resin seeker
Right about time i started this thing.A little bit about me my two passions in life is travel and cannabis(resin) so whenever i can afford it i like to combind the two(traveling to cannabis producing countrys).This report is of my first trip to chefchaouen and a few other villages i wont talk about because my friends are staying there and they dont want tourists coming up to the mountain.First thing i will say is that the best hash in these mountains is made by WESTERNERS who live in the mountains with a few moroccan familys.This hash is made not made by beating the material over a screen its all done by hand ever so gently with four screens.Also this hash is made with strains from mexico,jamaica,spain ,holland not moroccan strains the reason for this is because these strains produce more and stronger resin.The plants the hash is made from is seeded the same as moroccan because there is so much pollen about its impossible to grow a pure female crop but these strains produce more than the moroccan and have a unique taste an high an the farmer can charge a little bit extra for the plants.the method for making this is as follows u take one kilo of kif and you deseed and destem which leaves you about 200-300 grams of material to work with this is then put on the first screen and gentliy shook for five minates then its throwen away.The material from the first shake is put on the second screen and shook for 3 minates then put on the thrid screen shook for two minates then the last screen and gently shook for one minate.After this has been done from 200-300grams of kif u will have 2-4grams of almost all heads from the plant material.this stuff puts to shame any
first grade morrocan i can get in the rif and theres a lot of gd hash in these mountains.Heres so
me pics for now will be back soon.any questions ask away am more than happy to answer.RESIN SEEKER