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Monkey Juice Test Run (Pure Coco)



instead of hanging yellow strips around your garden to the effect of mild pest reduction, why not get some mosquito dunks and eliminate them once and for all?

The active ingredient is BTI in mosquito dunks, it is 100% bio-natural-organic. You could eat the stuff (do nto eat this stuff. lol). I put one dunk, crumbled up nicely, into my watering bucket... bubbled it for 24 hrs and watered.. I rarely see any gnats theez daze.

excellent garden, but just thought I'd save you from the gnats.

Mo Budz

Thanks guys for all the comments. Hey Gaius, I'm pretty sure my EC is around 1.8. My meter in set to a .5 conversion, and only displays in tds, and microsiemens. But if i did my math right, 900ppm's would convert to 1.8ec. I was up higher in week 2, but backed down a bit after I noticed a little tip burn, and cupping. I also lowered the Monkey Juice A&B numbers a bit, and have been adding in the Hammerhead PK 9/18. So far they seem to be liking their food, and hopefully they stay on track.

Thanks for that advise Neptune. My local hydro shop was supposed to pick some of those up, and I was gonna give em a try. But so far he hasnt got em in. But he did get some gnatrol, and i'm pretty sure its the same stuff. The only thing that sux (for pest control) is that I grow a perpetual harvest, and every 16 days I'm bringing a new set of plants in. So I guess it would be something I would have to add to my watering with each new batch. The soil I use is black gold, and thats where those little bastards are coming from. It's awsome organic soil, and the plants thrive in it, but on the downside, it has fungus gnats, and even tho there arn't that many, they're still a pain. Thanks again.



yeah mon, get that BTi going... you will not regret it!

You can pick up these Mosquito Dunks at most hardware stores like Homedepot, Lowes, even Wal-Mart has them. But you can't go wrong with gnatrol, I believe GM has had good results with it when he got the little buggers in his medium.

Keep up the good work !

20kw dreams

WOW! That monkey juice sure seems to be doin the trick, eh? Nice looking plants bud.

Screw the Gnatrol, go with the Mosquito dunks for sure, way cheaper. You can also just break them up and dig them into the top inch of your coco. Then it's one less thing to mix up, and you don't need to chuck the pieces later. I would still use the yellow stickies though too. I live in a really cool, humid area with a bunch of swamp not too far, and get those little buggers bad. And believe me, they can get BAD, and will chow down on your roots. The BTi works pretty well, but isn't full proof, and the yellow stickies catch the adults, where the BTi only works on the larva. And putting a filter on your intake helps from sucking in a fresh supply of all kind of bugs.


yeah the BTi is a help in keeping the numbers down, but it doesn't eliminate them on it's own. what it does do is enable you to get a normal harvest even if you have gnat larva in the coco. if you combine the BTi with some nematodes and gnat predators, as well as a bunch of sticky traps, then you stand a chance of wiping them out. a new member called knna, suggested using electronic mosquito insecticide against the gnats, which i suppose is another direction to attack from, in the veg phase anyway.


Seems the fight for control of our coco is on in quite a few threads here.
Anyone ever thought of using something like this?
When i read of the electronic mosquito thingz this is what I thought of, until I read further about the chemicals and then realized what those people were actually using.
One of these, from what the ad says would make a great addition to any grow room.
Roaches, Ants, Spiders, Mice, Rats, Crickets, Bees, Silverfish, Earwigs, Scorpions, Fleas, Ticks, Mosquitoes, Bats, Flies, and more!
But ads say alot :p
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Mosquito dunks and no pest strips work absolutely fine in combination for those pesky gnats <|:] But enough about the bugs, how about some updates lol :joint:
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Yeah...you don't want to create a mob scene...Lets have the update :D

I am getting some of those dunks tomorrow. The SOBs just began getting a foothold. I have had them at bay for a few months but one lull in the fight and they're back :cuss:


Active member
to prevent mite i use a spray with abermectin in it kills in seconds and is safe and long lasting 4day w/h period not as toxic to humans as say lorsban and the mite havnt had a chance to build tollarance to abermectin but have to lorsban that wont kill some mites has been used for too many years in agriculture and veg crops where mite and other bugs are a problem..

i use the sticky traps to indercate what i have in my room scaria fly being the most common, tocontrol the flies i use a pythium spray on the soil, lorsban on the walls, vents and floor and have a few dishes lying about to evoporate. Lorsban the best steriliser many bug killer i found to use between grows but is toxic to humans so i dont spray plants at any stage. if you use lorsban a common insecticide wear a filtered mask

What i found the flies hate is canfor or moth balls hung a few around the canopy and they stay away but now concentrate now around pots and top few cm of the soil.

for the larvea youll need a soil drench (larve drench is the name i use)but hold off until sure you have grubs in the soil as it does stress the plant takes a good week to get plants back to norm. works well the one time i used it grubs where found in my waste bucket the next day not dead but looked to be paralised.

looking at your trap you have massive bug problems i dont catch that many bugs in 3 grows.

good luck there mate plants are looking really good alot better than a mates effort at recycling through coco.
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Mo Budz

Thanks guys for all the tips on the fungas gnats. I dont have em too bad in my coco, and only moderately in my soil, but I bring a new soil batch in every 16 days, so they are always gonna come back. That stuff must have the larva in it already. I'll have some updates here in another few days. It will be week 5 soon. They are still lookin good, and are really starting to fill in. I posted a few pics recentally on page 3 of week 4, but stay tuned for week 5. Thanks again guys.

Edit: those traps have fungas gnats from 15 grows....lol I grow a perpetual harvest, and I pull every 16 days, and put new ones in too. So its an ongoing thing....they dont bother me none, and my plants dont seem to be gettin any harm from the fungas gnats either. I have had em bad before, 100's of those little bastards flying around, but I rarely see them flying in the air in my room. They mainly stick to my soil, and there are only a few here and there.

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ahhh.. that explains.. cuz I was juding your outbreak by the yellow sticky trap. I was like "holy shit, that's bad!"

but if you use them for many many grows.... yeah! :)
But seriously, dude, you can just crumble one of those cakes ($0.50) into the top of whatever medium you are bringing into your room, or just mix it into your watering bucket and hand water.. it will just about eliminate them, 99% dead!

but yeah, they are not a huge problem... mainly just for seedlings, and clones... I have had an entire batch of Reeferman's royal Hawaiian totally devoured by fungus gnats.... i was pissed... but the man reimbursed me with ag13xburmese.. what a cool dude.

Mo Budz

Week 5.....

Week 5.....

Thanks Neptune, I have been wanting to find something to pretreat the soil with in the begining, so I might give those dunks a shot. My local hydro guy has some gnatrol too, and he will even sell small ammounts from the big jug the stuff comes in.

Here they are at day 35. Things have still been running along pretty smooth. These girls are realy suckin down the water now. Having to add 2 - 3 gallons back every other day. Still have some cupping going on with the leaves of my gumbolts, and in some it has got a little more pronounced. But the trainwrecks all look great, and show no problems with the nutrients I have been giving them. I'm gonna keep my ppm's pretty solid around 900, and hopefully I didn't overdue my gumbolts with the fertilizer. They are all really starting to fatten up nicely now, and I cant wait to see them progress through the next couple weeks. Here are some more pics of the garden at 35 days, and some closeups of the trainwreck, and the gumbolt.



yep, Mo_Budz is doing it right, lol.:yes:

for week 5 of 12/12 your buds are doing great. plants have a great healthy color too. if you don't have many gnats, they will not be able to screw with your yield, not at this stage. they look ready to explode, lol.


Active member
What conversion on your meter Mo Budz? I'm doing Monkey Juice at 1050 ppm @ .65 conversion with no probs...1st week of flo.

Mo Budz

I'm at a .5 conversion, and its one of those hanna all in one meters. I have some strains that can handle the higher ppm's, but the ones I have in there now are kind of picky eaters. So I'm playin it a little safe with em for now.

Thanks again guys for all the posts, and I will have more shots to come soon. Got some budz in there that are already almost as big around as a 1L bottle. Cant wait to see them finished.
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Mo Budz

Couldnt wait.....Here are a few more pics that I just snapped today. Got this one cola in there that is out of control. This is day 38, and already almost as big as a 2 liter bottle..... Roots are growing like crazy out of the holes in the bottom of the containers too. Got em growin down my return line into my res....got a couple pics of that too. Also hooked up some pics of their current height for ya Dez, and they average around 36 inches tall, but I have a couple in there that are over 40..... . Stretchy ass sativa dominant girls! Thanks again everyone, and there will be more to come soon for week 6.


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