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mellow small dogs ..aka pocket pets


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor
We have a micro min pin and she's real nice but not that great of a watch dog.We also have a chihuahua and he's a real god watch dog,both of them are easy on the back and not to bad to sleep with either.

this one (Suzi) might be tough to snuggle with, I let her out of the bedside kennel and she came up to my pillow to snuggle, then she never stopped wiggling, plus Suzi kept putting her face in mine. :huggg:

real good news is that she peed when I took her outside, of course I carried her the 60 feet it takes to get out my front door, just in case. now I'd like to see her take a nice dump. I gave her a small biscuit that she pranced around the room with for 5 minutes, put her in the kennel and she finally chowed it down.

for now she seems satisfied to sleep in the bedside kennel as I'm so close to her. she's 4 years old and I feel very badly for her in losing the only owner she'd ever known, I'd be afraid too.

right on!!! she paced around by my door so I snapped on her leash and took her out again, as soon as she hit the lawn she took a dump, sure @ 4 yrs old I'd imagine she's well housebroken but accidents can/will happen in new surroundings.......
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this one (Suzi) might be tough to snuggle with, I let her out of the bedside kennel and she came up to my pillow to snuggle, then she never stopped wiggling, plus Suzi kept putting her face in mine. :huggg:

real good news is that she peed when I took her outside, of course I carried her the 60 feet it takes to get out my front door, just in case. now I'd like to see her take a nice dump. I gave her a small biscuit that she pranced around the room with for 5 minutes, put her in the kennel and she finally chowed it down.

for now she seems satisfied to sleep in the bedside kennel as I'm so close to her. she's 4 years old and I feel very badly for her in losing the only owner she'd ever known, I'd be afraid too.

right on!!! she paced around by my door so I snapped on her leash and took her out again, as soon as she hit the lawn she took a dump, sure @ 4 yrs old I'd imagine she's well housebroken but accidents can/will happen in new surroundings.......

She seams to like you.Kico took a couple of days to get acclimated after we brought him home.He's gained weight after getting him fixed,so try not to give him to many treats.

Dogs have a funny way of making you feel better.I love cats but dogs seam to be more fun.


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor

that's my Suzi, spoiled little lap dog.......




Active member
Sweet lil doxie :)) they are so fun n playful... an they're great lil hunters too Iv'e watched-m sniff out and kill moles lol


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor

this one hasn't seen the bunnies in my yard yet, she'll be kept on her leash or I'll lose her to the highway, Suzi's a hunter, ears eyes and nose working as soon as we clear the door.


Former Guest

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I have a doxie Pitbull mix. She's 28 lbs but is all muscle. Only time she barks is when people pull in. Stafford shire bull terriers are small if you get a female but is no pocket dog.


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor

I adopted Suzi over a year ago, and while she certainly loves her outdoor adventures, I have to keep her close or risk losing her, she doesn't play fetch and we don't have any neighbors with dogs that might come visit, her life's a bit boring.


so instead of leaving her home alone (& a hot car is not an option) when I've got stuff to do, I've dropped her off for doggie daycare @ a neighbors place. Monday that gal had 7 dogs (all small breed) and yesterday there were 9 total. when we got home yesterday she was so tired all she did was sleep.......


I like that.:tiphat:

As you know the heat here is too much for their little paws,so we can't take them for a walk even,but they get a lot the other eight months of the year.

St. Phatty

Active member
My Mom thinks her dog just got taken by a coyote in San Diego.

It was a mellow small dog named Olive.

I know the area because I used to grow outdoors in SD and that tends to make you into a student of wild areas.

I almost feel sorry for the coyotes.

The only way they could get to the small wild piece of land behind my Mom's house, about a 1/2 mile by 1/4 mile, is by running for miles through the suburbs at night.

Crusader Rabbit

Active member
When I lived in the interface between LA and Orange counties, I'd often wake up around 3:00 AM to the sound of dogs barking far up the street I lived on. I could then hear more and more barking as dogs living closer and closer to me chimed in. And then I'd hear snarling pass by outside on my front lawn about the time the German Shepard next door went ballistic. Then dogs further down the street would vocalize as this phenomena faded into the distance.

Later talking to a neighbor who drove to work before sunrise, he told me that he often saw coyotes in the street before dawn. This was about two miles away from the nearest wild area.

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