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Missouri Constitutional Initiative Covering Industrial Hemp, Medicinal & Legalization

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
Hey there, Hashy :wave:

We needn't be as affirmative as that even... ;)

Could we sticky this, please? :tiphat: Kind sirs!


Just kidding with ya, I hope you know that, Hashy ;)


Take very good care, Hash Zeppelin! :wave:,

I just get excited.


Active member
Ever Forward!

Ever Forward!

Good vibes you guys over in the MO!!

I'm loving the 3 pronged initiative :tiphat:

Legalize it!!

Thank you, Lou :wave: I'll pass it on...

I really like the three-fer, too...

IF there is a severability clause then it's an almost instant winner (as long as we get it on the ballot--requiring just 300,000 legal Missouri voter signatures, delivered on time). All or one are bound to be passed.

IF there is no severability, then we give'r her all she's got (as long as we get it on the ballot--requiring just 300,000 legal Missouri voter signatures, delivered on time), take what we get and work from that point forward.

Ever forward!


:plant grow:

:wave: Lou,


Active member
Mardi Gras Is 6 Weeks Long? And...

Mardi Gras Is 6 Weeks Long? And...

St. Louis, Missouri Mardi Gras parade is 2nd only to New Orleans in size. Usually estimated at 300-500K. Parade runs right down Broadway past Busch Stadium home of the St. Louis Cardinals 2011 World Series Champions :dance013::dance013: Feb 17th is the party night, Feb 18 is the grand parade. Watch out for the crewe called the Mystic Knights of the Purple Haze.:rtfo::rtfo::rtfo:


The Mardi Gras is 6 weeks long?

Also, why can't I give you, Cool Moe... Bi0hazard... LouDog420... or Hash Zeppelin reputation points?

When I try I get "You cannot give Reputation to the same post twice."

Even though I've not given any of you Rep. points before in this thread or these posts? Although, I was able to give DeezyH Rep. points in this thread...


But, Mardi Gras is [really] 6 weeks long? ;)

:plant grow:



Active member
It Is Seveable...And...

It Is Seveable...And...

May I be a party pooper for a minute? I'm a bit disappointed in the lack of pragmatism displayed by the people behind this initiative. What I mean is, a medical bill most likely WOULD pass, but an all out legalization bill most likely would NOT pass. So, what I'm saying is that you should go for what you can get now, and move from there later when you have a better shot. Either way, good luck. Missouri is a conservative state in general. You'll need it.

It is severable. Item #14 of the SMCR Initiative I'm about to post, in full.

And, for the others asking questions as to 'where can I sign' or otherwise just peeking in ;), I've noticed they've populated the calender since I last looked. I'll be posting that as well...


:plant grow:



Active member
The SMCR Initiative - In Full

The SMCR Initiative - In Full

The Initiative

Be it resolved by the people of the state of Missouri that the Constitution be amended:

1. Cannabis shall immediately be removed from the Missouri Revised Statutes list of controlled substances and shall no longer be listed among Missouri’s drug schedules.

2. Definition of terms, as used in this Act:
 (a) “cannabis” and “cannabis hemp” refer to the natural, non genetically modified plant hemp, cannabis, marihuana, marijuana, cannabis sativa L, cannabis americana, cannabis chinensis, cannabis indica, cannabis ruderalis, cannabis sativa, or any variety of cannabis, including any derivative, concentrate, extract, flower, leaf, particle, preparation, resin, root, salt, seed, stalk, stem, or any product thereof.
(b) “agricultural hemp” and “agricultural cannabis” means all products made from cannabis hemp with a THC content of less than one percent.
(c) “medical cannabis” means all products made from cannabis that are designed, intended, or used for the treatment of any human disease or condition.
(d) “adult use” and “personal adult use” refer to the non-medical consumption of cannabis with greater than 1% THC by persons twenty-one years of age or older.
(e) “cannabis accessories” means any equipment, products, or materials of any kind which are used, intended for use, or designed for use in planting, propagating, cultivating, growing, harvesting, manufacturing, compounding, converting, producing, processing, preparing, testing, analyzing, packaging, repackaging, storing, vaporizing, or containing cannabis, or for ingesting, inhaling, or otherwise introducing cannabis into the human body.
(f) “Department” means the Department of Health and Senior Services or its successor agency.
(g) “cannabis establishment” means a cannabis cultivation facility, a cannabis testing facility, a cannabis product manufacturing facility, or a retail cannabis store or other entity licensed to cultivate, prepare, manufacture, package, transport or sell cannabis, cannabis products and cannabis accessories.
(h) “impairment” means the inability of a person to safely perform functional tasks associated with his or her job or with driving due to the influence of alcohol or other drugs.

3. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the following acts are not unlawful and shall not be an offense under Missouri law or be a basis for seizure or forfeiture of assets under Missouri law for persons twenty-one years of age or older:
(a) Possession of cannabis for personal adult use by persons twenty-one years of age or older.
(b) Cultivating cannabis that is not intended for resale within an area measuring ten feet by ten feet for personal adult use, or in an area sufficient to produce the quantity necessary to address a patient’s medical needs under the recommendation of a physician.
(c) Cultivating, harvesting, processing, manufacturing, packaging, distributing, transferring, displaying or possessing cannabis, cannabis accessories, and cannabis products for commercial purposes providing the person has a current, valid license to operate a cannabis establishment or is acting in his or her capacity as an owner, employee or agent of a licensed cannabis establishment.
(d) Providing cannabis, cannabis accessories, and cannabis products for sale to consumers twenty-one years of age or older for personal adult use if the person conducting the activities described in this paragraph has obtained a current, valid license to operate a retail cannabis store or is acting in his or her capacity as an owner, employee or agent of a licensed retail cannabis store.
(e) Leasing or otherwise allowing the use of property owned, occupied or controlled by any person, corporation or other entity for any of the activities conducted lawfully in accordance with paragraphs (a) through (d) of this subsection.

4. Medical cannabis shall be available to patients who have a physician’s recommendation.
(a) All patients engaged in cannabis therapy shall be afforded the same rights and privileges afforded to any patient treated through other pharmaceutical means.
(b) Cannabis acquisition, possession, and consumption shall be permitted to patients under the age of twenty-one with the consent of a parent or legal guardian and through the supervision of a parent or legal custodian and a licensed physician.
(c) Licensed physicians shall not be penalized for nor restricted from recommending cannabis for medical purposes to any person.
(d) Opinions pertaining to, and willingness to recommend medical cannabis therapy shall not be a criteria for the licensure of physicians; no physician shall be subject to any professional licensing review or hearing as a result of recommending or approving medical cannabis therapy.
(e) Any individual who is a legal cannabis patient in another state shall be granted the same rights and privileges as a legal Missouri cannabis patient.
(f) Medical care, including organ transplants, shall not be restricted in any way based on a person’s use of cannabis.

5. Not later than February 1, 2013, the Department shall adopt regulations necessary for implementation of this section.
(a) All regulations and rules imposed by the Department or any other agency of government shall meet a standard of strict scrutiny as to whether they further the goals of this Act and must be narrowly tailored to meet those goals. Such regulations shall include:
(i) Procedures for the issuance, renewal, suspension, and revocation of a license to operate a cannabis establishment;
(ii) A schedule of application, licensing and renewal fees;
(iii) Qualifications for licensure that are directly and demonstrably related to the operation of a cannabis establishment;
(iv) Security requirements for cannabis establishments;
(v) Civil penalties for the failure to comply with regulations made pursuant to this section;
(vi) The Department shall not require a consumer to provide a retail cannabis store with personal information other than identification to determine the consumer’s age, and a retail cannabis store shall not be required to acquire and record personal information about consumers other than information typically acquired in a financial transaction conducted at a retail liquor store.
(b) Each application for an annual license to operate a cannabis establishment shall be submitted to the department. The department shall: (i) Begin accepting and processing applications on July 1, 2013;
(ii) Immediately forward a copy of each application and half of the license application fee to the county, municipality or city and county in which the applicant desires to operate the cannabis establishment;
(iii) Issue an annual license to the applicant between forty-five and ninety days after receipt of an application unless the department finds the applicant is not in compliance with regulations enacted pursuant to paragraph (a);
(iv) Upon denial of an application, notify the applicant of the specific reason for its denial.
(c) Retail cannabis products for medical or adult use shall contain appropriate labeling, which outlines the weight and estimated potency of the product, lists all pesticides used in production, and summarizes the safe and effective use of cannabis. Labels shall not be promotional, false or misleading, and should be based on data derived from scientific study and prevailing human experience.

6. Nothing in this section shall:
(a) Require an employer to retain an employee who is impaired on the job by his use of cannabis.
(b) Permit operation of a motor vehicle by anyone who is impaired by cannabis.
(c) Permit the transfer or sale of cannabis intended for adult use to a person younger than twenty-one years of age.
(d) Forbid any individual or corporate property owner from prohibiting the distribution, sale or cultivation of cannabis within their dwelling.

7. Upon the passage of this Act, all persons incarcerated or under supervision of the Missouri Board of Probation and Parole for non-violent, cannabis-only offenses which are no longer illegal in the State of Missouri under this Act shall be immediately released.
(a) The Court shall order the immediate expungement of civil and criminal records pertaining to non-violent cannabis only offenses which are no longer illegal in the State of Missouri under this Act.
(b) Within 120 days of the passage of this Act, the Attorney General shall develop and make available to the public an application providing for the destruction of all cannabis-related civil and criminal records in Missouri and for any offense covered by this statute. These applications shall be distributed to all Circuit Court clerks within the State.

8. The Missouri General Assembly may enact a tax of up to $100 per pound of dried cannabis to be levied upon cannabis which is sold solely for personal adult use at the retail level.

9. No Missouri law enforcement personnel or state funds shall be used to assist or aid and abet in the enforcement of federal cannabis laws involving acts which are no longer illegal in the State of Missouri under this statute.

10. Any person who willfully impedes the lawful exercise of these provisions is guilty of a Class A misdemeanor.

11. Commercial and agricultural cannabis farmers, manufacturers, processors, and distributors shall not be subject to any special zoning requirement, licensing fee, or tax that is excessive, discriminatory, or prohibitive, or in any way significantly different from any other commercial or agricultural farmer, manufacturer, processor or distributor.

12. No person twenty-one years of age or older shall be arrested or prosecuted, nor be subject to any criminal penalties for the possession, cultivation, distribution, or consumption of cannabis.

13. Pursuant to the Ninth and Tenth Amendments to the Constitution of the United States, the people of Missouri hereby repudiate and challenge federal cannabis prohibitions that conflict with this Act.

14. Severability: If any provision of this Act or the application of any such provision to any person or circumstance, shall be held invalid by any court, the remainder of this Act, to the extent it can be given effect, or the application of such provisions to persons or circumstances other than those as to which it is held invalid, shall not be affected thereby, and to this end the provisions of this Act are severable.

15. Construction: If any rival or conflicting initiative regulating any matter addressed by this act receives the higher affirmative vote, then all non-conflicting parts shall become operative.

16. All provisions of this section are self-executing and severable, and, except where otherwise indicated in the text, shall supersede conflicting state or federal statutory, local charter, ordinance, or resolution, and other federal, state and local provisions.


:plant grow:

*Nice new smilies ;)



Active member
SMCR Signature Gathering Training & Signing Opportunity

SMCR Signature Gathering Training & Signing Opportunity

I am presuming that when they say "Volunteer Petitioner Training/Signing Opportunity" they mean there will be an opportunity for legal Missouri voters (registered to vote at your current address) to sign the petition.

I will call them myself tomorrow to find out for sure. "Volunteer Petitioner Training/Signing Opportunity" is routinely used in the calender events I see scheduled to this point.

*December 12, 2011

SMCR Petition Training & Signing Opportunity

December 12, 2011

• Columbia: Volunteer Petitioner Training/Signing Opportunity
Starts: 6:00 pm

Ends: December 12, 2011 - 8:00 pm

Location: Middlebush Hall, Room 132, University of Missouri, Columbia, MO 65201, Ninth St. and University Ave., Columbia, MO
Description: Please RSVP if you plan on attending: https://www.facebook.com/events/140977432677841/

Show-Me Cannabis Regulation in Columbia!

On MU campus, Middlebush Hall room 132!

The campaign will be providing volunteers with petitions, explaining the petitioning rules and process, providing tips, and answering questions. If you want to learn more or you're ready to get involved, this is your chance!


:plant grow:

I have to go hit up some other sites to get them to this point with what I've put here and I'll be back to post the rest of the available location/event calender, which is Dec. 12th up to the 17th, excluding Thu. 16th.



Active member
SMCR Petition Training & Signing Opportunity Calendar for Dec. 12th - 17th

SMCR Petition Training & Signing Opportunity Calendar for Dec. 12th - 17th

SMCR Petition Training & Signing Opportunity Calendar for Dec. 12th - 17th

December 12, 2011

• Columbia: Volunteer Petitioner Training/Signing Opportunity

Starts: 6:00 pm

Ends: December 12, 2011 - 8:00 pm

Location: Middlebush Hall, Room 132, University of Missouri, Columbia, MO 65201, Ninth St. and University Ave., Columbia, MO
Description: Please RSVP if you plan on attending: https://www.facebook...40977432677841/

Show-Me Cannabis Regulation in Columbia!

On MU campus, Middlebush Hall room 132!

The campaign will be providing volunteers with petitions, explaining the petitioning rules and process, providing tips, and answering questions. If you want to learn more or you're ready to get involved, this is your chance!

December 13, 2011

• St. Louis: Volunteer Petitioner Training/Signing Opportunity

Starts: 5:00 pm

Ends: December 13, 2011 - 7:00 pm

Location: Saint Louis Public Library Kingshighway Branch, 2260 South Vandeventer Avenue, Saint Louis, Missouri
Description: Please RSVP if you plan on attending: https://www.facebook...16075951802409/

The campaign will be providing volunteers with petitions, explaining the petitioning rules and process, providing tips, and answering questions.

Note two locations/events this V V V day

December 14, 2011

• Jefferson City: Petition Signing Opportunity

Starts: 2:00 pm

Ends: December 14, 2011 - 6:00 pm

Location: McClung Park (indoor pavilion), Jefferson City, MO
Description: This event will take place on the indoor pavilion (near the playground)

Volunteers for the campaign will be collecting signatures of registered MO voters for the Show-Me Cannabis Regulation Initiative.

RSVP on facebook: https://www.facebook...19959514785771/

Remember you must be 18 or older and a registered voter in the state of Missouri.

For more information visit http://www.show-mecannabis.com/

• Joplin: Volunteer Petitioner Training/Signing Opportunity

Starts: 7:00 pm

Ends: December 14, 2011 - 8:00 pm

Location: Joplin NORML Office, 926 South Ohio Ave. Suite A, Joplin, MO

Description: Please RSVP if you plan on attending: https://www.facebook...01436159932530/

The campaign will be providing volunteers with petitions, explaining the petitioning rules and process, providing tips, and answering questions.

December 15, 2011

• St. Louis: Volunteer Petitioner Training/Signing Opportunity

Starts: 6:30 pm

Ends: December 15, 2011 - 8:30 pm

Location: Saint Charles County Library Middendorf-Kredell Branch Meeting Room A, 2750 Hwy K, O'Fallon, Missouri

Description: Please RSVP if you plan on attending: https://www.facebook...89131027795636/

The campaign will be providing volunteers with petitions, explaining the petitioning rules and process, providing tips, and answering questions.

(This meeting is being held in conjunction with the Saint Charles chapter of Americans for Safe Access, so the room is under that group's name.)

December 17, 2011

• Lebanon: Volunteer Petitioner Training/Signing Opportunity

Starts: 12:00 pm

Ends: December 17, 2011 - 2:00 pm

Location: Lebanon-Laclede County Library, 915 South Jefferson, Lebanon, MO 65536

Description: Please RSVP if you plan on attending: https://www.facebook...08899159129733/

We will be meeting in the Dan True room.

The campaign will be providing volunteers with petitions, explaining the petitioning rules and process, providing tips, and answering questions.

Also, note there are no locations/events on Friday Dec. 16th.

:plant grow::smoke out:



Active member
Just A Friendly Reminder For Todays Event/Signature Opportunity & Answers

Just A Friendly Reminder For Todays Event/Signature Opportunity & Answers

Just A Friendly Reminder For Todays Event/Signature Opportunity & Some Answers...

I hope all that can make it out today do...

SMCR Petition Training & Signing Opportunity

Events on December 12, 2011

• Columbia: Volunteer Petitioner Training/Signing Opportunity

Starts: 6:00 pm

Ends: December 12, 2011 - 8:00 pm

Location: Middlebush Hall, Room 132, University of Missouri, Columbia, MO 65201, Ninth St. And University Ave., Columbia, MO

Description: Please RSVP if you plan on attending: https://www.facebook.com/events/140977432677841/

Show-Me Cannabis Regulation in Columbia!

On MU campus, Middlebush Hall room 132!

The campaign will be providing volunteers with petitions, explaining the petitioning rules and process, providing tips, and answering questions. If you want to learn more or you're ready to get involved, this is your chance!

I confirmed that these are training events (IF you want to sign up for it) AND signature drives. So, you can go and just sign the petition IF you don't want the training...

I also found out that there will likely be paid canvassers at some point in the future. Not now, but maybe after the first of the year.

I was also told that they do plan to blast this on craigslist.

I hope you find these answers satisfactory and that they help. IF I can be of any further assistance, please just ask. I'll be glad to help where and when I can...

:plant grow::smoke out:

Take care all! :wave:,


Active member
Well, I Had A Great Day Of Signature Gathering...

Well, I Had A Great Day Of Signature Gathering...

Well, I had a great day of signature gathering while I was out meandering doing other things :thumright:

Most people said yes they would sign it before I could get finished with my prepared spiel :D

Only one refused and he started saying he couldn't/wouldn't go against the bible and I laid this on him...

"And God said, Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed, which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, in the which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for meat."

After recovering from being stunned I was citing bible verse to him he turned into a weasel and said this and said that and hemmed and hawed, and changed the subject away from his Lord's word :D

I'll go back and see him again before May 6th, 2012 ;)

:plant grow: :smoke out:

Take care everyone :wave:,


Active member
Tomorrow, Dec. 13th Scheduled Event/Signature Gathering - St. Louis...

Tomorrow, Dec. 13th Scheduled Event/Signature Gathering - St. Louis...

December 13, 2011

• St. Louis: Volunteer Petitioner Training/Signing Opportunity

Starts: 5:00 pm

Ends: December 13, 2011 - 7:00 pm

Location: Saint Louis Public Library Kingshighway Branch, 2260 South Vandeventer Avenue, Saint Louis, Missouri

Description: Please RSVP if you plan on attending: https://www.facebook.com/events/216075951802409/

The campaign will be providing volunteers with petitions, explaining the petitioning rules and process, providing tips, and answering questions.

:plant grow: :smoke out:



I love my life
I have to say that this proposed state constitutional amendment is the best one I have ever seen.

Short sweet to the point and pandering to no special interest. Sure they threw the tax collectors a $100 per lb bone, but other than that it appears to be complete personal freedom. Very refreshing!



Active member
I'm Getting Excellent Response To It So Far. I'm Very Encouraged...

I'm Getting Excellent Response To It So Far. I'm Very Encouraged...

I have to say that this proposed state constitutional amendment is the best one I have ever seen.

Short sweet to the point and pandering to no special interest. Sure they threw the tax collectors a $100 per lb bone, but other than that it appears to be complete personal freedom. Very refreshing!

As far as my experience goes in these matters (not much farther than these boards ;) J/K, of course :) ) I have to agree with you on all your points.

I like it a lot.

I'm getting excellent response to it so far. I'm very encouraged...

:plant grow:

Thanks for your interest...


Take care, Hydro! :wave:,


Active member
What Is The Deal With The "Reputation"?

What Is The Deal With The "Reputation"?

What is the deal with the "Reputation"? I'm being told I have to spread it around and I can't give it more than once for that post even though in both instances I had not given them any today, yesterday or ever...

:frown: :dunno:

I'm trying folks. I apologize. Please know that I do appreciate your kind efforts and words but I'm being thwarted in my attempt to return the favor :frown: :dunno:

:plant grow:





Active member

I'm at a loss understanding what you're meaning...



Active member
Dec. 14th 2 Scheduled Events/Signature Gathering @ Jeff. City and Joplin

Dec. 14th 2 Scheduled Events/Signature Gathering @ Jeff. City and Joplin

Dec. 14th 2 Scheduled Events/Signature Gathering @ Jeff. City and Joplin.

There are two locations/events this day... (the first listed being a "signing" only event).

December 14, 2011

• Jefferson City: Petition Signing Opportunity

Starts: 2:00 pm

Ends: December 14, 2011 - 6:00 pm

Location: McClung Park (indoor pavilion), Jefferson City, MO

Description: This event will take place on the indoor pavilion (near the playground)

Volunteers for the campaign will be collecting signatures of registered MO voters for the Show-Me Cannabis Regulation Initiative.

RSVP on facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/119959514785771/

Remember you must be 18 or older and a registered voter in the state of Missouri.

For more information visit http://www.show-mecannabis.com/

• Joplin: Volunteer Petitioner Training/Signing Opportunity

Starts: 7:00 pm

Ends: December 14, 2011 - 8:00 pm

Location: Joplin NORML Office, 926 South Ohio Ave. Suite A, Joplin, MO

Description: Please RSVP if you plan on attending: https://www.facebook.com/events/201436159932530/

The campaign will be providing volunteers with petitions, explaining the petitioning rules and process, providing tips, and answering questions.

IF you live there or you're going to be around or know folks that live in those locations remind them to get their burros down there and sign this thing!!! (please ;) )

:plant grow: :smoke out:


Make it a great day!

Take care all! :wave:,


Active member
Joplin, Are You There? Second Event Tonight...Friendly Reminder...

Joplin, Are You There? Second Event Tonight...Friendly Reminder...

Just a friendly reminder that the evening event in Joplin is only an hour away...

The first event of the day has just ended and I hope you folks that live there or have friends or family there availed yourself of the opportunity...

December 14, 2011

• Joplin: Volunteer Petitioner Training/Signing Opportunity

Starts: 7:00 pm

Ends: December 14, 2011 - 8:00 pm

Location: Joplin NORML Office, 926 South Ohio Ave. Suite A, Joplin, MO

Description: Please RSVP if you plan on attending: https://www.facebook.com/events/201436159932530/

The campaign will be providing volunteers with petitions, explaining the petitioning rules and process, providing tips, and answering questions.

Once again, I hope folks that live there go and if they have friends or family in the area that they ask them to go, too.

Make it a great night, everyone!

:plant grow:

:smoke out:




Active member
Tomorrow Dec. 15th Scheduled Event/Signature Gathering@St. Charles

Tomorrow Dec. 15th Scheduled Event/Signature Gathering@St. Charles

Dec. 15th Scheduled Event/Signature Gathering @ St. Charles

December 15, 2011

• St. Louis: Volunteer Petitioner Training/Signing Opportunity

Starts: 6:30 pm

Ends: December 15, 2011 - 8:30 pm

Location: Saint Charles County Library Middendorf-Kredell Branch Meeting Room A, 2750 Hwy K, O'Fallon, Missouri

Description: Please RSVP if you plan on attending: https://www.facebook.com/events/289131027795636/

The campaign will be providing volunteers with petitions, explaining the petitioning rules and process, providing tips, and answering questions.

(This meeting is being held in conjunction with the Saint Charles chapter of Americans for Safe Access, so the room is under that group's name.)

Have you signed yet? Have your friends and family signed yet?

Any first hand accounts on any of these events to date? I'd be interested in hearing about them...

:plant grow: :smoke out:




Active member
show-mecannabis.com Is Running Two Event Calendars :eek:

show-mecannabis.com Is Running Two Event Calendars :eek:

I don't know why but it seems like show-mecannabis.com is running two event calendars :eek:

There is a signing opportunity occurring right now until 4:00pm at the Joplin-NORML office...


Joplin: Petition Signing Opportunity

When: Thu, December 15, 12pm – 4pm

Where: Joplin NORML Office, 926 South Ohio Ave. Suite A, Joplin, MO (map)

Description: Volunteers for the campaign will be collecting signatures of registered MO voters for the Show-Me Cannabis Regulation Initiative.

Our office is located on the north end of the 926 S Ohio Ave. building. It is a brown, metal multiple office building at a dead end.

Remember you must be 18 or older and a registered voter in the state of Missouri.

For more information visit http://www.show-mecannabis.com/

I can't imagine why they'd be running two calendars with greatly different schedules...AND according to the second calendar there will be two opportunities tomorrow where the first calendar said there were no events on the 16th :( I apologize for the confusion...

:plant grow: :smoke out:

Take care all! :wave:,