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Moving to CO...need advice.

So I've been saving my pennies to leave Florida for Colorado. My question is, what's the best/easiest way to get a job in the industry as quickly as possible...because Colorado is not exactly a cheap place to live, I will need a job lined up before I even move...now I have a longer term goal of getting a job on Ryan Loflin's Rocky Mountain Hemp farm, but that doesn't seems very immediate and may take some doing...so any advice is much appreciated.


Well-known member
I live in Colorado and it is tight as everyone came for the green rush a while back. You might need to settle for an entry level job as a bud tender while you are learning everything about growing and then work your way up. If you have a record in Florida, that might be a problem because the dispensaries and rec shops are so picky. If you have a trade like electrician, construction, and etc. all the building is going nuts everywhere. Anyway best of luck and it will be worth it. I never thought I would be so totally relaxed walking down the street to a legal dispensary for my medicine.


ICMag Donor
Ever hear of "Wherever you go, there you are?"

In the attempt to get away from being with ourselves, we search for something or someone to make us happy; the grass constantly appears greener someplace else. But in every relationship and every situation, there we are again.

Read your 'busted again' thread. Colorado doesn't look lightly on those with problems. One of the toughest states for driving infractions. Quite high utilities, high rent, mediocre wages.

Be sure you have your "life together" before striking out West.

Count on a low paying entry job and you won't be disappointed.
I'm not new to growing...though I am taking botany/horticulture classes to round-out my education...should I be saving up to apply for a grow license? What are the residency qualifications in Colorado? How hard is it to wholesale to shops & dispensaries? What is the normal amount of weight that growers are wholesaling?

Also, anywhere that is legal and allows me to grow my own (not to mention wholesale with a license) is going to be much better than staying here in the South.


Don't move here. I sound like a dick, but there are already too many weed people here.

And the wholesale market is junk. Better on the BM.


ICMag Donor
1.You must be 21 years of age or older.
2.You cannot have ANY felony convictions for controlled substances or any other felony convictions that have not been fully discharged at least 5 years prior to applying for the license.
3.You cannot be delinquent on child support or any government debt; and
4.You must be a Colorado citizen (and have proof of such citizenship) at the time you apply for the license.

There are background checks if you do any type of job within dispensaries.

The MED [Marijuana Enforcement Division] is very thorough in their instructions about making sure that you cannot say you didn’t know you should list something. They make it painstakingly clear that you must list any time you have been arrested, charged or convicted of anything in the past 10 years, including any serious traffic offenses. You must have the court documents showing the outcome of the case if this applies to you.

Perhaps "get your life together", move not to Colorado but a closer state, be arrest free, stay on the down low of your cannabis activities. Reading what I've read about you (that you provided in the forums), you probably won't be looked upon as a model employee, or truthfully....you won't be considered for a job. Many out there that have no prior records find it difficult to get a job in the cannabis industry and are Colorado residents. Dispensaries, greenhouses all want stable Colorado residents....not someone that just moved there.

I wish you luck in settling your issues before any type of move.
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Not trying to disappoint you but the reality here is likely different than you imagine. If you don't have connections chances are you won't be hired in the industry. The jobs are in high demand and short supply. I know someone that moved out here (from Florida too) in early April and is about to move back because he hasn't found a single job (short of the min wage hash packager).
What are the requirements to be considered a Colorado citizen?

And I'm not imagining some weed wonderland out there, I realize it won't be easy to get into the industry and it will require work...but let's be real here, if it's something I really want to do and have my mind set on, then I should be able to do it...people get connected by being involved, so obviously I have to get out there and get known...and if I have to work minimum wage for a while so be it, pretty much what I have to do at multiple jobs here in Florida anyway...I have no felony convictions, btw. Also, I don't plan on moving without a years worth of expenses saved up, at the least, and a descent down payment on a place would be nice.
Not to mention being involved out there and gaining experience in the industry will lend to moving back to Florida if/when they ever go legal...where I absolutely am connected.


ICMag Donor
What are the requirements to be considered a Colorado citizen?

Probably a sustainable job, payment on utilities for 3 month....that sort of thing.

Knew a guy that was making $18 an hr. as landscape foreman moving from FLA to CO. He's now working for $8 an hr. busting ass at a landscape company as a day laborer. From foreman to worker-be.....He was my neighbor this spring.

Make sure you have enough $$ to get to CO and $$ to be able to move. Jobs are not that plentiful in CO unless a tradesperson, a gov't job....as others have mentioned to you.

Your track record will set you back. Enough said....won't mention again.

who dat is

Cave Dweller
I was recently thinking about jumping ship from what I'm currently doing and trying to make it "in the industry" I was dissuaded by many, some strangers with MMJ jobs, some people here on the boards whom I look up to, and also from Scott of Rare Dankness when I saw him do a speech recently. I also heard good things from a few people so it's not a hollow attempt. I'll relay the advice I heard here,

"The Industry" is much broader than just the government MMJ and recreational aspect. It's important to stay unique and creative with how you fit in to the grand scheme of things. Most importantly, find your niche and be good at it.

I too read your getting in trouble again thread. I think getting a badged job and housing would be a stretch for you without first being here for a bit and being established. I won't tell you to not move out here but just know that it is hard flying blind coming out here. I have some buddies that are moving back east because they aren't finding enough work and the housing market in Denver right now is laughable. Real estate people have lines of prospective tenants where they want all kinds of references, 1st last and security deposit. It's not even a question of if you have your shit together and how you look on paper because there are already hordes of people looking for good housing.

Good luck and all the best :yes:
Nice advice...I don't know where I want to be involved in the industry per se, but I do know I want to use Colorado as a building block to getting involved in the industry as a whole at-large...worldwide. Not just in CO, I'm an entrepreneur at heart, always have been.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
The best way for people with priors who are "not employable" is to start your own small business and build up slowly while you working minimum-wage jobs. That's what I did and it definitely worked out great. If you own your own company, there's no background checks and that's what every entrepreneur should do anyways. Start some kind of business in Florida so you learn the ropes of starting up and running a business and getting customers etc. customers can be individuals or other companies who want to subcontract their work out. And then if you ever decide to move you have some experience running your own business. Once you start doing good and getting a lot of business, you will never ever want to work for somebody else again. Good luck.



Active member
Maybe you could get a job managing markets or whatever you said your job in Fla is, or the company you work for now could transfer you to co or some other legal state. This way you could be employed while working on breaking into the industry. Also, it would probably be smarter to go to a state on the cusp of legalization where the scene isn't already saturated with people trying to do what you are doing. You have to take in to consideration the fact that there are throngs of citizens in the state already wanting these canna-jobs as well as tons of people just like you arriving daily. I'm toying with the idea of moving to Oregon, but I have a solid lead in that state. However, I'm more inclined to stay where I am and ride out the black market as long as it pays as well as it does and invest in some kind of business that will continue to pay in the long run; because this gravy train with biscuit wheels isn't going to last much longer. Once fully legal, big business and politics will make it that much more difficult for Joe schmoe to make a living in the industry. Good luck! I would try to get out of Fla regardless;)


if it smells like fish
co would be the last mj state I would move to,,, any others first...yeehaw... I left florida and moved to cali just before med mj passed... I gambled and was right..
Maybe you could get a job managing markets or whatever you said your job in Fla is, or the company you work for now could transfer you to co or some other legal state.

I wish I work for a private franchise of Liberty Tax Service that only has a location in Lakeland, FL...although market manager wouldn't be bad at another company or even a cannabis company, that job just means head of marketing.