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Mutangenic looking plants.


Registered Cannabis User
Not sure if this is the correct place to put this... There is no deficiency so im not putting it in the sick plants section.
Anyways, i recently popped a nice batch of seeds and came up with a couple odd plant features. I dont work with seeds as often as would like, so maybe this is common... I would like your input.

The first pics are of a Pre-98 Bubba Kush s1 plant from seed. There is no deficiency, just look at the plants around it. It seems to lack something that supports chlorophyll. I thought it was just a deficiency at first, but then each new set of leaves kept looking like the previous..Its leaves look slightly variegated and feel kind of soft and droopy. Not as thick and coarse as a normal plant leaf. Amazingly its somehow keeping up with the regular bubba s1's in the batch. She sticks out like a sore thumb.

The next plant is a Mandala Satori. She auto-topped herself from seed and put out an abnormal growth where the plant split in two. I dont even know what to call this...



Active member
I've seen both these kinds of mutants in my grows too.

The second one with the odd growth might grow normally in flower.


Well-known member
Seen the cup leaf quite a few times already, here on the forums 2.. Theres a thread somewhere full of freaks :) Like trying to mutate into a pitcher plant or something haha
The mottled plant in amongst the others, is it not maybe a mosaic virus of some sorts, cant see by the photos well enough though but I worry when I see the mottling. I'd quarantine her maybe? Used to farm commercial cucumbers and chilli's and I'm a tobacco smoker so I quiver when I see the mottling, it's built in now..


Ya I had some seeds do that razor leaf thing I do organic soil and my girl was root bound. Repoted and it went away.... looks like ur doing hydro, not enough room in the res? Or a good flush? Don't know good luck


Ive had growth like the second set of pictures myself from keeping some cuttings in incredibly low light environments and having positive night time temperature diff. My hypothesis was inhibitions of auxin production was what was causing the odd growth. plants would naturally break apical dominance, root growth was slowed, leaf physiology would drastically change and would become more soft and shiny, serration would be less defined and all new growth was very soft and wispy although silicon was being provided.

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