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Mexican Cartels Wage War on California Cops


Active member
Does this mean, given "Supply & Demand" forces, that prices will necessarily raise in the near future (for local and home grown product)?

Should we be buying options?

Is this part of the Simulas Package?


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
with mexicans fighting bloody battles and now the shit spilling over the boarder... how do you think thats going to effect legalization?? very negatively exactly what they want!! this shit enrages me. pull some troops out of the fucking desert and put them where they need be... all over mexico!

Eh, you are feeding right into the hate machine bro. You are playing right into their hands. We've let third world countries bear the brunt of our War on Drugs. We get high and they die.

It's their countries that we've helped destroy by our policies. I really feel like the only way we are going to move past this drug war is for Americans to really suffer the consequences and that means blood in the streets. We only understand shock value these days.

The cartels are basically and unknowingly our muscle for the legalization movement. Their brutality inside the US will start raising eyebrows. This is how the Washington plays the game. War and money is all our politicians understand unfortunately and the real war is about to roll up onto our shores.


Active member
I like my bacon fried tell its crunchy:wave:

fuck legalization the game was fine the way it was , they way it always should be~legalization is blaspemy!!

God bless the plant that feeds the poor


the only way to really put the cartels out of biz is to make drugs legal. then they could not profit of underground activities....


Active member
It's more then just MJ and drugs. It's about taking over our country like they did in mexico. Fuck the cartels and illegals that shit on our country.:bat:


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
Fuck the cartels and illegals that shit on our country.:bat:

Our policies created the cartels. If we legalize they would disappear, but then so would a HUGE part of the Federal apparatus. Not going to happen unless there is major pain.

Don't you get it lol? Our government loves the cartels. They love keeping drugs illegal because they are making bank off it.

Washington enjoys watching us get shit on. It makes for great cigar room jokes while they blow coke up their nose they get from the CIA.


Active member
we need to goto war with these mexican fucks and take back control of the government from the cartels.. then we can focus on legalization with out backlashes from mexico.
LOl that been working awesome in Columbia for what the past 20 years LOL:dance013:

its in Americas and most third world country interest to keep drugs illegal ~ its a great bizz for all~economic equalizer!!!

IM WITH HOMEY ABOVE METH AND COKE AND BATHTUB ECSTASY are there new meal tickets ~ Most wets wont even smoke there shit,,,i got homey spread all over the states ~no one knows anyone that buys this shit~you cant even give mexican weed away in the medwest and the medwest is like americas garbage disposel
I wouldn't really say its in most third world countries interest to keep it illegal. Venezuela, Brazil, Columbia etc have all criticised the United State's drug policy due to the violence that it creates in THEIR countries.(as spastic gramps said we get high they die).

I'll be honest, if i heard this story about cops in my country it would seriously depend what PD and division they were in for me to give a shit.


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
The American pigs have had it too easy for a long time. They have been able to bully us around without recourse.

They are going to have to start fighting a real fight now. Real bombs, real bullets, and people who actually understand the concept of fighting wars. Not some poor stoner they pick up and bully the fuck out of.

As callus as it sounds, I'm going to enjoy watching the pigs squirm. They have killed many of us and now the Cartels are about to start doing our dirty work because they have serious balls and don't give a fuck.

The Vultures become the prey.


Active member
I wouldn't really say its in most third world countries interest to keep it illegal. Venezuela, Brazil, Columbia etc have all criticised the United State's drug policy due to the violence that it creates in THEIR countries.(as spastic gramps said we get high they die).

I'll be honest, if i heard this story about cops in my country it would seriously depend what PD and division they were in for me to give a shit.
Ehhh thats only the gov ~ all them countries poor rather sell us dope and play the game then Slave for dole or del~monte in the banana plantations..........Aint no poor gonna crawl out the gutter slanging bananaz ~ :dance013: the game the way it has been has worked well for all for a long time !!!


Active member
The American pigs have had it too easy for a long time. They have been able to bully us around without recourse.

They are going to have to start fighting a real fight now. Real bombs, real bullets, and people who actually understand the concept of fighting wars. Not some poor stoner they pick up and bully the fuck out of.

As callus as it sounds, I'm going to enjoy watching the pigs squirm. They have killed many of us and now the Cartels are about to start doing our dirty work because they have serious balls and don't give a fuck.

The Vultures become the prey.
LOL i think I love you grandpa~ Next time you need a few boxz of depends My treat and all the metamucil you can guzzle


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
LOL i think I love you grandpa~ Next time you need a few boxz of depends My treat and all the metamucil you can guzzle

:biglaugh: I appreciate that. I have to keep reminding people I'm only 29.

I've had this handle since college. I use it exclusively for IC Mag now. I made it up because I thought it was funny.

Although, if I start chugging Metamucil I might take you up on the depends.


Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
this stuff isnt surprising at all. I said this was gonna happen several months ago, and it is.


Active member
The American pigs have had it too easy for a long time. They have been able to bully us around without recourse.

They are going to have to start fighting a real fight now. Real bombs, real bullets, and people who actually understand the concept of fighting wars. Not some poor stoner they pick up and bully the fuck out of.

As callus as it sounds, I'm going to enjoy watching the pigs squirm. They have killed many of us and now the Cartels are about to start doing our dirty work because they have serious balls and don't give a fuck.

The Vultures become the prey.

wow you have issues. your justifying the death of cops which only enforce the laws and have no political power to change them, because your "some poor stoner" who chooses to break the laws in the first place. don't do the crime if you can't do the time, or move to a med state maybe... "killed many of us" what are you talking about? i don't know 1 grower who has been shot and killed by police.


Active member
ajc0k - Cop hatred seems to be the norm on these forums, and making posts like yours usually just gets you accused of being a cop. :badday:
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Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
wow you have issues.

Got a whole stack em.

There has been an international war going on for decades. We have literally destroyed countries and nations because the government dictates what drugs we can ingest.

Oxy but not weed. That choice creates two markets. One for big pharma and one for an international black guerrilla market. In international relation terms, these attacks are called escalation.

I hate this. It makes me sick to my stomach. More than most. If the police weren't abused as a Gestapo force and enforced just laws we wouldn't have this issue. They serve a valuable purpose given the right laws. They are being sent to slaughter just as the millions of lives who have been ended or destroyed by the Drug War.

It's an unfortunate situation for the gov to willingly put us in.


I Smell Bacon

I Smell Bacon

wow you have issues. your justifying the death of cops which only enforce the laws and have no political power to change them, because your "some poor stoner" who chooses to break the laws in the first place. don't do the crime if you can't do the time, or move to a med state maybe... "killed many of us" what are you talking about? i don't know 1 grower who has been shot and killed by police.

Wow, all it took was a quick Google-ing to find this tragedy:

And that wasn't even a grower. Or even a toker. Just an innocent victim of this bullshit drug war. Cops only enforce the laws huh? Who comes out with the strongest opposition to cannabis (or any other drug for that matter) law reform hmmmm? Police unions! Police Chiefs Associations! Etc! They certainly do have political clout, and if they don't agree with the drug war than their avenue could be Law Enforcement Against Prohibition and they should go on strike until the laws are changed. Anything else is pure hypocrisy. To perpetuate a war on cannabis users and growers, for a "crime" where there is NO VICTIM, is just asking to get fucked up by someone who stands to lose a lot of money in this black market game. This is a war, and in any war there are casualties. Of course those on the frontlines are gonna get hit the hardest. Don't want to die in a bullshit war? 1) don't sign up to be a frontline soldier 2) end the war.

I agree with SpasticGramps 100%. I certainly am not going to give up my life in some futile attempt to go to war with the police. The cartels are now doing that for us! The more dead feds the better. My sympathies to the families though, hopefully they will realize that the tragedy of their family member's death could have been avoided a) by not choosing such a parasitic career in the first place and b) if drugs, ALL drugs, were regulated by the government, and cannabis legalized for private consumption and sale, NONE OF THIS WOULD BE OCCURRING TO BEGIN WITH! And those families will then lobby their congressman to change the laws which got their loved one killed :rant:


One day you will have to answer to the children of
Spastic Gramps "Eh, you are feeding right into the hate machine bro. You are playing right into their hands. We've let third world countries bear the brunt of our War on Drugs. We get high and they die."

That is the Truth. And the Truth shall set you free.

P.S. Or we get a Girl's Best Friend...Also known as a few months of your salary.


Active member
yeah this does not seem to be the cartels. The mexican cartels are the most professional and organized of all the various oganizations in the region including the u.s. If they embarked on some thing of this nature there would not be these half measures. Besides not a single one of these cartels can afford to take on the u.s. It would simply be suicidel and highly unlikely at this point. You guys should check out some of the reports done by the u.n. on the mexican cartels and the situation down south.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
The cartels leave the streets littered with corpses down in Mexico. This does not sound like them or they are not trying very hard.

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