat is Eating my Leafs!!


May your race always be in your favor
Go to a natural foods store, or anywhere you can buy in bulk, and buy some wheat berries, thats unground wheat. Get a pot with some potting soil sow the wheat( just like the old days) and water. When the wheat sprout and get a couple inches tall let the cats at it they'll leave all the rest of your plants alone. Wheat is cheap you only need a n ounce or two to grow a boat load of kitty grass.


Thanks superpedro!

Alright, we're cookin' now, that's what i was after. I'm not a pro but not new either. Look like the climber kitty can help me expand my knowledge a little bit more.

this is how I've always thought it goes down, but not for sure. please correct me if any of this is wrong.

The plants root system absorbs the food, chemical or organic, and then the plants converts those compounds into usable or storable food. The plant stores extra food in the fan leaves, but this stored food isn't stored chemicals as the plant has already metabolized the chems?

^^please tear that apart if it's in correct, maybe someone else is in the same boat as me and wondering about this as well?

and one more question .. sometimes at the top of the canopy some leaves will transpire a little bit of moisture, nothin that is gonna cause bud rot or anything like that. What is this moisture? Is it pure water, chemical water, digested chemical water?

Thank you all for helpin' me out!

Hello again.

Plants take up their nutrients as dissolved salts(ions), no matter if it is from clean salts mixed in a bottle (What some call chemical? - synthetic is a better word), or by the use of organics.
When you grow with organics, you need bacteria to break down the organic matter in the soil, and turn it into dissolved salts before the plants can use them.

The plants transpire to keep the optimal leaf temperature. It's pure water you find on your leaf. ;)



what is your cats strain ist it exotic shorthair? and whats his name? i got nearly the same called kasi

He's a Somali Cat. better known as the "fox cat" for their very long busy tails. his hair is softer then silk, i have to groom him once a day, but its no biggy.

Weighs around 28lbs and can jump 3ft high. He chases my 150lb Chesapeake Bay Retriever. LOL.

I call him Ditty. Born on 4/20/09.

superpedro thanks for all your help! Great explanations, very clear.

CFLgrow damn! and i thought my fat cat was heavy, he's only 20-21 pounds.

Thanks to all for the info, climber kitty hasn't got back in yet and didn't get sick.



Active member
No there are no other types of plants in the house, and they are strictly indoor cats. I dunno if they'd be interested in 'pet-patch' of grass .. the product kinda resembles a chi-pet thing. under 20 bucks too.


i have 2 indoor cats as well and one of them likes to chomp leaves once in a while .... then barf them up for me later.

I tried the cat grass from the pet store, they both ignored it completely.

She doesn't do much damage though so it's really not a big problem.


He's a Somali Cat. better known as the "fox cat" for their very long busy tails. his hair is softer then silk, i have to groom him once a day, but its no biggy.

Weighs around 28lbs and can jump 3ft high. He chases my 150lb Chesapeake Bay Retriever. LOL.

I call him Ditty. Born on 4/20/09.


really nice bear lol i love him