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Mexico issues first permit to grow and use marijuana


ICMag Donor
Mexico City (AFP) - Mexican health authorities issued Friday the first permit allowing four individuals to grow and use their own marijuana for recreational purposes, following a landmark Supreme Court ruling.
<article data-reactid=".2f1gqor5n9c.$Col1-0-ContentCanvasProxy.$Col1-0-ContentCanvas.0" data-uuid="b2a8566c-6336-3bfb-b75c-80a379e99c6c" data-type="story"> While the permit opens a crack in Mexico's prohibitionist policies, the government health watchdog Cofepris stressed that the authorization is limited to those four people only.
The group, part of the Mexican Society for Responsible and Tolerant Personal Use (SMART), is pushing for full legalization of marijuana, arguing that it will help reduce the country's relentless drug violence.


<figure class="canvas-image Mx(a) canvas-atom Mt(0px) Mt(20px)--sm Mb(24px) Mb(22px)--sm" style="MAX-WIDTH: 100%" data-reactid=".2f1gqor5n9c.$Col1-0-ContentCanvasProxy.$Col1-0-ContentCanvas.0.2" data-type="image"> <figcaption title="A man shows medical marijuana at a greenhouse in Mexico City on November 30, 2015 (AFP Photo/Yuri Cortez)" class="figure-caption C(#26282a) Fz(13px) Py(5px) Lh(1.5) LineClamp(2,32px) Ta(start)" data-reactid=".2f1gqor5n9c.$Col1-0-ContentCanvasProxy.$Col1-0-ContentCanvas.0.2.1">A man shows medical marijuana at a greenhouse in Mexico City on November 30, 2015 (AFP Photo/Yuri Cortez)</figcaption></figure>
Their legal victory has set a potential precedent for others to seek similar permits while forcing President Enrique Pena Nieto and Congress to debate whether to change the country's marijuana laws.
For now, Cofepris underlined in a statement that under the current laws marijuana "is still an illegal substance" and its cultivation and sale remain forbidden.
But the four SMART members -- two lawyers, an accountant and a social activist -- are allowed to "sow, grow, harvest, prepare, possess, transport and consume marijuana for recreational uses," Cofepris said.
They are not permitted, however, to sell it to other people or use marijuana in front of children, pregnant women "or people who do not give their consent."
The SMART members say they have no intention of using marijuana. Their goal, they say, is to force the government's hand.
While Pena Nieto has repeatedly voiced his opposition to legalization, he has convened experts to a national debate in several states between January and March to decide potential new regulations.
Congress, meanwhile, is discussing a bill that would legalize the import and consumption of medical marijuana.

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Who did they issue it to?

Someone affiliated with el cartel de Sinaloa? Just kidding...

The cartels aren't really that focused on weed anyways, like Stoned Trout says below, meth and heroin are their big exports along with cocaine.
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if it smells like fish
viva mexico...yeehaw..if weed goes legal the cartels will only loose millions and have to concentrate on other drugs...already more better cheaper meth pouring in to the usa along with increased heroin..meth prices have dropped a lot...glad I don't do that shite

Bud Green

I dig dirt
"But the four SMART members -- two lawyers, an accountant and a social activist --
are allowed to "sow, grow, harvest, prepare, possess, transport and consume marijuana for recreational uses,"

4 people out of 125 million people in Mexico get permits to do "all that I ever wanted to do"....

It kinda figures that 2 of them are lawyers...and 1 is an "activist" (I wonder what other "highfalutin" connections" they have?)


Well-known member
You will never be able to beat the black market prices 50 to 100 dollars the pound or 30 a kilo straight From the growers. Compressed weed doesn't magically lose potency


ICMag Donor
You will never be able to beat the black market prices 50 to 100 dollars the pound or 30 a kilo straight From the growers. Compressed weed doesn't magically lose potency

True dat.

Mexico’s conservative Catholic Church also expressed its preoccupation.

“It’s not a debate in Congress, not a debate in society, it’s only in the court as if it’s a super power, which assumes positions that affect the entire country,” said Father Hugo Valdemar, Archdiocese of Mexico City spokesman. He deemed the ruling “unnecessary” since Mexico already allows the possession of five grams of marijuana or less.

Rivera calls that amount “about two fat joints” and says purchasing marijuana is still prohibited. He says Mexican lawmakers have showed little interest in legislating on the issue.

“It’s not chic. It’s not a sexy issue for them,” he said. “It’s not one that wins votes for them.”

Mexico recently allowed medical marijuana to be used with an eight-year-old girl suffering seizures caused by a rare disease to be the first patient.

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