Yea, looks good, but a grow that big...I would do the following:
a) invest in a better quality camera
b) not post room shots, only bud shots and plant shots (security)
c) use some kind of trays, 4x8 or otherwise, to help frame out your lit areas and to somewhat automate your drainage
Just sayin'.....
thanks, got trays in some of the tents, only about 12 trays to...
i like working around the plants, getting all in them, trays kinda stop that, its like a lil fence around your crop and u cant go walkn thru your own field. anyhow emptying and cleaning trays and checking ph and nute levels is just as much work as just mixing solution and watering.
as far as room shots go....
dont yall wanna see shot of the entire room? not just pics of buds, everyone has buds, not everyone has rooms that go as far as the (crappy) camera can see.
for reasons iwont expand upon im not concerned with security..... its safe and sound and im happy to share it all with you