I hope I'm not to late to chime in. I will slightly agree with what people have been saying. There have been some wacky court cases that should have never been but it definitely isn't the most well written law. I will say Colorado seems darn near perfect but I'm happy with Michigan except for the law being tricky to follow for caregivers. Patients may have a difficult time finding proper medication which kind of leaves me off to say grow your own.
So unfortunately there's a ton of down right bad meds (especially hash) but if you're just looking to grow your own and not much else I think Michigan is a good fit. Staying off the radar is a must but in all honesty it shouldn't be too hard as there are definitely more growers than there were 2 years ago.
On somewhat of a side note, I've noticed a large amount of people in it for the money and are willing to risk patients health for an extra buck. Moldy buds used for edibles and what not..
Best of luck with everything.
63% of the voters here approved this Act and though its not perfect,imo there is nothing wrong with the Act.The only ones having problems are cops,lawyers,and judges.They spew to the media how confusing it is,but have they sat down and read it?
Now I'm not bashing Colo., but I dont need cameras in my grow area with big brother watching me.