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Midnight Madness, Love Cheese, Atlantic Diesel, Super Lemon Haze


Hey there wildgrow! Sucks about the additional boys you found in there. Just bad luck I guess. I'm glad that the SLH is still chugging along nicely though.

PS. I liked the pic of your AD runt with the gimpy leaf :D


, The Ghost of
Hey there wildgrow! Sucks about the additional boys you found in there. Just bad luck I guess. I'm glad that the SLH is still chugging along nicely though.

PS. I liked the pic of your AD runt with the gimpy leaf :D

Thanks Penguin, got to show the good with the bad. The booger runt is the last AD in the grow - and its a girl!

And on that note:

AD - She has been topped and has caught up to the others.

She is this strains only hope at redemption at this point. May she grow and smoke well.

Before I continue, the happenin's:

11-19 I had decided to adjust my exhaust times to 1hour, 4 times
and took some notes.
Lights on 72* 52%
Mh on 79* 52%
Start 1st exhaust 82* 52%
End 81* 49%
2nd exhaust 84* 50%
End 82* 48%
3rd exhaust 83* 50%
End fell asleep
4th exhaust *snore
End still sleeping
17th hour 80* 46%
Lights off 78* 48%

Best guess is, it may have reached 86* as a high temp. for
the day. Its a little high but temps in the closet will come
down as the cold weather progresses. Not too worried
about it yet.
11-22 Neen spray the foliage. The remainder was watered into the
soil at 1/2 strength.
Topped MMa x 1
SLH x 2
LC x 1
11-24 Water (should have fed but I was 'busy', if ya know what I
mean. *wink *wink Say no more, say no more)
Topped SLH x 1
Tomorrow Water and feed

Enough of that and on with the show, right?




, The Ghost of
Damnit! I apparently forgot to take pics of the SLH. Ill get some up tomorrow. Until then - MM - all 3 - I think...

MMa and c - I dont fuggin know. So shoot me - its my 1st smoke in 2 1/2 days - I was rrrealll 'busy' ;)


a and c are totally the same except for height - fat, short leaves and thick-stemmed.
b has thinner stems and very long branches, the leaves are narrower and much smaller

If the pics arent matching the descriptions... ah, you already know.

Havent cloned anything yet, thats comming up tomorrow. Depending on the woodiness of the stems, I might clone all the MMs along with the LC and SLH. Im a lil hesitant because I dont want to coddle any plants that wont get flowered this round. Id rather wait until the plants have been under 12/12 for a week.

Any qs or cs would be welcome - shit, even a 'u suk' is ok. I dont give a shit.


, The Ghost of
Looking over the above post again, Im really not happy with the pics.

Tomorrow Ill photograph the MMs again as well as the SLH. The AD and LC will surfice for this week.

Also, Ill take a pic of the clones - yes, I did some cloning. 2 LC, 2 of each of the MMs and 4 SLH.


Active member
ICMag Donor
lol wildgrow, the pictures are fine, infact awesome! Some threads go with zero pictures :)

keep up the good work, eager to see the SLH take off


Private Breeder
ICMag Donor
Hey wildgrow, sucky about all the males in the AD that is crappy luck to say the least :( I hope you female comes out good for you. Looks like she is starting to get bushy now and catching up with the rest of the others.


, The Ghost of
Hey wildgrow, sucky about all the males in the AD that is crappy luck to say the least :( I hope you female comes out good for you. Looks like she is starting to get bushy now and catching up with the rest of the others.

It definitely is some shit luck. Who knows? Maybe the rest will be heavy in the opposite direction. Het, DWS. Where there any autoflowering traits in the Atlantic Storm you used in this strain?

1st off I want to thank those of you who are checking in - even if youre only an occasional lurker.

Bear with me, this is going to take a few posts. Pics will run structure, top then an above view. Ive been working this junk macro setting so hard that I cant snap off a reg pic anymore.

Ive #'d the MMs so that I know which plant donated which clones.

MM#1 - The tallest, most vigorous of the plants. Its reached 11 leaflet fans.



, The Ghost of
MM#2 - This 1 is almost as vigorous, almost as tall as #1, but only almost. Maybe both sexes of 1 phenotype?



, The Ghost of
MM#3 - This 1 liked topping the least, took a long time to grow out of it. Its leaves are much smaller and thinner. Its the shortest of the 3 and has the widest spread. Certainly a different pheno from the other 2.



, The Ghost of
And finally, the SLH - She has stretched as you can see. Also no problems with full strength nutes.

Threw in a leaf pic for the hell of it.

Ive just noticed that my ghetto backdrop has a secondary purpose. It wont be exact, but most positioning of the plants and myself are congruent through the pics. You can count the peg holes up the sides of the boards to get an idea of the relative heights between the plants. Too bad I didnt get them all in front of it.

Thanks again.


, The Ghost of
Quick update.

I ph'd the soil in my pots 1 day after drenching with full strength nutes and the readings were all between 6.0 - 6.3. Too low. Last run they were very consistant staying between 6.3 - 6.7.

I did the same with my tap water. It was reading lower than before. For shits, I also tested a 1/2 g of tap with 5 drops of Superthrive mixed in. That 1 tested at 0.4 lower ph than the straight tap.

Left the 'thrive out of the mix and my soil ph is up 0.2. Easy fix. Or is it? Time will tell.

The only exception to this is the AD. Ph'd at 5.9. She gets the same everything that the others do, yet... Maybe Im cursed when it comes to these plants.

11-26 Nutes
11-28 Nutes - they took them so well the last time that I decided to hit them again.
11-29 Trim - took out some lower stuff left over from the cloning. Ended up with 2 good cuttings of the LC that I gave away.

As things are going, I think Ill make the flip on the 7th. Ill pot the girls up to 3 g (because my broke ass aint got the scratch for 2 - 2 1/2 g). If all goes well maybe Ill be puffing some Love Cheese on love day.


, The Ghost of
My Broke A$$ Found $ome Ca$h

My Broke A$$ Found $ome Ca$h


Got me some dough so tomorrow Im off to buy some pots and silica.

Q: Does silica raise/lower ph? Im still looking for suggestions on good brands. Remember, Im growing in Promix and using FF nutes.

11-30 Pots were light but not enough for a deep watering. Watered just enough to keep them from getting too dry

12-1 Drench. Trimmed off a few bits that I had kept in case the clones didnt root.

Today I had planned on planting the clones but I probably wont - no hurry. I will put the SLH in a 3 g in case its a long running pheno.

Who wants pics?

AD - Ill really be flabbergasted if I can pull an oz off her in the end.

LC - I think her leaves look a lot like Love Potion, of course Ive only seen her in pics. Anyone know her and want to holler at me? I really like her structure. Im imagining chunky spears. Shes giving me a peak at her lady parts. :jerkit:

If you will, follow me right...


, The Ghost of
...over here.

MM#1 - I have a feeling that this may be the 'big bertha' pheno. Strongest, fastest and tallest of the bunch. I dont know the sex yet so it could be a 'bert'. I just might keep it either way. ;)

MM#2 - Very similar structure to #1 but not as fast or tall.

Both of these have the same smell from stem rubbing - a dark resiny type of smell.

Now, just step around...


, The Ghost of
...this way.

MM#3 - Different from the other two and confirmed to be a girl. Woot! Shes much slower, didnt like topping, and has a finer leaf structure. Rubbing her results in an almost baby shampoo odor.

SLH - She seems to be growing out more than up right now. I expect a big stretch once shes settled into her 3 g home under hps.

If anyone is interested, Ill probably post some root porn for y'all when I transplant.

Questions, comments, quips, musings, whatever - blab it out.


, The Ghost of
Ive been thinking

Ive been thinking

Ive been thinking about this for a couple weeks.

All the info I can find on SLH has stated a flower time anywhere from 8-14 weeks. Ive also seen some pics of real stretchy phenos.

My space is pretty small and I dont want to run into a problem if she goes long.

So I was thinking, Ive got these rails on the walls...why dont I put them to use?

I decided to start training her so that I could eventually restrain her to the wall via the rails. If she gets leggy, Im going to have to keep that under control. Spreader bar.

After that, I trimmed up her backside and pushed her up against the wall.

Im going to let her orient herself to the light before I decide if anymore should come off. Im hoping to do a single plant stadium sort of thing with her. Once everything else is out, Ill do a horizontal vert (WHAT?) by unhooking my reflector and letting it hang by the 2 holes closest to the back wall.


, The Ghost of
I was bored. And being bored, I did what I usually do - visit with the ladies. Ohh yeaaah, giggity.

SLH took to the spreader bar like a good lil slut. So now shes bound to the wall. This plant takes topping and training very well. ie. Bending to my will.

She has 7 tops and around 5 secondaries right now.

MM#1 and MM#2 both have leaflets that crowd each other so much that they are stacked.

I hadnt personally seen this yet - just thought it was neato.

The flip will be sat or sun. As soon as the tallest plant hits 18". The SLH is at 16 1/2" and growing about an inch/day.


, The Ghost of
Thanks Festi.

Can you tell me if this leaf stacking is typical? Or anyone else who has grown is growing this plant.

It doesnt really matter to me if I get a Bertha or a Marge, as long as I like the finished product.

Lights are definitely being flipped tomorrow - SLH is sitting pretty at 17 1/4" and the MMs are all right around 16". LC is 16 1/2", while the AD is under 15".


Flip, flip, flip! Leaves look good, they're just fat and healthy and pushing each other for room... I've seen them start a second row of fingers in front of the others when they get too squished, just some healthy buggers ;)


Well-known member
Nice SLH i grew out a five pack every one was different .i got one perfect SLH and one more like haze which i have a cut still , hope u get the pheno. And yes they stretch.. buddler