I aint a perv and I use protection,trying free protection was my down fall lol,,,, I mean I wouldn't trust a rubber some stranger gave me lol..especially after seeing that episode where the chick put nicotine concentrate in one and the guy croaked fucking her....lol
Comodo Dragon is one that checks the domain name before loading it. It'll tell you it's shady. They keep track. Mozilla does this sometimes, but not as good.
Comodo Dragon is chrome-based.
You should use Oracle Solaris 11, which is a UNIX variation. You should compile and check all source of INTEL Xionist drivers (see what I did there?), and encrypt all information into genital-selfie images by slightly changing the hue. That way, they'd be sorting encrypted dic pics. They probably have to go in and disable ICONS and preview.
This is called stenography.
Also, the vertical and horizontal lines connecting each keystroke can be sensed. It's been proved. So aluminum foil DOES block that. No, I am serious, it's a faraday cage and they've actually confirmed it working that they can average out and get words from beyond walls. Other than that, aluminum foil hats also function as antennas, and don't block waves. They make it easier LOL No really again I joke, but I am serious.