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Morrocan Beldia Kif Reveg


New member
Hello, I now had to remove a hermaphrodite plant that has been blooming on the 12/12 cycle for 5 weeks from my box and put it in the garden.

We currently have ~17 hours of daylight in my region.

The Beldia is supposed to be semi-autoflowering, does that affect the chance of revegging?
Or do you think it will stop flowering and go back to the growth phase?


Well-known member
Hello, I now had to remove a hermaphrodite plant that has been blooming on the 12/12 cycle for 5 weeks from my box and put it in the garden.

We currently have ~17 hours of daylight in my region.

The Beldia is supposed to be semi-autoflowering, does that affect the chance of revegging?
Or do you think it will stop flowering and go back to the growth phase?
Hard to say being at week 5. Some plants just don’t reveg and continue their flowering through to near finish with light hours increased. While others will start to reveg quite quickly.

Semi-autos or sensitive photoperiod plants can certainly reveg. However being put outdoors on week 5 I would expect them to attempt to reveg and slow growth down and then reflower leaving open and stem riddled buds. A true semi auto would typically start flowering around mid July in the north.


New member
Hard to say being at week 5. Some plants just don’t reveg and continue their flowering through to near finish with light hours increased. While others will start to reveg quite quickly.

Semi-autos or sensitive photoperiod plants can certainly reveg. However being put outdoors on week 5 I would expect them to attempt to reveg and slow growth down and then reflower leaving open and stem riddled buds. A true semi auto would typically start flowering around mid July in the north.
Then it becomes an experiment and we‘ll see what happens


da boveda kid
L-Triptophan might help to reveg it and keep it in veg.


Well-known member
Premium user
Hello, I now had to remove a hermaphrodite plant that has been blooming on the 12/12 cycle for 5 weeks from my box and put it in the garden.

We currently have ~17 hours of daylight in my region.

The Beldia is supposed to be semi-autoflowering, does that affect the chance of revegging?
Or do you think it will stop flowering and go back to the growth phase?
The trigger is the deminishing daylight hours from summer solstice on. So currently (30.6.) the plants receive the light trigger outdoors.
I grow the Khalifa Beldia on my balcony atm. They were triggered and sexed in tiny cups at beginning of June. Then repoted into 12 L where they reveged (one plant completly stopped flowering, the others just didnt go further than preflowers).
At the moment there is a circus right on the other side of the streets with 24 hours of light. So no light trigger and no root trigger (repoted 2-3 weeks ago). Yet they all started to flower again and go deeper into flowering, probably because of its "height trigger" it has - starting at about 1m (not matter what, it seems)

Could not have wished for a better balcony strain, that takes light polution easily!!
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