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Mass of an ass going critical

White Beard

Active member
America is so upside down over 9-11.

Israel did 9-11 with assistance from Israel supporters in the US gov. & other members of the Crime/Petroleum cartel, i.e. Saudi Arabia.

And now idiots like Bolton & Trump are threatening to use US might against Iran, the company whose leader the US over-threw in the mid-50's.

In other words, Israel, the hyper-hostile hyper-racist state, is using the US to attack Israel's enemies.

This is not your father's Oldsmobile/America.
I agree to this extent: Israel seems to have learned some very bad lessons from the Shoah, and they seem to be busy implementing them against the Palestinians at will with US blessings and US munitions

The “special relationship” between the US and Israel seems like a horrifically creepy arrangement, and I would be in favor of withdrawing aid from Israel and otherwise pressure them to act civilized.

Totally not my very-conservative-but-wouldn’t-fall-for-this-shit father’s United States of America
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ICMag Donor
The smallest mushroom in the line up...


Catching up on last thursday's Jimmy Kimmel Live.
They have Stormy Daniels picking trumps dick out of a line up of mushrooms.


I agree to this extent: Israel seems to have learned some very bad lessons from the Shoah, and they seem to be busy implementing them against the Palestinians at will with US blessings and US munitions

The “special relationship” between the US and Israel seems like a horrifically creepy affangement, and I would be in favor of withdrawing aid from Israel and otherwise pressure them to act civilized.

Totally not my very-conservative-but-wouldn’t-fall-for-this-shit father’s United States of America

I believe the US is now an Israeli or Zionist puppet state, or it was before Trump stole the election. And it's been like this for a very long time. A lot of very odd coincidences start making a lot of sense once you look at the situation from this angle.


Active member
I believe the US is now an Israeli or Zionist puppet state, or it was before Trump stole the election. And it's been like this for a very long time. A lot of very odd coincidences start making a lot of sense once you look at the situation from this angle.

Gotta just control banking and media the rest shall fall right into place


Agreed, I think that's why he started strong trying to improve things and just instantly got shut down at every turn. He was just a boomer that figured we were all the same people, the American people and all wanted to see America improve.

Hopefully by now he's connected the dots where all these dual citizenship individuals are concerned. He might have realized the swamp as he called it was just another part of the JQ. Must be hard though, all of his kids were latched onto by them. But it makes total sense for the children of any random wealthy person to be considered a prime host for them.


Inveterate Tinkerer
ICMag Donor
oh my, re writing history now are we? tell me, why did the customer in this case suddenly get mad at the seller? it just suddenly happened did it?

do you understand sovereign immunity? it's totally bogus to use your own nations court to declare another nations guilt and then use that to justify stealing actual money that was paid.

you can't have it both ways, the US don't allow Vietnam to sue you for agent orange, you don't allow Iraq to sue you for depleted uranium, invasion without UN mandate and torture of prisoners. until you allow all those cases to come forward any cases against Iran can be ignored as biased and one sided.

if it's me and my customer gets mad suddenly, ill offer the money back or produce the goods agreed on. i don't just rip them off using some bogus excuse which has nothing to do with the business deal. the US is still angry that they nationalized their oil and dared to reverse the cia coupe.

The "customer" was not the original customer, and they were ostensibly attempting to get the multi-national peace-keeping forces out of Lebanon. Apparently you think that excuses them from executing a terror attack on a US facility in a different nation and that they should be held harmless from losing their predecessor's money.

Yes, I understand sovereign immunity. If you are stretching it to mean Iran in this case, they could declare themselves immune from a judgement but that gets considerably more difficult when the other guys were holding their money. Oh yeah, it's totally bogus that 241 dead US soldier's families should get any compensation from a terror attack carried out while trying to keep a bunch of fanatics from killing one another, done at the behest of the Iranian government.

Ever heard of the Lockerbie settlement?

As I said, it wasn't the original customer, it wasn't a bogus excuse, and most of the US hasn't a clue who the Shah was.

Incidentally, perhaps you can explain what rationale you think exists to repay money to an entirely different government than the defunct one whom you contracted with, but happens to occupy the same real estate and is engaged in be trying to make war with you? If anything, the money should have gone back to the Shah's descendants.

This is ridiculous, you’re so busy trying to stuff this with insults that it makes no sense. Really bad analogy, misapplied AND strained to the breaking point.

I would say, “try again”, but I won’t.

It wasn't my analogy, I merely adjusted Gaiusmarius' to more closely incorporate what really took place, and there were no insults included.

Try again.
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Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -

This is interesting concerning Israeli - USA media relations - The Hasbara Project.

White Beard

Active member
I believe the US is now an Israeli or Zionist puppet state, or it was before Trump stole the election. And it's been like this for a very long time. A lot of very odd coincidences start making a lot of sense once you look at the situation from this angle.

Respectfully, I disagree: US evangelicals are far more powerful in our power structure, and *they* drive the bizarre relations w/ Israel. To them, *THEY* are the *real* Israelites, and to them, Israel MUST exist until “Jesus comes back” so HE can offer the Jews the choice between salvation and destruction.

See “Rev. James Hagee” for just one of the figures involved. For the moment, we’re much more a Russian puppet state.

St. Phatty

Active member
Ever heard of the Lockerbie settlement?

The one time I dug into it, the official Lockerbie story was slightly incredible.

Not as science fiction ish as the official 9-11 explanation.

But the Official Lockerbie story relies on a magic suitcase that made its way from conveyor to conveyor.

Was it an act of asymmetric warfare, or an assassination ?


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This is interesting concerning Israeli - USA media relations - The Hasbara Project.

the good old hasbara troll army of Israel. they were the first to start trying to influence people on social media in a professional and industrial scale. in fact they are the inventors of troll factories lol. they opened up various projects for folks to earn some extra cash patrolling the internet for anything that infringes on their zionist ideology. they have projects for school kid, hasbara projects for military, both paid and voluntarily in your free time. they realized that social media is a powerful weapon in the information war, so they flood the message boards and comments sections with pro Israel, and extreme anti Palestinian views and stories.

they will use the like systems to show how they are the majority, but in truth one hasbara troll can control 10 to 20 accounts and have them all seem to be real people with real profiles. sadly, many states and even fucking corporations are now using these strategies. the US is using this method on its own population, to push certain pro war scenarios and other issues that people do not naturally want.

in general humans don't want to go to the other side of the world and start killing people. we don't like war. the power of propaganda in all it's forms is shown in how many people are ok with bombing Iran for example or bombing the Syrian government, despite all common sense and decency saying to leave the place alone so it can recover. but the propaganda is so good and refined that people are on board with war nowadays and there isn't even an official peace movement, it's like Syria, Yemen, Somalia, Niger, Afghanistan and so on are fully ok to be bombed. stupid lies about terrorism or protecting civilians are all it takes and we are ready to shed our humanity and start blowing people in to pieces from the sky, we accept the collateral damage by giving it a name and pretending that it's not to be expected and that it was a mistake that the wanted guys wife and babies were at home in bed at 3am.

White Beard

Active member
Russian puppet state? Based on?? The things "credible sources" say in the media?
Oh, how ‘bout a shit-ton of confessions, guilty pleas, co-operative witnesses, multiple detailed indictments?

How ‘bout the GOP’s singleminded determination to undermine, sabotage, cover up, and preferably shut down the Mueller investigations?

But yes, I know: that’s all a dog-and-pony show for the gullible, only the huffers at the tailpipe of the “conservative” gas machine know the “truth”...everybody ELSE has been brainwashed....


Active member
love watching jidf get smashed on that anonymous alt right Himalayan palm tree pruning image sharing forum. But only muh russia meddles on the interwebs. But when Israeli handlers push it, its NEWS


Oh, how ‘bout a shit-ton of confessions, guilty pleas, co-operative witnesses, multiple detailed indictments?

How ‘bout the GOP’s singleminded determination to undermine, sabotage, cover up, and preferably shut down the Mueller investigations?

But yes, I know: that’s all a dog-and-pony show for the gullible, only the huffers at the tailpipe of the “conservative” gas machine know the “truth”...everybody ELSE has been brainwashed....

but so far, non of it shows collusion between Trump and Putin/Russia. lots of his team have done all kinds of shenanigans, but so far nothing has established the central allegation, ie Trump colluded with Russia to win the election. there has been corruption, lobbying, tax evasion, even full on tax fraud among many of the admins various employees. that in it's self is quite crass and shows what these elites get up to. the thing is this stuff is being done by dems too, there are so many Clinton foundation bribes for example. the more you dig on either parties old skeletons, the more you realized that the parties are just a big trick to keep people thinking they have something to say. anyway, they have not been able to make the; collusion to win the election charge, stick.


White beard, another thing you mentioned was how they learned these bad habits during the shoah- they've been shoah'd from countries numerous times, but it's always someone elses fault never their own. Bad stuff just seems to happen to Jews with no rhyme or reason it seems.

White Beard

Active member
What can it tell you, ancient bulls shit dies hard. Let’s see, why would “bad things” happen to a group of obviously-not-from-around-here travelers end up in Christian lands? What if a group of ignorant but god fearing peasants learns that they’re Jews, who they believe killed Jesus, decided to punish that pack of travellers for the crucifixtion?

Think that might add up during the centuries of repetition? Think they just might become the people for who it’s okay if bad things happen?

I don’t think religion is considered a disqualification if you have enough money: super-elite wealth is super-elite wealth, after all.


White beard, another thing you mentioned was how they learned these bad habits during the shoah- they've been shoah'd from countries numerous times, but it's always someone elses fault never their own. Bad stuff just seems to happen to Jews with no rhyme or reason it seems.

there have always been demagogues, who will use the minority to point to and blame for all the ills being suffered by the population. any time bad shit happens, the ruler who mostly let it happen by being lazy, greedy and incompetent will come out and shout the loudest blaming some minority or another for all the problems folks are complaining about.

while there might have been a couple of Jewish speculators historically or money lenders, they, normally left places well before shit hit the fan. i don't share the belief that Jews some how deserved being kicked out etc, they were often being scape goated or paying for the crimes of a very few amongst them.


The shoah that I believe he was referencing followed on the heels of the Weimar republic, which might have accounted for some of the sentiment.