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Chevy cHaze

Out Of Dankness Cometh Light
ICMag Donor
Update day 60 from seed

Update day 60 from seed

BongJour mes amis,
Here's a quick update of day 60.
I took clones from all 12 silverskunks today.
This will throw em back a bit, but it's a good tool to create an even canopy.
I took both main secondary shoots off of each plant for clones. This will increase bushiness even more, it's like topping them a second time.

Here's the whole cab


temps remain stable as before and rh is around 70%. Those root pouches sure do evaporate some moisture...

here's a closeup of one of the plants:


and another plant:


some show a little lighter green, but they all do stink when you rub them omg.
I've been twisting and bending branches quite a bit.
Here's the ready tray of clones:


they will stay under a dome for a couple days before I take it off. As usual, I put two sheets of paper towel over the dome with vents fully open, so there's not too much light for the first couple days. I use a dome because my cold air intakes are directly behind the pclones otherwise and I have had bad experiences with cold air flooding past freshly cut clones.

a bit of recovery now ( got another feeding this morning after letting the wounds from yesterday heal up a bit) plus a bit more growth for a couple days and then they will move to the flower room.

all the best & take care,


Chevy cHaze

Out Of Dankness Cometh Light
ICMag Donor
update day 68

update day 68

Hi peeps,
update thursday once again.

It's day 68 from seed, and the plants have finally recovered enough from beeing topped twice. Preparation for maximum bushiness is now complete and it's time to flip 'em.
It's 12/12 from now on.
The first week I'll leave them under the old 250W hps system, after that I'll install the new 400W hps incl. digital ballast.
They also moved into the new roomier tent.
Here they are:


Sorry for the low quality of the images, had to use the old camera and compressed them a little too much in addition.

I can see two distinctive phenos in my 12 plants. a short squat one and one that's taller and not quite so bushy. I positioned the 4 shorties in the middle so they get enough light, flanked by 4 tall ones on each side.
Here are the 4 tall ones on the left:

here are the 4 in the middle:


They are REALLY short

and here are the 4 on the right:


here's a closeup of one of the short ones:


Chevy cHaze

Out Of Dankness Cometh Light
ICMag Donor
and here's one of the tall ones:


Well, it's about to get interesting with roughly T minus 8 weeks til harvest ;-)

on a side note: The clones taken last week are starting to root now and should be good to go into pots in the next 7 days if all goes well.

temps are slightly higher now. the new tent has much more volume, but the hps is giving off so much more heat than just the LED panel and the PL-Ls !
the room is at 27°C/ 80f lights on and 20°C/68f lights off and a circulating fan is in action during lights on. exhaust is running 24/7 as always.

That's it for today, any comments or whatever just shoot

Take care everyone, stay safe & keep g(r)oin' !



The TRUMP of SKUNK: making skunk loud again!
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
sweet chevy

looks awesome

looking forward to see how much they bush out :)


Chevy cHaze

Out Of Dankness Cometh Light
ICMag Donor
thanks man
I'm going to have to remove all the lower branches sooner or later anyways, but even then they have soo many new shoots on the upper part of the plants in the making from what I can see.
anyways let's see what sexing brings !

take care,


Chevy cHaze

Out Of Dankness Cometh Light
ICMag Donor
Update day 77/ 9th of flowering

Update day 77/ 9th of flowering

Hi everyone,
Here's tha latest update on the test grow. all images are from last saturday, couldn'r post until now because of no internet...

So we're at day 77 from seed/ day 9 of flowering!

Here's the gang:

all 12 plants are now relatively uniform, I moved them around a bit to and from the top spots under the 250HPS. I didn't put the spreader of the aaw in so far, a small footprint is no problem at this stage, so some get more and some less intense light.

I'm really surprised at how quikly all of them showed sex...
I read all the posts how the sliverskunks were hard to sex, but not these... maybe it's the extra time I spent to get them bushy, maybe something else, but it was no guessing.
here's one of the gals:


and here one of the gents:


pretty clear, no guessing involved ;-)

Here are the guys once more, before going into the shredder:


Sad sad, but here our ways part mes amis.

Also, I removed all the little tiny lower shoots& branches on the ladies and only kept the 4-6 strongest & best ones.
These have been LSTd too, so they're thick and sturdy and can move a lot of sap.

And this is the girls only...


The blumats will be installed mid week, didn't have the time last weekend.

Sorry to let you all wait so long for the blumats ( is anyone waiting for that at all ?), but it really makes most sense when you are not going to move the plants around much aka from about now to harvest.

the 400wHPS is in place and running since a couple days btw. hesi tnt complex was changed to hesi coco bloom. feeding at full recommended strength, PH5,8, 750 PPM, EC1 ( an EC of 1 might sound low, but apparently hesi nutes will not change the EC, as they're not present in form of salts).

So long everyone, take care and stay safe, more here asap !



The TRUMP of SKUNK: making skunk loud again!
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
awesome suse

they have tons of space now. they should fill it in nicely


Chevy cHaze

Out Of Dankness Cometh Light
ICMag Donor
Hey med-man & MiMedGuy,
Thanks guys, they're filling in nicely now, can't believe how they'Re taking off !

next update coming !

Chevy cHaze

Out Of Dankness Cometh Light
ICMag Donor
update day84/flower 16

update day84/flower 16

Helloe everyone,
Here's the next update for everyone who's following.

I remeber some words read on another IC members info... not sure if it was his sig or one of the sayings we all like to put under our avatar image.
I think it said something like this: "Cannabis is a plant that has mastered every survival skill except for how to grow in rows"
I really liked this one, whoever it was... can't recall...

BUT: Maybe things are changing... I just realized that plants #1 to #6 turned out female while #7 to #12 became males ! wtf ?
Hahaha cannabis evolution kicking into next gear. What's next? it waters itself ?
Aw well just thougt I'd share this funny coincidence with you all.

The ladies have been doing good, even though the temps exceeded 30°C / 86f.

They're filling the new open space ( where the males used to sit) nicely and they're pretty uniform except for #4 who is growing taller than everyone else...

Here's the gang:


Here's a closeup of #4:


and here's one of one of the more squat dames:


Well that's it already for today... everything moving along nicely and flowering is ON !
It's hard to see in these pics, but the blumats have finally been installed. Still feeding at full strength at ph5,8, from the rez, no signs of dislike so far.
Oh yeah: and they're starting to smeeeell ...

All the best everyone, stay safe and keep g(r)oin'


Chevy cHaze

Out Of Dankness Cometh Light
ICMag Donor
Update day94/ flower26

Update day94/ flower26

BongJour people.
This update is aboput the last 2 weeks, sorry had no internet for a while.

Well, a lot of things have happened in the meantime& things are looking good!

Let's go back to day 21 of flower:

Here's a closeup of one of the soon to be colas:

Here's a shot of the blumat irrigation:

So far so good!

Chevy cHaze

Out Of Dankness Cometh Light
ICMag Donor
Now let's move on to flower day 23 where I stripped the Ladies hard.
All fans with the exception of the top leaves were removed.

after stripping:

and here's one more from a little closer:

here's #4, the tall one stripped:

and here's #1 one of the 5 squat ones:

You can see how the moisture in the coco works its way across the container towards the blumat carrot/ sensor which will stop the flow of water eventually.

Chevy cHaze

Out Of Dankness Cometh Light
ICMag Donor
And here's the last one for today, day26 of flowering, which was two days ago.

the tent:

the flashed shots are a bit bright maybe, but hey, they're silver skunks right ?

Here's #1 in the front and tall#4 in the background:

and here are #4& 5

as well as two rooted CBD sunk haze clons that I put in the flower area too.

all good so far, had the beginning of a black gnat outbreak but counteracted with a good dose of BTI (Neudorff BTI solution, 10 drops/ L)in an extra watering to make sure the larvae will not continue to munch on the roots and develop into adults.
Temps are around 27-28C/82f lights on and around 20C/68f lights off.
RH is a tiny bit high at around 65%, looking to get that down to 45%.

take care everyone and stay safe



The TRUMP of SKUNK: making skunk loud again!
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
hey chevy

thanks for the updates man!

wow, at day 26 they are already silver eh? good looking

any aromas to mention or you keeping your nose clean for now?

i love this plant!


Chevy cHaze

Out Of Dankness Cometh Light
ICMag Donor
hey chevy

thanks for the updates man!

wow, at day 26 they are already silver eh? good looking

any aromas to mention or you keeping your nose clean for now?

i love this plant!


All I can say is "Uh-uh that smeeell! can't you smell that smell!?"
They're full on blueberry sweetness to a point of ridiculousness. Touch them and your fingers smell for hours. # 4 is slightly different though, she has a more "hearty" and spicy smell, woody too... and number #5 smells a bit like bad breath (?) especially when you rub the stem...
curious to see where this goes ! 3-4 weeks to go!

Chevy cHaze

Out Of Dankness Cometh Light
ICMag Donor
Nice looking plants brother. Looks like they handle defoliation pretty well.

Hey MiMed,
Yeah they are not easily shaken by loss of leaves for sure !
They just kept going and are now starting to really pump into those buds.
getting there, getting there ;-)


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
I notice my defol plat was done similar to yours, it seems a week behind the normal girl but heavier for sure. Not sure if its the defol or the mexican in her :D

Chevy cHaze

Out Of Dankness Cometh Light
ICMag Donor
update 5 weeks of flowering

update 5 weeks of flowering

Here's the next update,
we've had 5 solid weeks of flowering, this is how it looks now on day 35:


They#re swelling up nicely and have a great smell to them. So far the carbon scrubber can hold up, let's see how it goes.
If not I still have an older, but less used bigger filter sitting here.
hera re a couple shots of the branches and colas starting to form:

here's the tall #4

and here are two of the other ones


just saw that one of the small CBD skunk hazes has photobombed this shot, sorry about that.

All good so far, I reduced the nutes in the rez a bit since they're drinking so much with all this heat right now...

take care everyone & stay safe,

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