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My Ace Place

Samuel Caldwell

Well-known member
usb microscope, eh? I've looked into those occasionally and will probably end up with one sooner or later. What are you using?

Samuel Caldwell

Well-known member
the last pic is giving me a woody



Well-known member
I have managed to reveg my male Panama x Zam to the point it's got new sets of "Balls"
already. I believe I have 2 plants that are still able to be used to make some seeds at this time.
The Female of the same variety, as well as the Amnesia pictured above. Also in a week or so the Ace Mixed Plant will probably be ready. I will give them all a try and see what happens.


Well-known member
After bringing the humidity down to 61% I sampled the Zameldica. Its now in deep storage
For a month.

I was only able to smoke a pair of chillum fulls
But I didnt want to smoke more. Mango/carrot
Flavored. No Sativa Stress, a full on mind and body high, but felt only in the head if that makes sence.

Clear headed yet stoned. Happily stoned for hours afterwards.

Still a bit harsh and in need of further curing.

The cured bud should be absolute fire.

No burnout yet. Upper limits not yet explored.

The Cobb is in a vac sealed jar awaiting the first 30 days to go by.


Well-known member
Nice, Levitationofme, used to have a chillum around, but never smoked herb in it, only hash.
Anyway, that's a great smoke report; I think the first post by someone else on my first thread here was about how I should get a pile of Zamaldelica beans. Since then it's always sounded like prophecy. Can't wait to hear about the cob.


Well-known member
I am really stoked about this new SIP and Good Soil combo.
Only hiccup has been fungus gnats. I have some nematodes on the way. Give them a shot.

I have added 1.2 EC NFTG flowering nutrients as a top dressing
but only a litre or so. only twice in the case of the Amnesia and PanaX
and they are looking good. They look like they need nothing now but me to stay out of there way!
I added some microbes to the water in the tank. Photosynthesis Plus.
I couldn't help myself ...

:snap out of it:


I love the smell of cannabis in the morning
Looking excellent! :tiphat:

You're spot on, that malawi is done.

I too have had fungus gnat issues with the SIP. I've been doing weekly soil drenches with bifenthrin when watering and its helped out quite a bit. It will be interesting to see how your top dressing / juicing them works out as they're looking so good already.


Well-known member
I am Time challenged. Too many psychedelics when I was young, or perhaps it was the cocaine phase later, not sure but time has never been the same lol.
but like 23 weeks give or take.


Well-known member
Holy crap, levi, that's a long one. I'm absolutely sure your patience will be rewarded. And yep, my irregular heart remembers the cocaine period, too, glad it's waaaay gone.


Well-known member
Somewhere along the line I forgot how to stop. Hated coming down........

I did figure it all out so now its a source of endless stories. I am very happy with the herb I grow.

I am not fond of when I see new cooking shows where chefs are mixing in Cannabis extracts to various things to make it some new gourmet flavor profile experience in the clouds.

Just my opinion that it would be far more interesting smoking exotic blends of Artisanally grown buds. Carefully and Artfully blended by someone with credentials similar to a Sommelier is to fine wine. Who isn't thinking of awesome blends just by reading this!

Holy mind blowing career as a Cannabis/Wine/Beer Sommelier.

Paired with the correct IPA or Wine and Excellent food.... Yea Sign me up!!!!


Well-known member
The Malawi Cobb

I put a trio of Bodhi Acapulco Gold seeds from Ace in water last night, and transferred to
paper towel and Plastic baggie.
The grow begins.


Well-known member
The Malawi Cobb

[URL=https://www.icmag.com/ic/picture.php?albumid=71926&pictureid=1719201&thumb=1]View Image[/url] [URL=https://www.icmag.com/ic/picture.php?albumid=71926&pictureid=1719197&thumb=1]View Image[/url]

I put a trio of Bodhi Acapulco Gold seeds from Ace in water last night, and transferred to
paper towel and Plastic baggie.
The grow begins.

Holy crap, that cob looks like pot from another galaxy. The IDEAL of pot. Congrats on that and on the new bean pop.
Acapulco Gold-another dream strain;) AS usual I'm curious and jealous as hell; like already having the love of your life on your arm, and then having my eyes pulled toward every other gal on the street.
Good luck with the new babes, dwd


Well-known member
I smoked a few bong hits of the Zameldica in the early part of sunday morning. Was a powerful clean clear buzz for an hour. then I did another. I was very comfortable on the beach, very much out there.

When I got home I was hit by a bit of couch lock. At which point I began to smoke other stuff, because it's there. Woke up in time to see the end of golf on tv. then slipped into another sleep. The few days of work before had their effects on my mind as well.

Very pleasant effects, very little of the sativa panic at all. I am thinking a Joint would be
difficult to finish. I will defiantly have some fun with this when its cured.

Claude Hopper

Old Skool Rulz
"I put a trio of Bodhi Acapulco Gold seeds from Ace in water last night"

I'm looking forward to this grow.

That cob? Beautiful. Screw the tamales, I'm repurposing those husks in the cupboard!