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Mass Grass 2018

High winds and rain just passed through. Knocked over my 12 footer and my 15 footer :( The only positive is the greenhouse frame is acting like a trellis, and kept it from completely falling on the ground. Will have to go out tomorrow at some point to see what I can do, probably cut a few branches to prevent to much crowding.


Active member
Yeah but it hasn't finished yet. looks like 3 more weeks maybe.

My 3 Bangi’s have resisted the Mold as well but it’s looking like they will need to make it until late October. Sadly my personal patch was molested a few weeks back and the purps took the top 3’-4’ feet off them. Foolishly I didn’t have any alarms or cameras guarding them. Lesson learned, even extremely premature, value less plants need protection.
My 3 Bangi’s have resisted the Mold as well but it’s looking like they will need to make it until late October. Sadly my personal patch was molested a few weeks back and the purps took the top 3’-4’ feet off them. Foolishly I didn’t have any alarms or cameras guarding them. Lesson learned, even extremely premature, value less plants need protection.

That sucks. Now that they know where they are... they will likely sneak back and take more.

I'd be camping out there... waiting.
Someone's hands would be getting broken.
I have been lucky with nobody stealing my stuff. Def. a few dozen people out there aware of whats in my backyard. I have a little Bangi doing 'well', but I don't know if it will finish up in October. I think Halloween would be the earliest I could harvest, with first week of November being likely. Even with a frost warning at some point, I won't cut it early.


Just this guy, ya know?
My 3 Bangi’s have resisted the Mold as well but it’s looking like they will need to make it until late October. Sadly my personal patch was molested a few weeks back and the purps took the top 3’-4’ feet off them. Foolishly I didn’t have any alarms or cameras guarding them. Lesson learned, even extremely premature, value less plants need protection.
Man that fuckin sucks. Those fuckers will get their's don't worry, karma is a 0 sum game. Doesn't make it any easier for you though. If you supply the shotgun, I can camp that shit like a counter strike CT at the bomb defusal site.:biggrin:


Active member
Thanks guys. It’s been one of the toughest seasons I can remember with the thieving, leaf spotting and now the mold that accompany’s the leaf spotting lol. I knew growing right in my yard was going to be a bit of a gamble. I live in a decent neighborhood but there are lots of high school aged kids and a few dirt bags junkies that prowl around here. I do have cameras and motion activated alarms that would have notified me had I set them up, foolish me. I’ve been doing this a long time and have lost quite a few guerrilla patches to the rippers and the po-po but having someone hop your fence and steal your shit feels a little different, a little more personal. Fortunately I didn’t put all my eggs all in one basket and have several more nice patches but these were my biggest plants. I put a lot of work into these plants from building the soil to painfully staking all the branches to erecting cages and these pricks came in and ruined it all in one night. Worst of all was their blatant disrespect of the plant, they pulled and hacked and utterly beat the shit out the the plants during the heist. The plants were all 7’-9’ and the few biggest had 30’ plus circumferences, Bastards.


Feeding the ducks with a bun.
A buddy of mine caught someone of, let's say a foreign persuasion, hopping his fence and attempting to steal the tops off his plants.
He has a Ring brand floodlight cam set up on a pole, hidden in some trees near his back yard plants which alerted him to the intrusion.
He ran out in the middle of the night with a baseball bat and the thief ran off, dropping his clippers and most of what he had attempted to steal.
The Ring camera/lights is pretty slick. Great resolution and a siren with the lights is a good combo for 250 bucks.



ICMag Donor
Sorry to hear about this gents. All the hard work and some asshole.......


$$ ALONE $$
Im getting really anxious about rippers cauze I cant take anything till the 4th the earliest. Even then its a week early. The Hammers Kush is extremely rot prone in high humidity. Its been 100% RH for weeks at a stretch. Wettest season ever! Just my luck! Its been pouring super hard for 2 days. Then its nice for 3/4's of a day. Then pours for another 2 days. :wallbash: :cry: :fsu:
Ive only lost about 2 ounces to rot but its only gonna get much worse much faster as they try and finish in these freezing cold downpours.


ICMag Donor
I lost about 4 big stems and a bunch of worthless ones to caterpillars.

Found mold on about a 6 popcorn buds. Cut em off and all good. Hammers Kush is solid.

It's pouring again today.


$$ ALONE $$
Look on the insides of the buds. Open them up alittle. Sometimes the buds look perfect on the outside but the rot is starting from the inside and making its way outward. Just stay vigilant. The season still has 2 more weeks for those HK's. The C-Banana in the cross is what makes it rot prone. This rain is killing me!


ICMag Donor
They're good. I hit em with GC a while ago. Maybe one last shot of GC today if the rain stops.

Raining Wicked. :laughing: Gotta get the leaf blower out.

OGKB looks real close. I thought it would be last. Forums are just starting to beef up the buds now and looking frosty.


Not Veteran
They're good. I hit em with GC a while ago. Maybe one last shot of GC today if the rain stops. Gotta get the leaf blower out.

OGKB looks real close. I thought it would be last. Forums are just starting to beef up the buds now and looking frosty.

Have the same experience as you with those strains. This rain! On our 4th inch this week, gonna take the PHC on sunday so I don't lose too much of it. If we can make it through the weekend we should have a week of decent weather. Gonna have to babysit them and take as needed but really trying to harvest the 13th.


$$ ALONE $$
Im not gonna be able to take mine till the 10th or 12th. Thats when they should be done. On week 7 1/2 now. Gotta go to the grow again today and shake all the rain off. Hopefully the HK's dont rot to bad by the 5th. UUHHGG! Amazing how much rain were getting so damn close to harvest.


Just this guy, ya know?
Heard you guys like rain, so we put rain in your rain so it can rain while it rains.

Max Q

Active member
Chopped a Scout Breath today.

Took a couple buds from scrawny under branches that should have been trimmed off long ago and dried them in the toaster oven. Niiiiice.

Ha!..... sounds good, really enjoying your grows.... this is my favorite thread, being a masshole myself. I've got a GMO Cookies tester bud drying in my toaster oven as I type.

I've got some of Chunky's Scout Breath seeds will be trying them out indoors this winter.