I certainly prefer cannabis over those Newport 100's Obama smoked for years
Now the TV news show tells you it's an "escape" like you're some kind of pussy.
Weird - ground yourself. You are measured in thought, now we need you calm enough to explain bullshit to the proles and lay-people.
I think he means to say it's way better, and that extra things we call "vices" don't do anything for society.
He is wrong, because it's a common myth that it doesn't motivate you, or you become amotivational.
A vice is your anti-anxiety medication becoming addictive, or state-sponsored gambling, or packs of cigarettes stamped with your state on it, or alcohol taxes, or you like your pain meds too much.
Those things are horrible. When is there an anxiety balance in relation to benzo's? They depopulate your coping receptors, leaving you dependent on them! Then pain meds are bad too. Doesn't matter if you're responsible.
Me? I smoke to get motivated. No kidding I will hit a bong, clean, play video games, will actually tolerate people.
It's all in my will power to not get really high before driving, or using it when I feel sad, or using it to escape.
What is escape? Reality TV, video games, a book, workoholic, cleaning non-stop, paying attention to everything around you. Now the TV news show tells you it's an "escape" like you're some kind of pussy.
All those things are escapes from oneself, and all things can stop happiness or bring it - it depends on the balance.
But what we really do, is to escape our mind's silence, because we're afraid of that.
We are afraid of ourselves - many times the beast in your dream, are you latent violent frustrated emotions, and the way you cope is to say these feelings are not yours and you disembody them, and it only appears an aggressor in your dreams.
They could also say it makes you dumb, but for me that padding, that dumbness allows me to think. My thoughts are so fast - they rush like ocean waves and crash together if they happen too fast. but flow past each other when they aren't so rushed.
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"It’s not something I encourage, and I’ve told my daughters I think it’s a bad idea, a waste of time, not very healthy," [/FONT]
<sup>1</sup>viceYes, but if his daughter doesn't need medicine, she doesn't need it.
She doesn't need it anymore than skydiving or remote control cars, but that would be a waste, if one weren't interested in it.
It's not that she won't do it - it's that she has other things filling up her time.
Back to the "vice" thing people seem to think I mean.
I put it in quotes because it's obviously subjective.
I cannot for the life of me see how a supposedly intelligent man that is doing what his advisors tell him to do tells us that marijuana is no more dangerous than alcohol when no one dies from MJ yet booze is legal kills people costs police & medical services billions a year etc etc .
personally if our UK prime minister said anything like that i would be celebrating, big time.