Anyone in central Ma. Know a good place to source quality organic soil amendments? Like 50 pound bags of kelp meal, fish bone meal, high quality worm castings? Just hunting for things and the internet isn't helping
Pharaoh's kush, that was from OverGrow, right. Sounds like you got some good ones.
I just checked my germing seeds last night and have allot of planting to do today.
Garden is in better shape this year than it was last at this time. As I said before I burned everything in the garden a couple weeks ago. Planned to pick up the last of my amendments this weekend but didn't go as planned due to the virus but hopefully can take care of it tomorrow to be tilled in this week. Got a huge oak tree that hung over the back side of the garden taken down as well as a bunch more. Will be very happy to not deal with it dropping caterpillars on the girls plus the debris that would have to constantly cleaned out to avoid bud rott.
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What's the latest you guys have ever started seeds?