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Medical vs. Recreational - Pros and Cons?


I don't want to come off like I don't think a medical is a great thing. I just don't like the idea of getting a card just as a convenience.


octodiem before you make the beautiful state of Florida some kind of cannaboidal nightmare,exactly where on the wonderful peninsula do you reside?I can carry up to 20 grams in my front pocket and its a non serious misdeamenor charge,where in Fla are you at?
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Freedom Fighter
crftymofo said:
SB420 section 1.d.2
With respect to individuals, the identification system established pursuant to this act must be wholly voluntary, and a patient entitled to the protections of Section 11362.5 of the Health and Safety Code need not possess an identification card in order to claim the protections afforded by that section.
Please tell me how that is a misconception?

It is more like it comes out of your dr's file. you tell the government that you have it.

When I first got mine I was told not to tell anyone about it until you needed it. I.E. You are found to have something. I would much rather have to spend a few days dealing with some shit if that where to happen. Think if the laws change, You are now on a list.

My bad...I misread your statement...I took "Card" as your recommendation--
I do tho...still stand by the thinking that if there weren't so many ppl affraid of our Govmnt...and stood up for our rights...instead of hiding in the shadows, then we might actually get somewhere-- :wave:


I definitely hear you. unfortionately I still feel I must remain out of the lights. The thing that really gets me are the people out there who go around saying I can do what I want. I am medical.


Freedom Fighter
crftymofo said:
I definitely hear you. unfortionately I still feel I must remain out of the lights. The thing that really gets me are the people out there who go around saying I can do what I want. I am medical.

I have lived my life by this motto-- "You can do anything you want in life...if you are willing to accept the consequences."
I go to Rallies...I show up in Court to support MMJ cases-- I have a nice garden in my back yard...and someone complained to my Landlord...who called me-- I explained about MMJ, provided them with copies of me and my son's rec...and a copy of the laws pertaining to growing-- She is fine with it now...and I told her if there are any more probs with the neighbors...simply have them call the police-- I am not hiding anything, and I am well within my legal rights...and I am willing to test this-- :rasta:


I agree with 420kali. I spent all last night trowing up out of both ends and couldn't walk the last 3 days with out my cane so I will grow, have my medical card and if enough people stand up and aren't afraid they will see we can't be pushed around.
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This is the money you could be saving if you grow
I'm not a medical user. I'm a recreational user in a state with no medical marijuana laws.

I read the entire post, and maybe it's because I haven't been high for a while, but no one has mentioned any pros.

Medicinal Cons:

To get a card you have to become a number on a government list.
If you don;t get the card, ID can't be made instantly for protection.
The rec you get from the doctor sometimes does not protects you.
Medical users also get sent to jail from time to time, or raided.

Medical Pros: (through reading not experience)

The pain goes away

Pros of being a recreational user and grower:

Cheap to free weed, electricity ain't free.
No guilt supporting gangsters or terrorists because you don;t have to buy weed.
Not on anyone's radar or in anyone's files.
No paperwork to fill out.
Don't have to post odd papers around the house advertising my garden.

I'm only aware of the cons through reading about the laws. I'm never been busted for or with it.

Have a great day!
