gotta agree,,spent a couple of months in toronto and london,ontario at the end of the 70s,,loved it,,,reason i was there was to play football,,saw "apocalypse now" at the eaton centre,,,first time i had seen a cinema with more then 4 screens lol,,eaton had loads,,,missed bob and the wailers doing an outside gig next to the water only days before we arrived from london [ontario],,think it was in the massive amusement centre/park,,,good luck,,,944s2hey merry
that depends on how confident you are, and if you are going to toronto anyway
it is an awesome city and an awesome show and i am the best wing to have in this city. vip everywhere i goso passports would be needed, and up to you to decide how to go about it
Here are some pics I took. This is week 1 of 12/12 rite after the dark period. These are your headbands and a few WCSD. All are in Fafard promix. Most are in 18 gal totes except for the few smaller ones I have in the front of the right row are in containers. [URL=]View Image[/url] [URL=]View Image[/url] [URL=]View Image[/url] [URL=]View Image[/url]
hey daddy
hi angel
isnt seed bo in the u.k.?