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Massachusetts Grow 2020


ICMag Donor
It does help allot to get them going early if you can.
It's all about getting more tops.


Active member
I've started a few. I think they're like 10-12 years old so not too sure what my germ rate will be.

If they're not up in a week or so I'll try some fresher beans.


Active member
Anyone in central Ma. Know a good place to source quality organic soil amendments? Like 50 pound bags of kelp meal, fish bone meal, high quality worm castings? Just hunting for things and the internet isn't helping :tiphat:

They're not in Central MA, but Fedco Seeds in ME will ship you a 50 lb bag of fish bone meal. Or a pallet, if that's your style.
Sup, all. Hi, Zeez. We met at the Genetraders down by the river sampling some GG4 from OGDW. I’ve gotten most of my clones from GT events, some duds but mostly legit...
Just caught this thread n chiming in before reading up on last year’s thread. I’ve got some Pharaoh’s kush just getting into veg, still unsexed, that wb going outdoors.
Caught Chunky b4 he left and got clones n beans from his generous self. Waiting on OGKB 2.0 and wedding cake clones to root, and they wb going outside also...Tempted to pop some Durban x ogkb2.0, undecided.
Amending last years’ od soil soon, just put it in kiddie pool w clear plastic over it yesterday.
- PeaceNTrees


ICMag Donor
Hey Cannasseurrr. Good to hear from you.

Pharaoh's kush, that was from OverGrow, right. Sounds like you got some good ones.

I just checked my germing seeds last night and have allot of planting to do today.
Pharaoh's kush, that was from OverGrow, right. Sounds like you got some good ones.

I just checked my germing seeds last night and have allot of planting to do today.

Yup, OverGrow/Pioneer Valley Genetics’ Pharaoh’s kush is (LongValleyRoyalKush x BlackLimeReserve) x AncientOG. Haven’t grown it b4 but hoping for good things.


It feels so nice to finally have some sunshine over this state, I hope you guys are enjoying this nice weather. Only a few more weeks until outdoor season officially kicks off :biggrin:

Our greenhouse took a beating this winter and totally collapsed from the snow, don't know if we're going to rebuild or what just yet.

Here is a picture of mine from last season, not sure I want to grow such large plants this year, if I do it at all I might hold back later in the season and do a few smaller ones.



Not Veteran
Garden is in better shape this year than it was last at this time. As I said before I burned everything in the garden a couple weeks ago. Planned to pick up the last of my amendments this weekend but didn't go as planned due to the virus but hopefully can take care of it tomorrow to be tilled in this week. Got a huge oak tree that hung over the back side of the garden taken down as well as a bunch more. Will be very happy to not deal with it dropping caterpillars on the girls plus the debris that would have to constantly cleaned out to avoid bud rott.




Well-known member
Obviously it's too early, but I put a few "NL5" bagseed plants outside earlier today... I fully expect they'll herm and I'll have to yank them, but that's okay... I realized I probably needed to up-pot a few other plants and there simply wasn't enough room left, so the NL5s had to go. I'll use them as a bit of an experiment to see how much light my chosen grow spot gets at different times of day.


Not Veteran
Finally got all my amendments so will hopefully get it all tilled in by the weekend :woohoo: Per another members recommendations and what I could afford it's as follows.

To be tilled in:
50 #s chicken manure pellets organic no hormones
40 #s alfalfa meal down to earth
90 #s wiggly worm castings
25 #s bone meal down to earth
50 #s rice hulls
10 #s humid acid
40 #s lime pellets
50 #s gypsum

Top dressing once tilled:
1.25 yards compost
5 inches of pine bark mulch

Plan to water in fish emulsion as needed as well as some top dressing in flower TBD. Hopefully this goes well this year :dance013:


You can start seeds any time thru July.

Obviously the days get shorter and shorter and this effects the time it will have to veg and ultimately the yield. If you don't care about that and don't mind small plants youve got time.

I started some c99s very late last year and they finished about 4' tall and produced a few ounces each.

To grow monsters you have to start early, a few months veg indoors if you want them very big.


Garden is in better shape this year than it was last at this time. As I said before I burned everything in the garden a couple weeks ago. Planned to pick up the last of my amendments this weekend but didn't go as planned due to the virus but hopefully can take care of it tomorrow to be tilled in this week. Got a huge oak tree that hung over the back side of the garden taken down as well as a bunch more. Will be very happy to not deal with it dropping caterpillars on the girls plus the debris that would have to constantly cleaned out to avoid bud rott.

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Id love to have a back yard like that in my state and not have to keep looking over my shoulder.


Active member
Getting started

Getting started

Started three each of blueberry and black pearl. The seeds are 10-12 years old, so I'm pretty pleased that 4/6 popped despite a little mis-handling on my part. They're regular seeds, so if I end up with some males I may keep them and make some seeds this year. I

I've been putting them out for a few hours during the day to harden them off.



Not Veteran
Finally got everything tilled in, why is nothing easy in this world? So I rented a tiller to make mixing in amendments easier, mind you my garden is pretty loose with no big rocks and I typically do this by hand. So I get going and get about 3/4 done when I start hearing a clanging sound so I stopped to try and figure it out. I couldn't get it to make the noise without actually tilling so I said fuck it and finished. Get done and set the tiller outside of the garden so I can rake a little. Get back to the tiller and notice it's wet underneath it. Check it out and there is a big gouge in the transmission case from one of the tines digging in to it. Was leaking transmission fluid but it seems only a little bit got in the garden as I got most of it in a container I put under it. Returned it today and luckily they must have made enough money from renting it over time because they didn't charge me any extra. Gotta order my compost and mulch today so I can get it spread this weekend, hopefully that goes better :tiphat:

Green Squall

Well-known member
Got my seeds wet yesterday and will put them under the lights in the coming days. A later start than I wanted, but it is what it is. Gotta roll with the punches. 3 Erdpurt - 3 Chitrali #2 - 1 Alaskan Purple Auto....Also have about 14 cubic feet of soil mixed, which will probably leave me with extra for my vegetable plants.

Anyone else get any weather this evening? The thunder and lightening just hit us here on the coast and it coming down pretty hard.


ICMag Donor
I saw the radar and it looked like it was tearing up central MA around dinner time.


Well-known member
We had a drencher last night. Brief tornado warning that I missed until it was basically over, but got super dark out of the blue. Thankful not to have lost power.