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Medjool's Flowers and Hippie Seeds


Well-known member
hi all :wave:
here more pics bro, Alibeep f2, startin to get dark green/purple.. love it
i will wait fi the cut

peace and love


Active member
Anyone know which strains she recommended the best for her autistic son?

I'd like to look into that as I know of several individuals that would benefit in that respect. The doctors want to use too many pharmaceuticals these days even on little kids. :(

Personally I have Asperger's Syndrome so anyone who's used her strains for that I'd also appreciate a heads up.

Would someone PM me with info on where I would pick up this trail? I'd like to key in on a source but I guess I need the first clue. Thanks :rasta:


lost in the Haze
ICMag Donor
Ms Ms heri came through me from the 3lbs. i got um as freebies with some other beans i bought from them. think there was 3 or 4 packs i sent her way.

she was a wonderful person, will always be missed here.



Well-known member
greetins :wave:
dry Alibeep f2, i love that cross..
and what a beautifull pic Raco!

Raco said:
jejeje Chaman... youre always welcome!! :friends:

Another cabeça açul flower...mrs.medjool´s Alibeep f2,grown by pebble
great work bro...:respect:


peave and love
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Viking Seeds aka Hybrids From Hell
oh man, how i wish we all could sit down and share a fat with medjool rite now!

mixing pebble?


Well-known member
esbe said:
oh man, how i wish we all could sit down and share a fat with medjool rite now!

yea it will be lovely share smoke bro

esbe said:
mixing pebble?

i think yu mean that, but im not sure,
had a male, Meao Thai and think they did nasty things.. lol but think, did cut to early to make well the seeds
will plant more Alibeep f2, to find a male and make f3 ;)
love that smoke
peace and love
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Viking Seeds aka Hybrids From Hell
oh yeah, love to hear that!

actually i was just trying to get you to mix a fat for our virtuel smoke session! you shure have the bud we love!


secretion engineer
ICMag Donor
esbe said:
oh man, how i wish we all could sit down and share a fat with medjool rite now!

One year and still miss her a lot... :joint:


secretion engineer
ICMag Donor
esbe said:
actually i was just trying to get you to mix a fat for our virtuel smoke session! you shure have the bud we love!

my virtual contribution...incense raised!!

Pink Planther


dubi´s XVIII :wink:

charlie´s pure Uzbeki pollen :wink:


Viking Seeds aka Hybrids From Hell
yes raco yes! BUM shiva! im putting in a lil bud to for the bong

mystic e-rocket\danish passion

timebomb x eroc\dp

HTC deep chunk

lets light up the weekend for medjool!


Well-known member
This is how goes the Alibeep f2 ;)
Here is the nº 01 and 02, the 2 ar female


This one is 02
She is in veg and smell very potent lool


peace and love


ring that bell
ICMag Donor
:bump: :bump: :bump: :party: :bump: :bump: :bump:

Hello friends.

This thread's been in the back of my mind for several yrs. now.

Early this fall, while thinking of Medjool, I had a stoner epiphany, that I was going to delve into Herijuana and come up w/ a med-strain in her name.

I contacted several of you, and acquired Herijuana from three sources, two from Medjool's seed stock.

I had various old seed stock, whose shelf life was getting thin, which I wanted to get to.
Unfortunately, most didn't pop, and what did were not healthy subjects.
It's become apparent that my seed storing needs an upgrade. :redface:

The first things to really take off to my satisfaction were from raco & charlie.
I now have one Purple Chitral x Uzbeki and two X18 x Uzbeki's.

A wk. later I germed my 1st batch of Herijuana and got 7 of 8.
Three wks. later I started 20 more Heri's and had 18 pop.
I narrowed things down to 15 plants. When I flowered them out, I had 12 males!
They were killed off, and the cuts from 6 of them have been stressed, to where 4 remain.
I plan to open pollinate the seven plants using the cuts, so I'll have a better population to pick thru down the line.
I will also be using Heri pollen on a few other strains, including the PC x Uzb & X18 xUzb.

I couldn't resist the Xmas specials @ SB, and got a pk. of Deep Chunk for 1/2 $.
The idea of 'Deep Nod' was too tempting! :biglaugh:

For the last 6 mo. I've been lurking about the Classic Seeds thread in the SB forum.
Sometimes I have a hard time understanding Mr. Classic, but his heart shines thru, and when he had a 'buy one, get one free' deal, I picked up his 'Bulletproof'.
I like that he's from the PNW as was Medjool, and that if anyone is actually selling hippie seeds, it's this dude! :D

I also picked up a pk of Secret Garden Seeds 'Farah Kush'.
The description just drew me into wanting to find some males for the PC x Uzb & X18 x Uzb.

Also in my garden, are a few of my own Honey Whites, as well as 6 of CBF's 'Strawberry Dog's'.
I'm more interested in the Straw Dog's for the Honey White, play with the flava, but it's not lost on me that CBF provided Medjool w/ the Heri's.
In the same vein, Tom Hill and Medjool shared some special things in common, and I'm proud to be running his gear, both the DC and the X18.

I dubbed this the Indica Friendship Project last fall, and being a small-time hobby breeder, see it as an on-and-off project going 10-12 yrs.
So welcome to phase one!

On with some pics!
Here is the Purple Chitral x Uzbeki @ 40 days.

One w/o flash so esbe won't yell @ me! :laughing:


Here's the #1 X18 x Uzb

These plants were grown around a 600w hung vertically, and were pruned for that. When the Heri's showed themselves, I had to make the hard choice to free up the other flower rm for veg space, so after 30 days, these plants were stuffed into the tent w/ the 3 Heri girls and 2 HW's.
The #2 X18 x Uzb was smaller, but being so, I could get closer to the light, so her budding is going fantastic!

The plants were all @ 40 days when photos taken.

Here's two of the Heri girls around 2 wks in. The 1st is from the 1st rd. and has 3 wks veg on the others.

My #1 Heri from the 1st rd. proved to be a male, and none of his cuts took, so I put him in a spare rm w/ incidental lighting.
When the other rm. opened up for vegging, I gave him a big cut and threw him in to reveg.
He's doing OK, but still not cloning!

Here's the rest of the veg rm. Strawberry Dog's on the left (6), DC's to the right (8), some in 2 gal smart pots, some in 2 gal air pots.
The air pots rule.
Back rgt is a Honey White, Heri male off camera to the left front.

And here's the BulletProof seedlings in cups. These seeds were the largest, most mature seeds of those I bought. I'm pretty jacked about them!

So that's it for now. Be reporting on my trials & tribulations through the spring.

Big Love, HL


Very very nice. Great presentation of some interesting selections. I'll have to read through this entire thread to fully understand....but I get the idea.

I'll follow along for sure.....happy questing HL

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