And exactly what is said against the grower that might choose to exercise their right to defend their own home, property & life... armed & aggravated counts, assuming they didn't rightfully gun you down first.
Look... assuming we all agree that if someone else takes up violence against us (up to & including mortal threat), then we have the right to defend ourselves to the point necessary... and at a highly critical life or death moment, you have to give a little to the person that is defending themselves. I feel this is fair to assume.
Well... the cops use threat of force up to & including mortal harm, even death, on mmj growers... most all us here, live in fear... and a very real one. And we all, fair to assume, recognize that the gov is not justified in doing so.
By the original assumptions, we, in turn, have the right to defend ourselves against such aggressors... namely gov't official, e.g., cops.
But should any of us HAVE to be in the position to defend our very lives against paramilitary groups such as the local pigs???
And the resounding answer, I feel it fair to assume, is NO. Cops shouldn't be able to just gun people down... and tell a story... end of story.
You can't go touting the outstanding job well done, where the very thing you are lauding is the very same tactic that is used against us. It really is a bit crazy that so many people don't see this.
If I am forced to defend my patients medicine I will.
If is turns out to be LEO instead of rippers then I will lose.
If I lose WE ALL know how the story will be spun.