spliffdiddy I set mine up facing out - i.e. pulling air through the filter and pushing out the fan. You can also set it up the other way too - but probably not as efficient depending upon your fan.
ReeferDan said:What is the formula for intake vs. exhaust for a negative pressure system (or whatever system is the best for smell proofing/growing mmj?) isnt it intake is 2x exhaust? if so, i'll need a big intake, i think i'll put a piece of carbon matt filter over the intake part.
MushuHappiness said:What he said... For a negative pressure... Wouldnt it be the Exhuast = 2x the intake??
Not Ex2=I... Seems to me that would just cause a pressure buildup... well not really..more like static air inside your case??
I plan on using 2x80mm fans with micro scrubbers, a PCI slot fan with a micro scrubber, and only one intake fan... maybe an 80mm or a 120mm, and then IF i use a partition... probably will since im going MICRO hydro .. I'll have an 80mm W/o the scrubber mounted there on the partition
Prksy said:Got this little problem...
First I thought it was the coal (active coal from the shop) that needs to be replaced but it' more likely it has sth to do with the thickness of the layer...quess it's not thick enough.
I've made this yesterday hoping it would solve my worries but it's all the same
It's attached to 120mm fan 12V (75cfm)...the layer itself is almost 1'' thick...
2 plants are now 5 weeks into flower and I would very much like to get rid of the odor. thx
Prksy said:I've made this yesterday hoping it would solve my worries but it's all the same