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Mushroom Trips


I know this is a weed site, but thought I would ask anyway. I've never used mushrooms myself, but notice all the ads in the pot mags for them. My question was has anyone ever tried them and what type of high they produce? If you have, are the trips consitent?

tbc OG

It's pretty hard to describe a mushroom trip for a couple of reasons. First of all, its such a unique experience that words can't really describe it, and second of all the trips vary quite a bit depending on: how much you eat, what type you eat, your mood when you eat them, where you are when you eat them, and who your with.

About the high...don't expect to eat them and see little pink elephants battling eachother with fire balls... There are visuals, but its nothing that intense like that. The best way I could describe the visuals would be that patterns start flowing together and everything becomes very vivid. For example if you walk into a room with a lot of green in it, the green becomes very powerful and very noticeable.

The biggest change you'll notice though is mentally. I describe it as a state of enlightnement. Things start to make sense and you feel pretty content with life. You can be doing nothing at all and not feel bored, but instead happy. Everything becomes interesting.

I've personally tripped quite a few times and never had anything close to a bad trip. People describe it on dwelling on something negative and getting bad vibes. I think the main reason for this is the setting that people take it in. My friends that have had bad trips will take mushrooms or acid whenever, wherever and with whoever. I see mushrooms as a drug that you need to plan out.

Some people will say you HAVE to be outside or you HAVE to be hiking or whatever....All I would tell you is be somewhere that you really enjoy being and be with people that you are really comfortable around. I personally always have the most fun tripping out in the woods because nature becomes the ultimate playground, but its different for everyone.

Also, a lot of people say you should have try to trip with someone thats sober....I don't really think you need to...and in fact if there is one thing that has ever given me bad vibes its this. Sober people, even if they have tripped before, cant really understand your thoughts while your tripping so it can get awkward. Only be around someone not tripping if you are really comfortable with them and they are willing to sit down for two hours and talk about the meaning of rocks. Also, i'd probably have someone sober around if you are going to trip somewhere real intense like an amusement park or a mall...basically somewhere with a lot of people around because they would be able to deal with any confrontation where you may not.

Lastly, if this is your first time I would try to trip with someone that has tripped before. This isnt a requirement, but it would probably be a good choice in case things do go bad.

The best advice I can give you is this: DON'T trip if you are very upset or dwelling upon something negative right now. DON'T trip if you aren't looking for a potential life changing experience (I think its always for the better, but thats just me). And finally, don't trip if you are not a very head strong person. If you've got a good head between your shoulders, you'll already know it. Sometimes during a trip you need to be able to bring yourself back to reality every once in a while. I think I can do this pretty easily which is why i've never had a bad trip. If you don't think your someone that can, I wouldn't trip.

So now, if you choose to trip...set a date, get a couple good friends and wait for it. Get excited as the day approaches...and enjoy one of the best experiences life has to offer.

Oh and forgot...in terms of dosage... i'd say for your first time eat about a half 8th. Thats if you're looking for a real mellow first time. If you think you can handle something more go for about an 8th. I wouldn't eat anymore your frist time.
Hope this helps, good luck.


I've never tried shrooms myself. I have however tried lots LSD. How do the highs compare? Many people have explained to me that they're very similar highs but that mushrooms have a much cleaner come down.
Ive tripped on shrooms every weekend for the past three weeks, including last night. Mushrooms have always been my favorite drug but they have been scaring me for the past few years. TBC said it pretty well.

I feel each trip will be either an eye opening, very fun and exhilerating experience. Or it will be the worst experience EVER!! When it goes bad look the fuck out...lol

I usually feel One of three distinct "levels" while on mushrooms.

1. First a feeling that something in my head has changed. Shadows and colors look sharpened. Nice body high and a feeling of peacefulness. I like this feeling but sometimes i want a little more.

2. Kind of turns things up a notch. I start feeling anxious but i dont know what about. Sometimes my stomach will bother me a little at this point, I think to myself "chill dude its just mushrooms!". I call this the threshold period. It can be an edgy bit of time and i often smoke a lot during this time to calm my head a bit. I find it helps to keep telling myself to do WHATEVER i feel like doing, music, walk, get warmer or cooler if needed.

3. Now the edgyness comes and goes, but inbetween them are the trips. They come in waves... i yawn a lot when they come. I like it best when i get to this point but can still rationalize what is going on. Occasionally shrooms hit me funny and i totally lose grip on reality. That can get scary. As they wear off i get an all around good feeling on life (even after a bad trip). I feel very comfortable.

Shrooms can show you a lot. Somethings you wont want to see and feel, but if you stay calm shrooms will enlighten you. HAHAHA what am i babbling about. Take some and go CRAZY.


Active member
I dont know about the lsd but coming down on shrooms requiers one thing.... a truck of weed... i am not going tripping if i dont have at least 15 grams of weed to smoke during the trip and specialy when coming down... just as i am at the moment...weed destructor -worse than the police haha

be good


Active member
I've done mushrooms a numerous amount of times.

Then one night I did them, had a bad trip, tried them again a month later, had a bad trip, tried them again a month later, had a bad trip.
I'm kind of stuck now and kind of scared to try them again.

When the trip is good, it's great. When it's bad, it's horrible.
I had convinced myself that the only way to escape this horrible society of violence and facisicm is to kill myself.
I wanted to do it, but my mom stopped me when I started talking to her.

Personally, I think you need a sitter for every trip incase you do have a bad trip.

~ Besides that, the high is fun.
Very happy, sometimes giggly (think of the first few times you smoked pot), fun visuals, mind racing (fun to some, I like it), it seems easier to figure out deeper problems (what is the point of life, etc.) and grasp concepts like that.
The only problem is you'll forget it. I've written down how society works, went back and read it and it made no sense. Then I tripped again, read it and it made perfect sense.

Honestly, if you're looking to try psychedelics, I'd go with LSD. Far less of a harsh trip, easier to control and more fun in general. Not to mention it can be alot cheaper without the taste of the mushrooms and the general stomach discomfort some get.


i prefer lsd..

i dont throw up from a tab, but always right before i get off of mush's
both feel nice, but i dunno, i grew up on lsd, and its my favorite..

its been years though..
last time i DID trip though it was on a 1/8th of some decent shrooms, had me really going, but i prefer the lsd "trip"

but if i had nothing to do ta certain day and was offered a couple grams of mushies, id eat em
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Mushrooms are in a league of their own bro. They are very powerfull and are not to be taken lightly. If you want to learn how to grow them then pm me...They can be produced in as easly as a month and the startup price is cheap dont order those kits from hightimes..

I Used To Grow

Active member
"I've got a bad disease..and from my brain is where I bleed."

I've tripped 12 times since 2002..every trip was unique and fun..I learned a lot about myself, my life and others during these trips.

"Where I go I just dont' know..I got to got to take it slow.."


I've done them around 15-20 times; they can be way too much fun in the right setting. I recommend nature, at night. As others have said, make sure you're in a good mood and around people you like (who are also taking them)...this is crucial. You will have a very difficult time communicating with someone who is not on them. Respect the shrooms and realize that they are not for getting 'fucked up', they are more like a tool with which you can gain a greater understanding of the world in which you live.

Ground yourself in positive thoughts....I think a 'bad trip' is basically allowing your mind to run rampant into all sorts of crazy scenarios which seem so real and plausible at the time; it is easy to get 'freaked out' on the power of your own mind. I usually laugh and laugh until my face hurts and is contorted into some permanent laughter face...this is healthy. If you start to feel anxious, have lots of herb on hand, it is comforting and somewhat distracting to engage in an old habit, and I think it helps 'smooth out' the transition between the sober state and the 'tripping' state.
It's not a night of drinking, I'm not sure I'd call it recreation....a night of shrooms can totally change the way you look at the world.


Did someone say Shrooms!

Well, youve got a few really good post here, so i'll only share these two things
Ive done both shrooms and lstd, and i think Mushrooms vs. LSD is like, Fast car vs. Roller coaster. You can't control where the rollercoaster will take you, but you are probably in for a good ride either way.

Two, the first place i started my internet chat boards
The Shroomery!
Lots and Lots and Lots of info about Mushrooms, both entheogenic and Edible, and lots of 'trip reports'

Stay out of Off Topic if you have a weak stomach, you were warned.
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treehuggers said:
I dont know about the lsd but coming down on shrooms requiers one thing.... a truck of weed... i am not going tripping if i dont have at least 15 grams of weed to smoke during the trip and specialy when coming down... just as i am at the moment...weed destructor -worse than the police haha

be good



Mushrooms anybody? :D

I agree with the poster above, the shroomery is a great resource to learn about all things psilocybin.

-For a first trip, I wouldn't take more than 2g dry.

-Fresh mushrooms equal roughly 10x the weight of dry, ie 20gr wet = 2gr dry, but fresh mushrooms also contain some alkaloids that degrade once they are dried...Making them more potent and fun.

-For stomach discomfort, powder dry mushrooms or chop fresh up finely and add to water just removed from a boil. Stir, steep and let sit for about ten minutes. I usually add a touch of honey and a chai tea packet. The trip will be shorter in duration, come on quicker, and be a little more intense than just eating them normally. Not to mention no puking because tea is yummy, and I hate the taste of mushrooms.

I enjoy helping people via PM...Karma and such.

Stay safe all. :)


I never mess with Psychedelics anymore( I gettin' too old for that stuff) but when I did... Mescaline was my favorite. Only ran into it a few times , but when I did I'de buy it in quanity and sit on it. Talk about a great time. Acid was cool when I was younger, but it's raw power started scaring the shit outta me as I got older.I haven't even seen a tab since middle 90's. Never had many mushroom experiences maybe two that I can think of, seemed kinda a weird trip to me, I was always anti -social when I ate Mushrooms. It's funny I haven't thought about getting twisted for along time untill recently. Somehow I think a crazy trip is just what I need right now.


free your SELF
I wouldn't call it a high at all...more like a reality oblitorating experience speckled with total and utter euphoria the likes of which you had never thought possile.


New member
Yeah, check out shroomery and read a lot of trip reports (you can sort them based on intensity of the trip and quality of the report) to see what you're getting into. It's best to start off with a small dose and gradually increase it if you so desire, than to jump into the deep end and move to a new plane of existence.

Mr. Alkaline

Your Changable Self is Constantly Becoming a Refle
ICMag Donor
Mushrooms make your muscles temporarily tight, so after the euphoria it is good to relax for about four good hours. -Mr. Alkaline


Mr. Alkaline said:
Mushrooms make your muscles temporarily tight, so after the euphoria it is good to relax for about four good hours. -Mr. Alkaline
Not really imho

you might get tense, but that doesnt mean Mushrooms make your muscles tight.

As stated Musrhooms are 90% water, so 20g wet roughly equals 2g dry. Mushrooms main actives are Psilocybin Psilocin (Wikipedia Psilocybin Psilocin)
So Psilocin is lost when not eating fresh.

Edited:I didnt like my own tone! :joint:
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Mr. Alkaline

Your Changable Self is Constantly Becoming a Refle
ICMag Donor
Maybe the muscles only get tight with certain south americans then....because I'm having limited range of motion when I am normally loose....would'nt say it unless it happened with the Dixies and CAM's aswell.
No argument though. -Mr. Alkaline

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