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Marijuana Use by US Teens Rising


pretty soon theyll be selling pot in 4th grade

If you wanna see some crazy shit search google and learn about how elementary kids were smoking Smarties. Yes Smarties, the candy that comes in a clear plastic roll. Kids are getting bad. I was born in 1985 and me and my friends were stealing and smoking cigarettes at 8 years old


Lammen Gorthaur
What use makes marijuana rise other than growing? How did these so-called teens manage this feat?


This is the pro-prohibition crowd trying to make marijuana look bad.

They fail to mention in this report, that the number of teens smoking weed in Medical Marijuana states has dropped. It has stemmed the flow of weed to the youth.

Less Huffing Paint, Less taking pills they find and don't know what they are, less choking them selves to get high?

Well has it shifted the USA's number one drug problem at this time back to cannabis? It has been Pharmaceutical drugs for a while now I understand.

Lets see Deaths from Alcohol is greater than Zero and deaths from Cannabis is holding steady at zero.

If people want to experiment cannabis is a safe way to get through that phase IMO.

Safer for sure man. They gotta stay away from all that crazy shit that is out there with serious side effects!
Much safer alternative to every other substance they can, and will, get their hands on.
Science goes much further on this subject than hysteria does.


New member
How will the DEA justify its budget if marijuana is legalized? How will corporations make money jailing people if nobody was locked up for marijuana offences? How much money will the cartels lose if marijuana was legal?

Too much money to be made with the current status quo. On the otherhand when more then half the states have medical mj how will the Federal government justify walking all over the rights more the half of the population.

They can't maintain a lie this big for much longer.
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Active member
"Kids... especially during neurological development should DEFINITELY be exposed to cannabis. "

I dont know where id be if i didnt smoke weed in HS and college


Invertebrata Inebriata
"Kids... especially during neurological development should DEFINITELY be exposed to cannabis. "

I dont know where id be if i didnt smoke weed in HS and college

Maybe you wouldn't be a drooling paranoid, starting threads about how the NWO is peeking in your windows, ya nutbag.:xmasnut:

Weed- It's not for everybody.

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