If not logged in, visiting threads that pop up in my URL history redirects to the mobile forum homepage. Goes to icmag.com\styleid?=101 (that's from memory.. the URL is something like that.) I don't necessarily want to login every time to be able to visit threads directly from links.
Also viewing private messages isn't too great when using a small smartphone. The left sidebar takes up more space than the message itself.
I do like the mobile formatting, though.
I am having this same issue while logged in.
When coming from a Google search, mobile is default and half of my search results are loaded as the main page.
It's making tracking down specific information near impossible.
Yet still less frustrating than the forum thread search.
iPhone 4 iOS 7.something
Yes, hilarballs outdated. I see I fall under automobile (HAH), though you would think my chosen preference would trump this.