My personal cloning medium which makes roughly 1.5 cu ft:
5 gal peat
2.75 gal coir
.75 gal EWC
.75 gal composted cow manure
.5 gal chunky perlite
.5 gal vermiculite
Cloning Amendment Recipe:
2/3c crab meal
2/3c kelp meal
2/3c pH mineral mix*
2 tbsp DE/Calcium Bentonite
1 tbsp Bio-Vam
1 tbsp Bio-Ag Endo Vam
From the same thread...
thanks, I was thinking about that but was unsure if it needs time to cook or not, my thoughts were since its just crab and kelp that it needs no time. i have everything on hand to make that. have the bio-vam and bio-ag endo vam as well
oh and one more update until I get the scrubber and scrubber venting up...
...let there be light..