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Diary Mephisto Creme de la Chem - Multiverse


09/21/2022 21:30 - Rockin' along. Getting to predictable swings on pH and EC.
450ppm @ 6.4, down 2 quarts (Falling/Falling/Rising)
Added 2 quarts of res juice plus 25 drops pH DOWN, which brought it to:
540ppm @ 5.7

HAVE to make some more juice tomorrow. Will go for 900ppm (1.8) for refill juice, at 5.2. That should bring the overall EC back up to roughly [email protected] (let's see how close we get).


09/22/2022 17:15 -
470ppm @ 6.2pH, down 1.75 quarts (Falling/Falling/Rising)
Added last of res juice + 25 drops pH DOWN, which brings us to:
520ppm @ 5.7 pH

Mixed new batch of res juice, using:
  • 2 gal RO water
  • 10ml CaliMagic
  • 6 grams Maxibloom
  • 10ml Hydroguard
  • 10 drops pH UP
New juice is at 800 @ 5.2


09/23/2022 21:15 - OK, she took in 2.5 quarts in 28 hours. Buds are developing well, stretching hard. Leaves looking good. Only interesting thing is that the pH dropped this time. Going to keep a close eye on the pH, as I think it's starting to do the "swing down during flower" thing, which isn't surprising now that I think about it.

  • In at: 490 @ 5.4 (Falling/Falling/Falling)
  • Fed 2.5 quarts res juice + 35 drops pH UP
  • Out at: 550 @ 5.9

Anticipating pH swing down to 5.6 and 490ppm 24 hours from now. I need to up the pH on the res juice, maybe.


09/24/2022 22:00 - She grew 2 inches taller today. Had to move her to the big tent (complete overhaul in prep for the upcoming PA Hydro setup (RDWC 2X8gal+chiller). She's now under 2 NextLight 150h LED lights.

She's still eating and drinking, so I'm going to ignore the falling pH for now, and just read the plant. The top was a little pissed from the emergency and temporary LST I did to keep the top from the light, but outside of that she's looking great.

  • In at: 570 @ 5.6 (Falling/Falling/Falling)
  • Fed 2 quarts of res juice + 24 drops pH UP
  • Out at 620 @ 6.0


09/25/2020 2000 - Man, is she hitting! Drank 2 quarts (at least) in the last 20 hours. She looks great, and took the move in stride.

I did manage to break one small branch near the top (1.5 inches long), about .25" above the node. Almost certainly happened during the emergency LST on the top. Oops. I kinda jammed the break back in place (it was barely attached), and I think it actually took, as the little leaves on it started perking up during the day. These things are resilient!

In at: 610 @ 5.9 (Falling/Barely Falling/Almost Static)
Fed 2 quarts of res juice (no pH drops!)
Out at: 640 @ 5.8


09/26/2022 20:15 - Things moving along well. Added humidifier last night to adjust the VPD. Sitting at 82* (air), 80 (leaf), 65% at the moment.

One interesting observation: The top fan leaves are "closing up", where they were definitely not before. Not sure if it's reacting to the amount of light I'm dumping at them (2X Nextlight 150H @ 100%). Dialed the lights back to 75% to see if that alleviates that.

Falling/Rising/Static indicates that I might need to dial back the EC. Hmm. Let's see what she does tomorrow.

Mixed new batch of res juice, using:
  • 4 gal RO water
  • 20ml CaliMagic
  • 12 grams Maxibloom
  • 20ml Hydroguard
  • > 80 drops pH UP
New juice is at 810 @ 6.2

In at: 680 @ 5.9
Fed 2.5 quarts of new res juice
Out at: 710 @ 5.8


09/27/2022 21:30 - Moving right along!

In at 710 @ 5.8
Fed 2 quarts res juice
Out at 750 @ 5.8


09/28/2022 19:00 - Starting to see signs of Cal Mag deficiency again. And EC is rising, while level is falling and pH remains Static.

Mixed 2 liters of RO with 2.5ml of CaliMagic, and fed with that.

In at 780 @ 5.9
Fed 2 quarts CaliMagic juice
Out at 690 @ 5.9


09/29/2022 19:00 - Manganese deficiency, perhaps? According to GrowKush, that's what it identified.

EC raised again, from 690 up to 800ppm (1.4 > 1.6). pH stayed flat, level dropped 2 quarts.

Mixed 2.5ml Flora Micro with 2 quarts RO (300ppm @ 7.0pH), and replenished reservoir. We'll see what happens. A little hotter on Nitrogen than I'd like (5-0-1).

In at 780 @ 5.9
Fed 2 quarts Flora Micro juice
Out at 700 @ 5.8


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Well-known member
Love the funky foil bucket lol.

I used to be adamant about only using white pots for probably the same kind of reasons. Maybe there was some benefit but I've let that slide and now I'll use anything.


Love the funky foil bucket lol.

I used to be adamant about only using white pots for probably the same kind of reasons. Maybe there was some benefit but I've let that slide and now I'll use anything.
Space age. Got my own satellite!

TBH, it's a reuse from an outdoor AZ grow. It's brutal out here.

But yeah, it seems like the risk of root rot is overstated in established grows, but who knows? I have damped off a seedling or 4 with rockwool, but that's on me. Once I started using Q Plugs, that problem stopped.

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