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Mini greenhouse



Love it wisco,some good work there,will be giving this a go this season,thanks for the info.

hamstring,do you have any probs with snails,slugs?.........great stuff fella!


Thanks for the replies guys. I haven't gotten around to building the second GH yet or doing any work on the swamp tube GHs, but soon I think. I got out to the woods today to check some things out. Just a beautiful day out. I was walking along and suddenly realized I was sweating my balls off. First time this year I had to take some layers off in the woods, a good sign!

I moved a few things around and checked my coco stashes. All the tubs were the same weight as when I dropped them off so we seem to be in good shape. I have 12 of the 5kg bales already out in the woods, plus a bunch of rubbermaids, fencing and the such.

Here's a little picture of me woods. The snow is still there, though much shallower. Just a couple inches left. The moving creeks are all thawed out, some of the little tribs are still frozen up but not much longer.



Well-known member
Love it wisco,some good work there,will be giving this a go this season,thanks for the info.

hamstring,do you have any probs with snails,slugs?.........great stuff fella!

You know I cant really speak to slugs never had a problem with them in any way. I would think they could easily climb up my containers no prob. I guess if I lived where they were a problem I would plan for it with some slug deterrent of some type.

They only interesting thing I found in my cold frames was a snake. It was early morning in the swamp I was moving my cups getting ready for transplant and as I am pulling up my cups I kind of jumped, very surprised to see a snake curled up retaining heat in the cold frame. I left him there but he left as the morning warmed up.

Not using the large black containers this year shrinking them by at least half. I picked out some cheap tool boxes and am giving these a try this season hope to shrink the size of the cups also and put 15 cups per container. If it works so much less work to carry in the soil to fill these then the large ones. Getting the itch!!!!!






Wisco.......that's a nice location!

Thanks hamstring,i like the camo job on your tubs,how many plants go in each one,or do you put 1 plant per tub?


Well-known member
Man looks like a nice place and sounds like you have put the effort in it to make it work all those soil amendments all ready out there waiting you brother. Nice job.

Those are the lower half of my cold frames I hope to have 15 cups each in the smaller ones and the larger ones hold 24 (18oz) cups. Like Wisco I am looking for cold frame possibilities/improvements and like this thread that Wisco started. If Wisco is open to it (his thread) love to see what other people use for their cold frames.


I finished my Rubbermaid swamp tube mini GHs today. Made a few changes:

1) Replaced the clothespins with binder clips. They are much sturdier.
2) Added ventilation by taping in some window screen.
3) I will use a bamboo stake in the middle of each one to tent up the plastic and prevent water damage. Thanks to hamstring for this!

I have 4 of these made and will move them around. I'll start about a dozen seeds in each in early to mid May. I'll use them to harden off clones in mid to late May, and will use them to start more seeds in early June.

Lets see what you other guys have going for this years outdoor extravaganza. :jump:


This is the money you could be saving if you grow
I'm still in an area that gets snow and frost until May 1st so I'm waiting until the last week of April to set up shop and will plant in ground the 1st week of May. I showed my mom the little greenhouse and I gave it to her for her own use. That was the idea. The one I made was too short for a 2 week veg.

After working out in the garage I found a couple 56 quart rubbermaids or the like that are clear. I'll be using those instead. The container has a lid which will become the base for the 20 ounce cups. Once the seeds are started, the 56 quart container will in affect become the lid. I will cut a couple vents and may use a bit of screen to shield out bugs.

Thanks again for sharing your ideas. I am more optimistic this year because if these ideas. It's gonna be in the 70's later this week and I'll be going back out for more prep work, supply drop and to scout out another area or two.

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