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Marley Cannabis Brand

Elmer Bud

Genotype Sex Worker AKA strain whore
Bob would turn in his grave

G`day Harry

I was thinkin . Bob was in the music Biz .

“The music business is a cruel and shallow money
trench, a long plastic hallway where thieves and
pimps run free, and good men die like dogs.
There's also a negative side.”

― Hunter S. Thompson

Not that different to the seeds biz ? Easy transition ??

Thanks for sharin

EB .

Elmer Bud

Genotype Sex Worker AKA strain whore
G`day WTID
All bud associated with his name needs to be sold with the true story of Bob and how jerks implanted a nail in his gifted boots and pricked his toe and gave him a disease/poison that spread from his foot killing him eventually.

Nail in the boot ?
That`s a new one to me . Story I heard was he damaged his foot playing Street Soccer .
Turned into a rare form of skin cancer . That initiates in the the palms of the hands or the soles of the feet .

Are you inferring a CIA plot ??

Thanks for sharin

EB .
Rita marley has sold out bob's name all she possibly can already ,Of course she's going to try to get in on the u.s. weed craze. I'm sure he would be more bummed about his face on a t-shirt at wallmart that was made in a sweat shop.

Cool Moe

Active member
The head dude from Privateer Holdings said in a Forbes magazine article that Chocolope and Pineapple Kush were some of Bob Marley's favorite strains. Newsflash to the head of Privateer--Bob died in 1981. Blatant misinformation like that coming from the head of the largest corporate cannabis entity in the world is not a good sign of what lies ahead.


Well-known member

Privateer wants Marley Natural to sell products that the firm and the late-musician’s family feel would have had Marley’s stamp of approval. “We’re looking at more of the traditional Jamaican strains — the Pineapple Kushes and the Chocolopes [and other Jamaican strains] that would have been consumed by Bob Marley himself — as some of the foundations of this brand,” Kennedy says. The brand will also have “a strong social conscience,” according to the Privateer announcement, and Kennedy says he expects the brand to actively contribute to charities.

Hide yo seeds hide yo clones they rapin every one up in here

In another paragraph they said they were going to work with Jamaican landraces and then they mention a chocolate thai hybrid and some shitty kush, lmao!
At first I was in support of this but as the carpet rolls out it seems to be more of a tattered rug hehe

If that quote is real I just can't help but to think they will make it nowhere.

How about us true cannabis lovers bring lambsbread to the community of those who appreciate it. All the while never collecting a cent, nor taking credit for it. Sounds like something Bob would light up for ;)


Active member

Their is already a strain called Marley's collie. What about Jamaican Lambs Breed?

This is a fake knock off strain. Bob's strain is dominant in reggae cures cancer and heals the mind and comes in red, yellow and orange hairs in a lime green bud.

All bud associated with his name needs to be sold with the true story of Bob and how jerks implanted a nail in his gifted boots and pricked his toe and gave him a disease/poison that spread from his foot killing him eventually.

The story should also include his favorite songs listed and other great random stories about him on the back on the card included with his picture.

If your gonna do it, do it right. That's what Bob would want.

What would Bob want?

That is a bunch of crap. I knew Bob Marley, lived near him, and he bought his herb from me in the U.S. Alabama Road Kill Skunk was his favorite. I was backstage @ his concert and sang with the chorus in concert when he was the number one act in the world, along with his wives and family. He smoked huge spliffs continuously, and he didn't pass it, in Jamaican tradition. All Rastas have their own herb supply, and they don't pass it around when smoking together.
He died in 1981 from malignant melanoma, which started in his toe and eventually moved to his brain. Doctors recommended that his toe be amputated, but he refused, as it was against his religious beliefs. He died @ University of Miami hospital, where I later worked. His family still lives in Miami.
I smoked with him backstage before going on, and he is my most unforgettable character, along with Muhammad Ali. All that other stuff people posted or have written is bunk. I know what he smoked, 'cause I sold it to him.


While I do not doubt your story or facts I wonder about your conclusions that you know what he smoked.
I guess I am saying how much Cannabis did Bob smoke during his life? He smoked for about 20 years, so a few pounds a year would be 50-60 Lb, or upto 10 Kg a year if he smoked an ounce a day. If the amount was 200 kg in total he smoked and he may have bought even more for his brethren. Now how much ARKS did you sell him in total? Bob smoked much more Jamaican herb then Alabama RKS I suspect, common sense says so, as RKS was only around the last 5 or so years of Bob's life.
All that said I did see Bob a few times in Santa Cruz, took my daughter when she was 6 months old 7-18-78 and again when she was 2 on 12-2-79. The first concert was incredible, the second he seemed tired, still a great concert.
I smoked my Original Haze with Bob and band members as well as stage crew, before the first concert, he loved it. He called it Iree herb, like Jamaican he said. I do not like to pass joints either.
I got in the concert for free, RCC with me.
I do not know what to say about Bob's name being used to sell Cannabis or anything else as the family has licensed his image, name, etc to many many different products and services, Bob left no will and every family member sees his wishes differently, mostly with them at the center. Rita was removed as executor when she was proven to have forged his name in an effort to keep his assets in her name rather then to be divided by the state to his heirs.
RIP, BOB......

That is a bunch of crap. I knew Bob Marley, lived near him, and he bought his herb from me in the U.S. Alabama Road Kill Skunk was his favorite. I was backstage @ his concert and sang with the chorus in concert when he was the number one act in the world, along with his wives and family. He smoked huge spliffs continuously, and he didn't pass it, in Jamaican tradition. All Rastas have their own herb supply, and they don't pass it around when smoking together.
He died in 1981 from malignant melanoma, which started in his toe and eventually moved to his brain. Doctors recommended that his toe be amputated, but he refused, as it was against his religious beliefs. He died @ University of Miami hospital, where I later worked. His family still lives in Miami.
I smoked with him backstage before going on, and he is my most unforgettable character, along with Muhammad Ali. All that other stuff people posted or have written is bunk. I know what he smoked, 'cause I sold it to him.
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Active member
While I do not doubt your story or facts I wonder about your conclusions that you know what he smoked.
I do not know what to say about Bob's name being used to sell Cannabis or anything else as the family has licensed his image, name, etc to many many different products and services, Bob left no will and every family member sees his wishes differently, mostly with them at the center. Rita was removed as executor when she was proven to have forged his name in an effort to keep his assets in her name rather then to be divided by the state to his heirs.
RIP, BOB......

Wow! I know what he smoked in my presence because he got it from me.
What he got from me? Alabama Road Kill Skunk, which I actually got from guys in Alabama. It was top grade, and easily the best in the city. Not saying he smoked it exclusively. Of course he smoked all kinds of herb, and being from Jamaica, he smoked plenty of Jamaican herb. He was very impressed though, with the ARKS. He loved it. He also paid top dollar. In 1977-79, he was paying $225 an ounce, which was very high for that time, when you could still get bags of herb for $20-$30. Also, he smoked a lot. Huge spliffs would be typical, fatter than any joints I would roll, and he would chain smoke them at times. Always got high before concerts of course. Never passed it, LOL. That's the Jamaican way. He wasn't being selfish.
About families fighting over money: this is typical. Happens all the time. Not what he would have wanted, of course. He wasn't greedy, IMO. His last words to his son were reportedly, "money can't buy life", which was consistent with his philosophy. He died for those beliefs. It was very sad and shocking. If only he would have listened to the doctors,he might still be alive today. Of course, medicine/treatment today is more sophisticated. He tried to teach his son a life lesson on his deathbed.


Brand new oldschool
I'm curious about those Jamaican heirlooms they advertise at the website... do you think Rita and their relatives were keeping and reproducing some oldschool landraces? Or is it just hype like everytime someone wants to sell a so called Jamaican strain and used the gimmick that it was the shit that Marley used to smoke? lol.


Active member
I'm curious about those Jamaican heirlooms they advertise at the website... do you think Rita and their relatives were keeping and reproducing some oldschool landraces? Or is it just hype like everytime someone wants to sell a so called Jamaican strain and used the gimmick that it was the shit that Marley used to smoke? lol.

Think you are giving them ideas lol...That has to be the story or there is no authenticity. They cant just come out and say, actually we are using the most ubiquitous image the cannabis industry has, that resonates across cultures, ages and backgrounds...That's too HONEST!!

The whole thing is a gimmick, venture capitalists jumping on the canna bandwagon. Bob was a musician, and an entertainer, and knew what he was getting into by entering the music industry. Now when i say industry im not talking Jamaican labels and sound systems, im talking the Chris Blackwell years, the international years, the exile/exodus from Jamaica years. The western years... Bob knew the devil he was dancing with. posthumous fame is not a guarantee of humility whilst alive! I think that the REAL story of Bob is not as Romanticised as popular culture would have it seem. Not knocking the artist, but who can speak for the MAN! Not even his wife in life, it seems!

Oh and btw..Danny Baker didnt play footy against theWailers in London, he wasnt playing for NME's team at that time. But he DID sustain a toe injury as a result of playing a bit of footy
