If either of your cameras will allow you to manually set the white balance, try messing with that while you shoot some footage with your lights on. That will help you get your color corrected at the camera level.Well that was just my using my digital Camera CannonA590 that has the capability to shoot digi-movies. Next time I am going to use the Sony Digital Video camera and see if it has a "tungsten?" setting to filter out some of the HPS light.
I'll do another movie before chop so stay tuned, I should include the veg tent and some of the rez area to show the whole setup.
Thanks for stopping by BldSwtTrs!
Yes, that is Black Rose. Definitely not USD... lol... Mega is such a poser sometimes...
If you guys are expecting the USD to blow up like the Straw DD, that's not gonna happen... They're half sisters... and the half the USD is missing is the Chem D... USD will never ever compare to Straw DD in the yield department, period.
Now Mega broski... As far as you dropping your chemicals and blaming that for your loss of density... Well to that I say that I have only ever used Kool Bloom as a booster, and my buds are plenty dense... Like Silver said, they're more like long spears...
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