I think Jalisco has a good point. Not faulting your reasoning, kmk, just noting that most everywhere you go, no one likes a tourist... and American tourists seem to be especially deplorable. Go to any Spring Break beach town or tourist destination in Mexico and you might notice that there isnt a lot of interest in the local culture. These are mostly places to trash, get fucked up, be stupid,,, and then leave. This new rule isnt to increase tourism, its an attempt to quell the horror of the drug lords.
Yeah, that is a good point....but they do the same thing here (the american kids lol) but they are still filling hotels, restaurants..all the things that they buy-- The stupidity is just how it is...it is like a "Fad"... lol!!
And I agree about the new Law not being to increase tourism...it is a Positive step towards reducing corruption--