I do this except with peanut butter/ almond butter and left over vaped goods( ABV) already been vaped...
natural nut butters in the containers are kept cold in fridge so I add a few tbls of it to a small glass container and microwave for 11 secs to get it warm.
then add 1 to 3 grams abv on top of warm nut butter then olive oil to soak up into dry abv and lecithin, lipid fat in lecithin will help boost a medible strength up to 50%! .
then microwave 11 secs and stir it all up. next I add raw honey and few chunks of dark chocolate and microwave another 11 secs.
a microwave can devastate cannabinoids quickly so to much time in there kills medical value completely, short bursts work only
natural nut butters in the containers are kept cold in fridge so I add a few tbls of it to a small glass container and microwave for 11 secs to get it warm.
then add 1 to 3 grams abv on top of warm nut butter then olive oil to soak up into dry abv and lecithin, lipid fat in lecithin will help boost a medible strength up to 50%! .
then microwave 11 secs and stir it all up. next I add raw honey and few chunks of dark chocolate and microwave another 11 secs.
a microwave can devastate cannabinoids quickly so to much time in there kills medical value completely, short bursts work only