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Mendo County Eradicates Pinoleville Reservations Cannabis Garden


The sheriff claims it was for profit...which violates state law..along with other local ordinances that were broken. In the end they're gonna take it upon themselves to bust and wait to see if litigation follows. There was nothing discreet about the scene and they were testing the cops...and the piggies didn't bluff. The lab at the old car dealership didn't help their cause...
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Active member
From the newspaper article:

“I think what they’re doing is not right,” said Nori Baldridge, the tribe’s director of economic development. “This is sovereign land and this is a sovereign nation,” she said.
“We were shocked,” said Mike Canales, president of the tribe’s business board. He said he’s been in frequent contact with Sheriff Tom Allman and expected to be notified before there was any kind of raid. He also contends the sheriff does not have authority over the tribe and said he will be asking the county grand jury to investigate the issue.
Neither he nor Baldridge is a member of the tribe, but the two have been instrumental in creating the marijuana operation. Tribal Chairwoman Leona Williams could not immediately be reached for comment.

Oh shit, so neither the the tribe’s director of economic development, nor the president of the tribe's business board are even members of the tribe but do shit like this? Okay, that sounds wrong on first blush. Something really stinks about all this here. What we're really talking about is bribes and money here. The shit is about to hit the fan.

I think it might be time for the DOJ to step in, take names and kick ass, to both the tribe and also fire the sheriff for overstepping his authority. Actually, it is well passed time the feds stepped in.


Active member
They were planning all along to take the product to California dispensaries. They could have legally set up a legit law for themselves from seed to sale and should have run that plan across all of the effected departments.


In this article from back in February they clearly state there intention to export the product out of Native lands and into California for commercial sale to legal California dispensaries. That right there breaks the cole memo on DIVERSION. It would be no different then a legal medical cultivator in Cali take his product over into a legal dispensary in Nevada of Arizona, it's diversion regardless of both operations are legal.

To transport the product they would need to sign treaties with the state of California as is being done in Washington.


I am local to this scene. 'Twas just part of a convo on it yesterday. Coppers knew about it the whole time. They were just waiting for them to drive the first pounds off the reservation..as soon as transport happened...they were in violation. I really don't see the natives winning this one

Genghis Kush

Active member
wasn't there a non-native company running the grow?

when a crime is committed on a reservation by non-natives and the "victim" non-native than LEO can enter the reservation.

otherwise only federal agents would be allowed.
I've worked as a paralegal for tribal prosecutors for around 20 indian tribes in nevada and california for about 5 years. The county shouldn't have been able to set foot on this land, it should have been the federal government. It is a sov. nation and not subject to county laws. Interesting to see how this pans out.

On the note of Natives always getting f'ed, that is just not true. The Native Americans have got one of the best deals in history. Thoughout history, nations have conquered other nations, and what happened to the people? complete genocide. Or they allow the raped women to survive and bare children. Do you think the Romans would have given every 'native american' a house and 1000 bucks a month to survive? Ha, no, although there were similar situations in europe, this is grace.

So was it unfortunate that the natives lost the war? yes, absolutely. but to still say the natives are getting f'ed is getting old. they have used most of the federal money to buy alcohol and meth and have sold a lot of the land we gave them back to us. 99% don't stay true to they're roots, and is it the white mans fault this process began so long ago? yes, but its a sweet deal over complete genocide.

Wendull C.

Active member
but they didn't harvest those 400 plants yet, so how do you know they were exporting them? at any rate...they should be able to do whatever the fuck they want imho. the govt did steal their whole country and kill all their people afterall.

We didn't steal the land from the Indians, the Mexicans stole it from the Indians. We stole it from the Mexicans.:biggrin:

Same story since time has began. To the victors go the spoils.
mexicans are indians duh!
native americans means they were here before the europeans came and killed em all and took their land. the victors always get to write the history books.

Wendull C.

Active member
Father Junipero Serra was no indian. Mexicans are of Spanish descent and of course bred with local natives but Mexicans are not Indians. Check out how the missionaries treated the natives and get back to me.

For the record it was just a joke my great uncle told me and then explained the history of the Gadsden purchase for me. Santa Ana was no indian.

Genghis Kush

Active member
I've worked as a paralegal for tribal prosecutors for around 20 indian tribes in nevada and california for about 5 years. The county shouldn't have been able to set foot on this land, it should have been the federal government. It is a sov. nation and not subject to county laws. Interesting to see how this pans out.

On the note of Natives always getting f'ed, that is just not true. The Native Americans have got one of the best deals in history. Thoughout history, nations have conquered other nations, and what happened to the people? complete genocide. Or they allow the raped women to survive and bare children. Do you think the Romans would have given every 'native american' a house and 1000 bucks a month to survive? Ha, no, although there were similar situations in europe, this is grace.

So was it unfortunate that the natives lost the war? yes, absolutely. but to still say the natives are getting f'ed is getting old. they have used most of the federal money to buy alcohol and meth and have sold a lot of the land we gave them back to us. 99% don't stay true to they're roots, and is it the white mans fault this process began so long ago? yes, but its a sweet deal over complete genocide.

Where did you go to school?

According to historians, there where anywhere from 7 to 18 million people living in north America before Colombus.

How do you think they died, if it wasn't genocide?

You think they didn't rape the women!? really?

Is the United States, ancient Rome? NO.

you have strange standards for acceptable behavior .

The U.S government rounded up the Native Americans and put them on shitty land in camps called "reservations". Hitler used this as a template for his system of concentration camps. Its not a "sweet deal".


Active member
Since the discussion has veered way off topic anyway I don't mind pointing out that newly sainted Father Serra wasn't even Hispanic. He was just a Spanish missionary, from Europe. According to some anti-canonization woman I saw interviewed on the news anyhow.

I think she was Catholic. But IS Hispanic....How the hell did Serra get into this anyway, I forget? Fuck that short term memory shit anywho. :tiphat:


Active member
I won't bother getting into the horrific acts perpetrated against natives in the name of the U.S. Govt.... But the list is vast. But manifest destiny right.. If I'm able to steal it then God must want me to have it... Or something like that. I'm basically opposed to govt in all forms..

Wendull C.

Active member
"must spread some rep around before giving it to ddaver" K+ bro. My intent was a joke , but I think it fell flat.


ICMag Donor
Back to the discussion....growing on sovereign lands.....it's still a test tube project. Wishing the statutes were clearer for the tribes, spelled out what they can and cannot do and allow their product to hit dispensary shelves without 'transportation of substance' issues.

Daub Marley

they have used most of the federal money to buy alcohol and meth and have sold a lot of the land we gave them back to us.
Lol good points. I'm not arguing with you, but poverty perpetuates through generations just like wealth does.

mexicans are indians duh!
No. Mexicans are a mix of Spanish and Southern Native American. Not the same at all.
Where did you go to school?
According to historians, there where anywhere from 7 to 18 million people living in north America before Colombus.
How do you think they died, if it wasn't genocide?
The majority were from disease. They had little to no immunity to new diseases and died as a result.
The U.S government rounded up the Native Americans and put them on shitty land in camps called "reservations". Hitler used this as a template for his system of concentration camps. Its not a "sweet deal".
Pretty dangerous to compare anything to Hitler. Its not the same at all and is a dumb statement. Hitler rounded up Jews to kill them. The Native Americans were just forced off of better land. They were never going to use it for agriculture anyways. They were not forced into camps and systematically exterminated.

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