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Medical Pot House Explodes - Butane Extraction

Take a moment to be reminded...

That great looking gizmo appears to use an a/c refrigerant recovery pump. Please pass the bomb suit if the pumps seals are seeping.

Is butane the only gas you can use?..that would be a great setup if you could use r-134 to extract with...much much safer.

You may think you have shut off all the pilot lights when continuing indoors, but please be reminded what happens when the refrigerator relays clicks on.....

<boom-you're screwed badly>


the shit spoon
You may think you have shut off all the pilot lights when continuing indoors, but please be reminded what happens when the refrigerator relays clicks on.....

Yeah otherwise you gotta get all new shit from Ikea. Nice double entendre Mr. Durden


Take a moment to be reminded...

That great looking gizmo appears to use an a/c refrigerant recovery pump. Please pass the bomb suit if the pumps seals are seeping.

Is butane the only gas you can use?..that would be a great setup if you could use r-134 to extract with...much much safer.

You may think you have shut off all the pilot lights when continuing indoors, but please be reminded what happens when the refrigerator relays clicks on.....

<boom-you're screwed badly>

Very true TD, It would be very bad to have the seals go bad during a run. I can however verify that this device was custom rebuilt with all chemical resistant seals,uses titanium vessels and is leak tested during each run for safety. In addition all extractions are performed out doors ( the device was only brought inside to photograph in action).
As for using refrigerant even if they would disolve cannabinoids halogenated solvents make butane look like a health food.

Now before it gets all up in the "butane bad" let me say I do not like or need chemical extraction beyond simple tincturing.
That said the purest extracts are from butane or ligroine(pet ether) with butane/propane being the least toxic aliphatic hydrocarbons which will solvate the cannabinoids.
I do not feel these extracts make good meds when in their pure form I do however feel in an herbal compounding with synergistic plants the pure extracts are important and valuable as additives.

As for making these extracts whether using pet ether or butane there are specific procedures taught in the lab for handling both materials with a high degree of safety...in the lab.
I posted the device to demonstrate that even the most advanced (the device shown is the most advanced device I have seen outside of the lab) home butane extraction has a bit of a rube goldberg aspect.Ligroine is even worse a danger than butane as it will pocket and hang being much heavier than air and highly volitile.

bottom line is while there may be a place for these extracts as meds they really have no place being done outside of a highly controlled professional environment, using equipment specifically designed for the task.
Ideally the same companies that do supercritical extractions for hops extracts would add cannabis to their work. They already know what the product will behave like from work with Humulus.And know how best to get the most complete and fragrant product from the procedure which uses CO2 instead of hydrocarbons.