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McCain Supports Warrantless Domestic Surveillance

acidnI_livE said:
although he may be what we want , that vote will be a wasted one at the very least. there is no chance for him NOW.

If you vote for the lesser of two evils, you are still voting for EVIL.

So, if you are voting for McCain as the lesser evil compared to Obama, you are voting for EVIL.

If you are voting for Obama as the lesser evil compared to McCain, you are voting for EVIL.

So, let's expand on this. If you don't like either candidate and still vote for either McCain or Obama, the result is going to be the same. An EVIL man will become president. And since, by your own admission, neither candidate is going to be good for the country, voting for either one means you are consciously voting for someone who is bad for the country.

That thought process is beyond insane.

Therefore, if you vote for McCain or Obama, you are voting for someone who will make America MUCH worse than it is now (and the USA is barely holding on now). And you freely admit it.

So, as mentioned in my posts before, here's an idea:


If more people got their head out of their ass and realized they have complete control over who they vote for and everyone voted their conscience, the GOP and DNC would find themselves out of a fuckin' job. As it should be.


I support the Libertarian Party's candidate Bob Barr for president. I think he is the only candidate out there who will actually be GOOD for America.

Even if he doesn't win, at least I know that I did what I could to try to prevent an EVIL man from taking control of America and further harming the country.

Because regardless of who wins the presidency (Obama or McCain), ALL Americans will lose.


listen i know what you mean and i know what you mean when you say that about the "thought " process. i voted for ron paul until he dropped out.

and now i probably will just protest outside the poll's telling folks that they made a major fuck up when they selected these 2 canadates to choses from. and if we were not to vote it would be the best thing, or vote for the write in bob barr
acidnI_livE said:
listen i know what you mean and i know what you mean when you say that about the "thought " process. i voted for ron paul until he dropped out.

and now i probably will just protest outside the poll's telling folks that they made a major fuck up when they selected these 2 canadates to choses from. and if we were not to vote it would be the best thing, or vote for the write in bob barr

As it stands, over half of the states in the US have Bob Barr on the ballot. If he's not on the ballot in your state, contact the state Libertarian Party to see how you can help get him on. Go to www.lp.org to find your state's contact info.

Chances are, they are working on gathering signatures for their ballot access petition.

And don't just protest outside the polls. Still go and vote for Barr. After you've voted, THEN, go outside and protest. Take at least one other person with you so you don't look like a lone nutjob.

Make sure your message is non-party specific so your message can be received by both the Communists and the Facists...whoops!!..I mean Democrats and Republicans, respectively.

Good luck!


End Cannibis Prohibition Now Realize Legalize !!
sparky73 said:
"While there have been shifting reports about McCain's view on warrantless wiretapping, nothing could be clearer than the latest comment by McCain adviser Doug Holtz-Eakin, who said, 'We do not know what lies ahead in our nation's fight against radical Islamic extremists, but John McCain will do everything he can to protect Americans from such threats, including asking the telecoms for appropriate assistance to collect intelligence against foreign threats to the United States as authorized by Article II of the Constitution.' Article II, of course, is what Bush has argued gives the President virtually unlimited power during war, and McCain has already voted in favor of Telecom Immunity, though he sometimes mentions, to those asking for accountability, wanting to hold hearings about what the telecoms did."

Just another reason not to vote for the idiot imo

Article II of the Constitution.' Article II, of course, is what Bush has argued gives the President virtually unlimited power during war,

hate to burst your bubble but lol when Pres Bush declared war he became comander and cheif of the armed forces. he hasnt need authorization from congress or the senate for anything he's done since he declared war. i do hand the FN weasel this much he was smart enough to declare war right after 9/11 attacks so he could finish carrying out a agenda that was worked out many yrs ago. this agenda is coming full circle and coming to and end with new not so good things on the short horizion. dont believe me sit back watch and see i didnt believe it long time ago when i was 1st informed now i laugh and say wow they where right. the fn nazi {patriot} act gave him even broder abuses over the american ppl and he used fear as the engine to get him there. sound like few others outta history eh
Maj.PotHead- Just so everyone knows, the President cannot declare war. Only Congress can declare war. Once they declare war, THEN, the president has wartime powers. What Bush has been doing is legal manuvering to have wartime powers without actually relying on Congress to declare war.

In fact, the last time the USA has declared war was in 1941. Yet, since then, presidents like Eisenhower (Korea), Kennedy (Vietnam and Cuba), Johnson (Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos), Nixon (Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos), Reagan (Granada and Panama), HW Bush (Iraq) and W Bush (Iraq and Afghanistan) have used our military to invade foreign countries when they clearly should not have done so without a formal declaration of war.

When Bush "declares" war, it's a PR stunt to get trick the people into thinking that the President is the one who delcares war, so nobody complains when he sends the military to invade and occupy other countries.

Personally, I think Congress should have grown the balls to issue a formal declaration of war against Afghanistan prior to invading. Even though I'm not a huge fan of the Iraq occupation, I also think Congress should have declared war before allowing Bush to send troops in.

My guess is that globalists don't want the First World to declare war on anyone, since the political ramifications and diplomatic mess it would create would hinder their goal of establishing a world government. IOW, it's a lot easier to get several countries to agree to a unified government if there isn't the spectre of a recent, formal war on people's minds.
Fuck Ron Paul and Bob Barr. Ron Paul knows nothing about economics. He kept shouting gold standard gold standard like it would be actually helpful. There isn't enough gold in the entire world to equal the united states budget period. He was acting like the price of gold going up would help stabilize the economy. Part of the point of a to a fiat system is that it isn't tied to anything so that they don't have to determine how much is the price of gold going up and how much is the currency going up. Oh and when it is going up economists have to use their powers more instead of less which makes the economy MORE unstable.

If you want to give giant corporations the power to collude, corner all markets and drive prices way up, take away all environmental laws, take away all safety regulations on car manufacturing, and have corporations run literally everthing in this country by all means vote libertarian.

Screw McCain too. Trying to feed me that we are "winning" a civil war that has lasted for the last 80 years between 5 groups of people who are receiving weapons, men, and training from Iran which has over 80million people. We should have evacuated everyone except for a small few to have embassies and keep an eye on the government instead of trying to install some stupid democratic puppet governemnt in a country that DOES hate democracy.

I'm voting Obama he has the least stupid policy out of any of them. Get out of Iraq within first year of presidency, lower defense spending which is currently 80% of the US discretionary budget and who knows how much of the undiscretionary budget and spend more on homestead policies. We already have state health care (SIFE) so nationalizing the program isn't the worst of ideas. He believes in expanding spending on renewable and nuclear energy which will make america cleaner without some stupid carbon tax that screws over citizens while allowing giant corporations to pollute as much as possible.


I'm not an economist and don't have the economic knowledge Ron Paul has, but I think his plan is related to putting value on the dollar based on the amount of gold we have. It gives it a hard value, and prevents the federal reserve from printing money out of thin air, which they do. Similar to having dollar bills in hand, and a credit card. The bills are hard, they can only go so far, if you don't have enough bills, you can't buy any more. With the credit card, you can buy without actually having the bills, and go in debt, which is what we do. What we do is go in debt, print more money, and devalue the dollar. It's flawed and corrupt I'm sure somewhere down the line.

Edit - Just as an aside, the value of the US dollar has decreased. The value of gold has increased. If the US dollar was backed by the value of gold, I would think, the value of the US dollar would increase as well.

I think the banking system are the people who kept Ron Paul out of the media. And why would that be? The majority of Americans are certainly not economists. But like I said before, money gained somewhere is involved.
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texsativa said:
I'm not an economist and don't have the economic knowledge Ron Paul has, but I think his plan is related to putting value on the dollar based on the amount of gold we have. It gives it a hard value, and prevents the federal reserve from printing money out of thin air, which they do. Similar to having dollar bills in hand, and a credit card. The bills are hard, they can only go so far, if you don't have enough bills, you can't buy any more. With the credit card, you can buy without actually having the bills, and go in debt, which is what we do. What we do is go in debt, print more money, and devalue the dollar. It's flawed and corrupt I'm sure somewhere down the line.

Edit - Just as an aside, the value of the US dollar has decreased. The value of gold has increased. If the US dollar was backed by the value of gold, I would think, the value of the US dollar would increase as well.

I think the banking system are the people who kept Ron Paul out of the media. And why would that be? The majority of Americans are certainly not economists. But like I said before, money gained somewhere is involved.

Going to gold standard does not mean the government can't go into debt like you said. Tons of governements have gone into debt with gold backing their currency. We do not "print more money". We increase the rate of our Treasury Bills(a loan) so that more people invest in them. For the last 60 years the United States has been known worldwide for being the most honest lender in the world. As a result our T-Bills are much more attractive than ones that even have higher rates. The low value of the dollar is a choice by the federal government to have competitive exports with countries like China (who by the way has extremely low valued currency and is experiencing 20% economic growth quarterly). There is nothing stopping them from having a strong dollar policy if they wanted too. You might wanna look at Great Britian in the 1970s and Margret Thatcher's policies to see why we don't employ a strong dollar policy. If you think the capitalism is flawwed go live in north korea or something, but don't tell me the Fed is corrupt with no evidence to support it. Before allen greenspan retired he served for over 20 years as fed chairman, was widely respected by democrats republicans and independents, graduated top at his class at an Ivy league school. The Fed is the most respected job an economist can get and is highly sought after. You have absolutely no evidence of any corruption and don't even have a knowledge of US economic policy so next time think before you speak or endorse a candidate. And by the way I did graduate top of my class at an ivy league school as a double major in economics and finance, so don't try to claim I'm ignorant or something.

Oh yeah and if there's one thing bankers like me control it's the media. Do you even know how stupid and crazy you sound?
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Thank you for the respectful post, DarkLurker. A government could still go in debt with gold backed dollars, of course. But the government would have to buy more gold to print more money, keeping the value constant. They would not have the option to devalue the dollar.

And someone most definitely wanted to keep Ron Paul out of the media. Who? I can only speculate. And he has come down pretty hard on the federal reserve.
texsativa said:
Thank you for the respectful post, DarkLurker. A government could still go in debt with gold backed dollars, of course. But the government would have to buy more gold to print more money, keeping the value constant. They would not have the option to devalue the dollar.

And someone most definitely wanted to keep Ron Paul out of the media. Who? I can only speculate. And he has come down pretty hard on the federal reserve.

No, the currency still gets devalued. Sorry, doesnt work that way.

Once again the government does not print more money. It makes loans called Treasury Bills.

Those evil bankers must have done a pretty bad job keeping him out of the media. He was polling under 3% nationally and appeared on Leno, Real Time with Bill Maher, CNN Headline News for a full hour, CNN with Lou Dobbs, another 7 different times on CNN, Fox News with Neil Cavuto, The Daily Show, The Colbert Report, MSNBC with Tucker Carlson, Fox Business 5 different times, ABC news 7 different times, NBC news 5 times, CBS news 4 times, and public television.

Mabye he wasn't on Telemundo or something. Then again facts and reason aren't really a Ron Paul supporter's strong suit are they :bashhead:
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Ron Paul will not win so get over it. Obama will only support the blacks and vice versa but those are voters that didn't give a crap before. I guess I better save up my pay before I have to give it up to those that think I owe them something that happened b4 my family ever got here. Get a job,watch over your constantly pregnant daughters who think that I have to pay for them to lay down with anything,quit telling me that I have to watch how I think lest I am a bigot when your churches spray hate and bigotry from the pulpits. legalization has got to be done legislativly not through a president. Get real and get a life!
texsativa said:
The snub by the media was blatant. Here are some good clips of Dr. Paul.

1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ji_G0MqAqq8

2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gldETRlhiXk&feature=related

You're still sticking to that huh. Even after all the shows I listed he was on.
haha whatever man. He was totally snubbed by bankers that control the media like you said. He is also an economic genius without ever taking a single economics class. Certainly not crazy and anti-semetic spouting rhetoric sounding exactly like hitler's early speeches.


the Lion is going Guerrilla...
princess cronic said:
Ron Paul will not win so get over it. Obama will only support the blacks and vice versa but those are voters that didn't give a crap before. I guess I better save up my pay before I have to give it up to those that think I owe them something that happened b4 my family ever got here. Get a job,watch over your constantly pregnant daughters who think that I have to pay for them to lay down with anything,quit telling me that I have to watch how I think lest I am a bigot when your churches spray hate and bigotry from the pulpits. legalization has got to be done legislativly not through a president. Get real and get a life!

Wow, that was really lame. I think you have some issues you need to work out within yourself...


Active member
princess cronic said:
Ron Paul will not win so get over it. Obama will only support the blacks and vice versa but those are voters that didn't give a crap before. I guess I better save up my pay before I have to give it up to those that think I owe them something that happened b4 my family ever got here. Get a job,watch over your constantly pregnant daughters who think that I have to pay for them to lay down with anything,quit telling me that I have to watch how I think lest I am a bigot when your churches spray hate and bigotry from the pulpits. legalization has got to be done legislativly not through a president. Get real and get a life!
amen!!! finally someone without there head in the sand...running around saying wow maaannnnn....keep on working...million's on wellfare depend on you.. :muahaha:


the Lion is going Guerrilla...
Btw, blacks aren't the only ones who are on welfare and public aid. Ever hear of something called white trash? Like I said, issues...

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