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Mutant Trout Abs Anyone ?


Green Mujaheed
i still think it is pretty fucked up that you do not have your GM food labelled. All GM foods have to be labelled as such in the EU to my knowledge. That is fair enough for me..

Don't know for Europe, but at least in France it must be specified only if there is, I don't remember, more than 0.1% or more than 1% GM in the food. If less, it's not mandatory to mention it. It's also not mandatory to mention if food is irradiated.

Problems with GM-s start when they are mixing it up with the natural genepool.

Problem is that we have no way to prevent the GM organism to mix up with the environment. And there are so many ways to mix up... In several places of USA farmers see their fields invaded by some nasty super-weed which is now resistant to all herbicide, thanks to some herbicide-resistant crops that had been grown previously. This superweed even destroys harvest-machinery !

Irie !
Someday you or a family member will need an organ transplant, and they will get an organ that was grown in a petri dish from stem cells, and it will save their life.

I suppose you can't read as I clearly stated that I would not EAT meat grown in a petri dish. Had you taken the time to read the article you also would have seen that it has nothing to do with growing tissue for organ donation. Just for food. Don't preach to me about being anti stem cell research as I've had MS for 4 years now.


Is that the "FOUL-MOUTHED BASS" than Ren and Stimpy are always tryin to catch???