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My art (paintings/drawings and photos)


@g0vnaa, thanks for your feedback. The last one, for example, was painted from observation (also known as "plein air" if you paint outdoors). You are probably referring to "atmospheric perspective". The mountains in the real painting on paper (not on a scanned picture above) recede into background. I don't know why my scanner put so much contrast there. Perhaps I should correct it in Photoshop. Will do a better job at scanning next time.

I think you shout work a bit on the contrast:
Like having some really dark and some really bright spots etc.
Some strong colors and some weak ones.

That depends on weather and other factors. When I made the sketch above, there weren't any strong shadows, or very bright highlights. The sky was covered with a thin layer of clouds which diffuse the light.


ICE Cream eater
"plein air" oh yes man that is really awesome.
As I kid I used to go to lessons and we had small vacations for 2-3 days where we went to different locations and paint "plein air".
Was one of my favorite things.
Will try to finds some of my stuff..

Yeah I forgot how much a scanner/a phone pic changes the painting.
Keep up the good job man (;


@clearcutter, @lost in a sea thank you. I will do another Tibetan painting (commissioned) in the a few months. I'll post it here.


Concept drawing of a kraken-like sea creature. Graphite pencils on paper, 42 x 30 cm (16.5 x 12 in)

Beautiful pieces! The Tibetan theme paintings caught my eye..... There is a tiny gallery in the town I live in, that has a giant Tibetan canvas that is actually in the works.... When they advertised the gallery, it is the first traditional painting of its size to be painted outside of the region.... I haven't been over there in a few months... next time, I'll snap a few pix for you :)
your water color work is so nice and detailed. I used to water color paint. requires so much patience. All of your work is really nice. I am sure people would buy your work, if they had the opportunity.


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