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Marijuana Regulators Target Home Cultivation


Maryland will never allow cultivation in the home. They know very little about cannabis and see home cultivation as a way around the expensive dispensaries.

But I do it anyway and take the risk of a manufacturing charge.


Active member
The obvious answer to this is don't answer the door

Don't engage, as soon as you see it's police walk away and put on some headphones.

Never talk to police if you can avoid it. Yea they may be coming in, but they'll need a warrant or you'll probably be walking.

And if it's a recreational state it must be hard to get probable cause for a warrant without seeing some very specific things. A lot of their options go out the window. Especially if smell isn't limited

Any debris with THC or a dog hit would be useless yea? So they've got to see you with plant counts over the limit to convince a judge doing his job...Again presumably

Here is a great talk that has probably been posted here and every other site related to controlled substances in the english speaking world.


Now the nuances of having a medical grow may change things. But as a general principle just forcing them to get a warrant and saying nothing is almost always the most sound legal strategy

I would agree that this is good advice. You are under no obligation to answer the door.
If they had enough to bust you they wouldn't be knocking.
Just another version of the fishing trip that they use when they pull you over. Fishing for assets.


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