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Medical Card Dangers.


Well-known member
wow most of the world has super strict gun laws if you are able to posess one at all the usa is next.go to the u.n. website and read their agenda for arms and ammo.guns will be taken from us all very soon.the usa is the last country on earth where almost anyone can own a gun .thats not gonna last.personally im punchin someone in the face if they come in my house.guns are for pussys.

fuck the UN & their agenda. those corrupt asswipes violate their own rules & anyone that kisses their boots deserves what they get...


Well-known member

That's called "terrorism" now.


one mans "terrorist" is another mans "freedom fighter". only thing you have to do to be a "terrorist" is refuse to give up your freedoms to jackbooted thugs. the US govt now says that retired military & LEO are "security threats" because they have been trained and are armed & willing to resist.


Rubbing my glands together
Don't forget white evangelical christians between 18 to 45-50 I think it is are on that terrorist list too.

I wish this was made up but it's not-This is from the past presidential election season in 2012.

"Missouri law enforcement has been encouraged to report such suspicious behavior as having a bumper sticker that supports Ron Paul. A Missouri Information Analysis Center report also "warned law enforcement to watch out for individuals with 'radical' ideologies based on Christian views, such as opposing illegal immigration, abortion and federal taxes."

Disagree with the current administration and you and your buddies get labeled a terrorist. So zip that lip!!! You are allowed to have your opinion as long as it conforms to what the dems think it should be.
Disagree with the repubs and you're a left wing loon but they aren't declaring you a terrorist yet. Wonder when they will begin using the "T" word next?
That's why I'm independent. i don't give a flying fish's fuck floating in a fountain what the 2 big parties think. They and their supporters are the problem! The puppet masters love it tho. Dance little guys, dance!


Registered Non-Conformist
Disagree with the repubs and you're a left wing loon but they aren't declaring you a terrorist yet. Wonder when they will begin using the "T" word next?

Although there are weapons galore in our society, so if Ya ain't got one you may be on the losing end....

You too are a tool of whatever program you choose. I usually recommend turning off the "Glass Teat," getting a passport and seeing how it is for the rest of the world - for good or ill. Our very young armed and dangerous culture is the laughing stock of the planet. With good reason. The dilemma is true. About only criminals having guns when they are outlawed. But, the answer is not to scare little children, dress in camo, and act as if One is under siege already. That is called FEAR, it shows disdain, and a lack of belief for ones' neighbors, and I am not gonna live like that. If it is that bad, moving is the only answer. But, it is not that bad. Even in the Murder Capital of the USA.

GWB called anyone against Him a Traitor. Over the slightest thing. Even other Politicians of high rank.

Real Democracy is not afraid of improvement. It allows for debate, and cooperation. But, not anymore.


Rubbing my glands together
Lol. Ronald the clown. That's pretty much how I look at our political system. A clown and pony show. Smoke and mirrors. When they yell about one thing real loud you got to do some digging to see what they really are doing with the other hand.
I seriously doubt you've met many like me sir. The dems and repubs have done a hell of a job dividing the country into thinking each other are the problem. They couldn't come together on how to open a beer bottle anymore much less the right track for the country.


Rubbing my glands together
You too are a tool of whatever program you choose. I usually recommend turning off the "Glass Teat," getting a passport and seeing how it is for the rest of the world - for good or ill. Our very young armed and dangerous culture is the laughing stock of the planet. With good reason. The dilemma is true. About only criminals having guns when they are outlawed. But, the answer is not to scare little children, dress in camo, and act as if One is under siege already. That is called FEAR, it shows disdain, and a lack of belief for ones' neighbors, and I am not gonna live like that. If it is that bad, moving is the only answer. But, it is not that bad. Even in the Murder Capital of the USA.

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GWB called anyone against Him a Traitor. Over the slightest thing. Even other Politicians of high rank.

Real Democracy is not afraid of improvement. It allows for debate, and cooperation. But, not anymore.

I agree with ya more than you probably think I would.

"But, the answer is not to scare little children, dress in camo, and act as if One is under siege already"
I really don't see that. Sure there are groups that go over board as with anything. And there are nuts in every group. From gun groups to book clubs.

"a lack of belief for ones' neighbors"- Let shit go bad and you'll be protecting yourself from your neighbors. It sounds real good to have faith in your neighbors and I'll do anything to lend them a hand if they need it. but at the end of the day the realization is if it's you or your neighbor, say in a severe food shortage, your neighbor is coming after you and your supply to feed himself and his family. Friendship goes so far. Would you honestly say that you would take the food supply from your families mouth and give it to your neighbor for his? It sounds real nice and friendly but your neighbor will kill you if it came down to it for his survival.
You've seen the fights, stabbing, killing, stampedes in walmarts for a christmas sale on black Friday? Imagine how it would be in a food shortage or other natural disaster.
Remember Katrina? Humand kindness really wasn't on display for neighbors or the government then either.

"GWB called anyone against Him a Traitor. Over the slightest thing. Even other Politicians of high rank. "

As if Obama, Reid, or Pelosi have had anything decent to say about their republican counterparts? Don't agree? You're an obstructionist. The problem, Etc, etc.
GWB is an idiot. I hope his brother, Bush V 3.0 doesn't get elected next. Hillary either.

"Real Democracy is not afraid of improvement. It allows for debate, and cooperation. But, not anymore"

I agree 100% with you. The 2 party system has found a way to stay in power, get paid, make a decent retirement package, and not do a damn thing. It's great work if you can buy it!!
the fact that there is more than 1 political party in our country indicates our society is failing. there should only be 1 party.personally i believe we should return to anarcho primitivism, i think i spelled that right.democracy is a just a way to have a fighting or disagreeing government.the fact that we try to spread democracy worldwide is a testamant to how sinister it really is.didnt rome fall?isnt that what are government is based on?the u.n. is aiming for global money,religion,and government.they clearly state this on their website.to think you wont fall in line is crazy.every single american is gonna do what they say when they say to do it.1st there needs to be a issue that is going to face every country on earth ie.water shortage, energy shortage something that will affect every person on earth.the un is going to bring a solution to the table to fix whatever problem is facing mankind.all the scared little humans arent gonna know how to solve it and will be gungho at that point for someone or somthing to step in and make everybody get their fancy western society lives back.oh yea before all this happens the un and america will have scooped up all the firearms worlwide so dont think you will be using your gun to kill breakfast.the un will have some gmo round-up sprayed monsanto wheat for us all to eat.its funny cause everyone thinks were getting more rights like pot becoming legal,abortions for teen girls,gay marriage.all these things are to make people have the illusion of freedom when in reality our real rights are being taken out from underneath us.i know i sound of the fing wall but whoever reads this you will remember what ive said


ummmmmmmm there is no list that they can check that says you have a card. Unless you told them where you got your script from they wouldnt be able to get the records as their is a beautiful thing called Patient Confidentiality. They have to have your name, the website, AND the verification number to be able to know someone has a card. I have plenty of friends that have many guns an CWP.. You simply don't show up stoned, smelling like weed with your script in your hand and you have nothing to worry about. If they are raiding you; you have other things to figure out lol.


If your worried about a registered gun and being on a list there i simply Federally approved option. Get an 80% lower Pistol kit or AR kit and build it yourself. A gun only needs to be registered to track it and it get a serial number when a company that has a license to produce fire arms builds a firearm and a tax is paid.

If a man and some tools sits in his garage and builds a pistol or rifle for personal use and never sells it, it then does not meet the requirements to need a serial number and being registered. IF you build a rifle for YOUR personal use and NEVER sell it, then you are legal but in that instance its good to carry with you the letter from the ATF that is included when you buy the lower stating its legal incase you are pulled over on the way to the range.


Active member
If it is that bad, moving is the only answer. But, it is not that bad. Even in the Murder Capital of the USA.


I used to drive through east St. Louis to work at orchards in Bellville so it's a familiar area. Every town has its nicer area as well as a more rundown area, but E. st Louis is really struggling economically

Cannabis Gal

New member
I will stay on the medical cannabis registry, stay legal, never sell !!! No thanks to any unregistered guns. Unregistered guns ARE a quick way to PRISON!!
I will stay on the medical cannabis registry, stay legal, never sell !!! No thanks to any unregistered guns. Unregistered guns ARE a quick way to PRISON!!

I have no idea where you live. FYI: In the majority of the US registration of firearms is NOT required.

The only States that I am aware of that DO require registration:
District of Columbia (ok, not really a State...)

American Samoa
Mariana Islands
US Virgin Islands

No reg for long guns. Reg required for handguns:
New York
New Jersey
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