you mastiff lovers are gonna dig this
if you haven't already seen it.......
Personally i`d leave Corsos & Canarias alone , there are better Mastiffs than those .
I believe the Canarias are banned as a breed in UK because of the unpredictability of the breed .
We have an English mastiff near us not quite 2yr old & massive , on his way to 250lb & as soft as butter & uses kids as pillows .
Nobody has mentioned Douge de Bordeaux , HOOCH made them famous , our favorite dog , we had a x of this breed & one of the loveliest dogs we`ve ever owned .
Hi there..
What dogs have you handled/lived with before, Do I understand correctly that this will be your first dog? I would definately not recommend any "heavy duty" dogs as a first dog.
I know someone with 2 corso, and believe, they are not a dog to be taken lightly, or taken on without being 100 percent prepared,aware and certain in your own ability to handle the dog. How big are you, I'm 5ft9 and weigh 10 stone soaking wet, and I can struggle to hold my Weimaraner if he suddenly decides to chase a bird or follow a scent or something and catches me by surprise.
If you havent had experience with something like a boxer or bully, or at least a large high energy working breed, I wouldnt go for a Corso or Presa Canario.
Any mastiff is a big dog to be out of control, but the more hardcore game types-the breeds which havent been softened up for showing purposes bring a whole new level of intensity to it, so you have got to KNOW that you will be able to train the dog and handle him, and that you can keep the dog in your property-flimsy fences will not cut it.
Sorry to be a downer, however if you really want a massive dog as the 1st, then an English mastiff from solid pet lines would probably be ok as a 1st dog, they are gentle giants on the whole.
MJBadger-I think you are confusing the Canario with the Dogo Argentino, the only banned breeds in the UK are, American Pit Bull Terrier(or dog that fits the "Pit-Bull type"), Fila Brasiliero, Dogo Argentino, and Japanese Tosa.
I've been leaning toward the African Boerboel..It's between that or Rottys.
The Boerboel is a large, mastiff dog breed from South Africa, bred for the purpose of guarding the homestead. These dogs were often a first line of defense against predators and were valuable in tracking and holding down wounded game. Old farmers tell many tales of the strength, agility, and courage of their Boerboels.
I'm just trying to keep the tweekers and rippers off my Labs,Bonnie and Clyde do a good job,but they are over seven now,so the research begins...
I have a neapolitan mastiff, they're an extremely smart dog and have nothing but good traits as far as I'm conserned. My 2c
Except the fact that the breed is still relatively new so to speak and its inbred. I love the Mastino Napoletano but they have a lot of health problems and they are very expensive for a good line. I'd love to have another one but I'd rather go with a Bordeaux or Cane Corso...Ideally a Mastino Napoletano Cane Corso cross...
New to the competitive world, very old breed though, original Roman "dogs of war" and all...